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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 10/27/2009
Capital Improvement Program Committee
DRAFT Minutes 7:00 pm, October 27, 2009 DRAFT
Members present: Brian Boyer, Lisa Drouse, Doug Hall, Richard Moore

Members Absent: Matt Cole

CIP Committee Chairman Doug Hall asked Lisa Drouse to chair this meeting.
Lisa opened the meeting at approximately 7:05 pm.

A motion to accept the draft minutes from the Oct 20 meeting as written was made by Doug Hall and seconded by Brian Boyer, the motion passed.

A motion to accept the current version of the 2009 CIP report as Final was made by Richard Moore and seconded by Brian Boyer, the motion passed.

Doug Hall volunteered to ask Nancy Tanner to distribute copies of the Final CIP to the Selectmen and Department Heads.  Doug will also ask Nancy to add the CIP Committee to the Selectmen’s agenda for a meeting in the December/January timeframe to review this document and discuss its role in the budget process.

The CIP Committee agreed that we will meet again in the January 2010 timeframe to discuss CIP info for the Town Report and to discuss a CIP presentation at Town Meeting.

Doug Hall made a motion to adjourn the meeting at approximately 7:15, Lisa Drouse seconded the motion and the motion passed.