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CIP Minutes 09/01/2009

Members present: Doug Hall, Lisa Drouse, Richard Moore, Matt Cole, Brian Boyer

Members Absent: none
Also Attending: none

Brian Boyer chaired the meeting that began at 7:15.

A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve the minutes of the August 27 meeting as written.

Lisa connected her laptop and the working spreadsheet was loaded for viewing and work. Lisa noted an error of $60,000 regarding the 6-wheel dump truck and corrected it. Lisa had added Doug’s revised summary table and charts to the master spreadsheet. Doug explained his slight revisions thereto. Lisa had also added “Balance of Capital Reserve Fund” projections for each year 2010-2019. Doug noted that the committee had received a letter from the Library Trustees asking to remove the “library lighting” project that they had previously submitted. That was done.

Committee members discussed at length the size of future project costs in comparison to recent years’ experience. Each committee member indicated the maximum amount that he/she felt comfortable suggesting that the town could fund from taxes. The range suggested was from $150,000 to $300,000 per year. Richard felt uncomfortable going above $150,000 and explained his reasons. He will draft a “minority report” to explain his position should the committee ultimately recommend a number that is much higher.

The committee agreed to not go forward with “Option A” because it had an average annual tax cost of $400,000.

Lisa had prepared a first draft of “Option B” that the committee discussed at length. Doug stated that he had a problem recommending the funding of completely new projects while needed maintenance or replacements were not recommended during the ten year period. After  discussion, the committee decided tentatively to remove the Carpenter Park, school ballfield, and library basement projects off the recommended list.. In addition, 7 of the proposed highway projects were tentatively listed as not recommended within the next 10 years. With those changes, Option B still averages $270,000 of tax funded capital investment, more than double recent years’ experience.

The committee decided to include in its report a new section that would list each project that is not recommended and to describe the reasons therefore.

The committee will meet with the Board of Selectmen at 7:15pm, Tuesday, September 8 and will then have its own meeting beginning about 7:45 at Town Hall.

Matt Cole left at 9:00. The committee adjourned at 9:07.