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CIP Minutes 06/24/2009
Capital Improvement Program Committee
Approved Meeting Minutes
7:00 pm, Wednesday June 24, 2009

Members present: Richard Moore, Doug Hall, Lisa Drouse, Brain Boyer (arrived late)
Members Absent: Matt Cole (with prior notification)

Lisa Drouse chaired the meeting which began at 7:15.

Committee members reviewed the proposed capital project/purchase forms in the committeeís mailbox that had been submitted by town departments. New materials had been received from  Historical Society, Highway, and Parks & Recreation. Departmentsí proposed capital projects were entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Questions and need for additional information were listed.

Highway - Road Projects
Three road forms were submitted however they only included the Town Road Improvement Request Form
All projects need to include both forms - please see attached forms. Please make sure to include responses to questions page as appropriate

Please indicate to the committee the status of submitting the remaining road projects and if projects listed in last years CIP will be moving forward or not.
Highway - Vehicles
One Ton Replacement vehicle - original submission has an estimated cost of $60,000 with an inflated figure of $69,000 in 2012
Please state the year that the replacement is planned for and what is the base amount and inflated cost for this yearís process.
3/4 ton replacement -
okay as submitted - no further questions at this point
6 Wheel Dump Truck Submission
Not clear to the committee which vehicle you are replacing - are you replacing both or just one of the existing vehicles. Please also state the base cost.

Fire  Department
Fire Truck
Numbers on the form do not match quote of $199,000 included with the submission. Submission lists $315,000. Please provide a breakdown of the cost base vehicle vs. fit-up of the vehicle. Please provide a detailed quote of all equipment required for purchase.
Okay as submitted - no further questions at this point
Rescue Vehicle
Submission lists a base cost of $175,000 today. If you apply the 5% inflation factor listed the cost will be substantially more in 2019 than the $183,750 listed on the form. Please provide documentation.
It is not clear from the submission what is the cost today of replacing the 40 cylinders. What is the appropriate inflation factor to be used to project the cost in the replacement year?
Parks and Rec.
Okay as submitted - no further information requests at this point

Okay as submitted - no further information requests at this point

School District
2 items submitted
Both projects listed as 2009 - should they both be 2010?
General Government
3 items submitted - no further information requests at this point
No submission for town office expansion yet that is clearly being studied
Will need some estimate of $ amount and year(s), even if only a a placeholder
Computer Upgrade submitted in last years process for $12,000 for 2010
No submission in this years process for this project - is this project not moving forward?
Department expansion
Does something need to be submitted in an out year for department expansion?

The committee agreed that it needed to obtain clarification and details from both the Fire Department and the Road Agent by means of separate meetings with the Fire Chief and the Road Agent.

The committee canceled its previously scheduled meeting for July 7 and scheduled the following:

Monday, July 6, 7:00pm - meeting with Road Agent
Monday, July 13, 7:00pm - meeting with Fire Chief

The committee adjourned at 9:30.