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CIP Minutes 05/13/2009
Capital Improvement Program Committee
Approved Meeting Minutes
7:00 pm, Wednesday May 13, 2009

Committee members present: Richard Moore, Doug Hall, Brian Boyer, Lisa Drouse, Matt Cole

Department heads present: Gil Vien, Fire Chief

Brian Boyer chaired the meeting.

The committee discussed the draft materials regarding 5 capital projects submitted by the Fire Department for a preliminary review. It was decided to request some clarification as well as supporting documentation for the submitted cost estimates. This was discussed with Chief Vien and he indicated he would make some revisions and submit material to support the cost estimates. Lisa will prepare a memo in that regard.

Richard asked whether the CIP committee should have a town email address. Brian will contact Lisa Stevens to determine if that would be helpful and, if so, how to set it up.

The committee discussed a sample project submission that the Road Agent and Road Advisory Committee (RAC) had prepared earlier in the week. The committee used the feedback from the RAC to suggest ways to modify the template to make it easier for the RAC while also providing better cost figures. The committee agreed to suggest to the RAC that they should provide the most detailed information for projects proposed for 2010-2013 and that less detail would be adequate for the projects proposed for later years. Brian and Lisa will prepare a memo in that regard for Jim Plunkett and the RAC.

The committee approved the minutes of its meeting of May 4 with the sole correction being the correct spelling of Matt Coleís name.

Doug agreed to cleanup the spreadsheet that the committee used last year and thereby create a base spreadsheet for this yearís work.

Lisa Drouse will chair the next meeting: 7:00pm, Wednesday, June 10.