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CIP Meeting Minutes 10032018
CIP Meeting - 6:30pm, October 3, 2018           Final Minutes

Members in attendance:  Matt Cole, Doug Hall, Alan Mayville, Michelle Plunkett, Dave Nelson,  Ann Davis
General Public: Donna Chagnon
Matt stated we got a late start and are streamlining the process this year by using submittal forms for only new items.  We will utilize the current spread sheet by sending it to department heads for review and ask if information should be changed or any new additions.  New additions require a submittal form.   This should eliminate repetition.  We can update cost estimates with a new spread sheet next year.
Send each department head the spread sheet and each department to look at it; we have time to send to them directly.  We need to know date of first budget process meeting so we can get information to them.  Need a CIP deadline for spread sheet so we can accomplish our duty.    
What about proposed projects, i.e., Garvin Hill Rd was not part of CIP process; this bypasses CIP and diverts the process to anticipate expenses.  Highway Dept expenses usually go through Road Advisory Committee and CIP doesn’t scrutinize it as their committee already has.  If items continue to be handled this way, it becomes common practice; and the overall process doesn’t work because the figures are unknown.  
Discussion re lease purchase also not included in CIP process, ie, defibrillators, large trucks, cruisers, etc.).  Instead of requiring $10,000 and life of 5 years going to the CIP, it should be $10,000 or life of 5 years.  And if it fits in either category, it must go through the CIP.  Questions:  Should we change the definition?  Should we leave $10,000?  The 5 year portion?  And should include lease purchase; the CIP should have all that information.  A Lease-Purchase column will be added to the spread sheet.  It will be CIP recommendation to include the Police Department.  The process makes every large purchase more transparent.
We should have enough time to get everyone on board.  If not, the board of selectmen can handle or just add line item and put it in the spread sheet.  It undermines the CIP not to have all these figures. All expenses should be included in the CIP process.  CIP also needs to touch base with all committees, commissions, Charrette group.  Letters to all so they are aware that we want anything that fits the definition “$10,000 and 5 year life” no matter how it is paid for.   
Ann to provide members with a copy of RSA 91-A right to know law information.
Election of committee chair - Doug Hall made a Motion to elect Matt Cole as Chair; Michelle Plunkett seconded; all in favor; Motion passed.
Draft copy of department letter to be approved at the next meeting.  School board will be sending CIP projects.  Deadline for submissions will be Oct 24.  
Alan Mayville made motion to adjourn; Doug Hall seconded; all in favor; meeting adjourned 7:24.

New Hampshire’s Right to Know Law, RSA Chapter 91-A, states: “Openness in the conduct of public business is essential to a democratic society. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure both the greatest possible public access to the actions, discussion and records of all public bodies, and their accountability to the people.” RSA 91-A:1.
Some boards use a simple sentence at the end of their emails:
“Please do not respond to this e-mail in any way that might violate the NH Right to Know Law.”
“Please do not expand the responses to anything that might appear to be a dialog or secret meeting that could violate the “Right to Know” laws.

See attached attorney general memorandum