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CIP Minutes 06/10/2009
Capital Improvement Program Committee
Approved Meeting Minutes
7:00 pm, Wednesday June 10, 2009

Members present: Richard Moore, Doug Hall, Brian Boyer, Lisa Drouse
Absent: Matt Cole (with prior notification)

Lisa Drouse chaired the meeting which began at 7:10.

Committee members reviewed the proposed capital project/purchase forms in the committeeís mailbox that had been submitted by town departments. Materials had been received only from Fire, Library, School District, and General Government. No materials were received from: Police, Historical Society, Highway, Parks & Recreation, Cemetery, Conservation, Town Clerk/Tax Collector, Building Inspector, Supervisors of Checklist, or Treasurer.

Lisa Drouse raised the need for one person to be an official Chairperson of the committee. After discussion it was moved and voted that Doug Hall would be the Chair of the committee with responsibility to centralize communication when necessary. It was also agreed that chairing of each meeting could continue to be rotated among the members.

Brian Boyer reported that while no materials had been received from Highway, he was aware of considerable work being done by the Road Agent and RAC to submit materials. He also reported that they would use the suggested forms with, perhaps, a few modifications. The committee decided to request the Highway Department to submit the most immediate projects by June 17.

After the committee completed a review of the submitted materials, it was decided to take a set of follow-up steps.

  • Richard Moore will enter submitted data into the master spreadsheet and circulate copies to committee members
  • Lisa Drouse will draft an email for Lisa Stevens to send to all department heads that had not submitted any material by the deadline.
  • Doug Hall will contact Patrick Clarke (Police) and Bob Mann (Conservation) to confirm that they have no capital project submissions to be considered.
  • Brian Boyer will contact Gil Vien (Fire) regarding clarification/additional information and Jim Plunkett (Highway) and the Chair of Parks and Recreation regarding the fact that they had not submitted any material.
  • Lisa Drouse will contact Dick Pratt (Historical Society) to confirm that they have no capital project submissions to be considered and will follow up with Pam Stiles (School) regarding clarification/additional information.
Before adjourning, the committee scheduled its next two meetings for:

Wednesday, June 24, 7:00pm.
Tuesday, July 7, 7:00pm.