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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 08/24/2016
Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
08/24/2016 Draft Meeting Minutes

Present:  Matt Cole, Allan Mayville, Michelle Plunkett, Ann Davis; Brenda Roukey attended briefly but attendance was excused for personal reasons
Others Present:  Fire Chief Alan Quimby, Deputy Chief Ed Millette

Call to order 6:45pm

Review of CIP Meeting Minutes; Motion was made by Ann Davis to accept 07/27/2016 meeting minutes as corrected; seconded by Michelle Plunkett; all in favor and accepted.

Chair Matt Cole handed out three Requests - one from Highway Dept was a clarification; two from Selectmen’s office for parking area and 2018 reappraisal.  Discussion included $18,351 balance of Town CAP RES FUND as of 2015 with addition of $10,000 only leaves $28,351 for the maintenance of town facilities and what would happen if a catastrophic event happened.    

Michelle Plunkett mentioned that it is difficult to find grants for a generator at the school and a discussion ensued about the cost of a generator large enough to accommodate the school and if used for emergency facility - $50,000-$1,000,000? Research is needed.

This issue initiated a discussion about the infrastructure and the “big picture” and the need for meeting rooms and structures that will accommodate the needs of all, and if developers continue to build, what impact it will have on Town facilities including the school.  It was agreed to add a sentence regarding a space needs committee to the CIP Recommendation Letter.  Ann will make addition to the letter for signature(s) and sending.

Fire Dept - Request for town-wide replacement of mobile radio units was withdrawn because of cost $474,500.  Most units are 10+ years old.  Fire Dept procedures are changing to include new radios when replacing vehicles and it was felt that each department do the same; also, portable units will be replaced as they fail.  Allan Mayville suggested a fund be established to replace the units if something happens or changes.  It was discussed with possible recommendation to set aside $25,000 for a town-wide expendable trust for radio maintenance repair/replacement similar to the fund for vehicles.

A discussion ensued regarding the feasibility of restoring impact fees which the CIP strongly recommends to help meet the infrastructure needs of a growing community.

A Motion was made to adjourn by Michelle Plunkett ; seconded by Allan Mayville; all in favor; Meeting adjourned 8:20pm

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Davis