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CIP Minutes 09/08/2009
Capital Improvement Program Committee
Meeting Minutes
7:45 pm, Tuesday September 8, 2009

Members present: Lisa Drouse, Brain Boyer, Doug Hall, & Matt Cole
Members Absent: Richard Moore

Doug Hall chaired the meeting that began at 7:45.

Motion was made by Doug to accept the September 1, 2009 minutes, second by Matt, all were in favor.

The committee continued its review of the CIP Recommended B worksheet.  For leveling purposes, we used an annual range of $250K to $300K per year as agreed to by most of the committee.   Lisa made the final adjustments based on our discussion and Matt made a motion to lock down and accept Recommended B as final.  Seconded by Brian, all were in favor.

The committee reviewed the CIP Draft Report as edited by the group.  Additional edits were made and Doug volunteered to make all changes to the master.  There were still a few edits that needed to be made, in which it was agreed that they would be done and sent via e-mail to the rest of the committee for final review, and Doug would enter into the master Draft version.

Doug agreed to finalize the final version of the CIP Draft Report with everyone’s edits prior to September 20th.  The rest of the committee agreed to review the final draft and hold a meeting to accept it as ‘Final Draft’ prior to September 30th.  This meeting will be set at a date and time to be determined.

The committee adjourned at 9:54pm.