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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 10/20/2009
Capital Improvement Program Committee

Meeting Minutes
7:00 pm, Tuesday October 20, 2009

Members present: Richard Moore, Lisa Drouse, Doug Hall, Matt Cole
Members Absent: Brain Boyer (excused)

Doug Hall chaired the meeting that began at 7:10.

Motion was made by Richard to accept the September 22 minutes, second by Lisa, all were in favor.

Motion was made by Lisa to accept the October 15 minutes, second by Richard, all were in favor.

Brief discussion about posting of the meeting.  The meeting was not posted but was presented at the public hearing.  

Several edits were performed on the overall report.  

Motion was made by Lisa to approve the report as edited as a final report.  Second by Doug.  All in favor.  

Next meeting to be determined

The committee adjourned at 9:30.