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CIP Minutes 07/06/2009
Capital Improvement Program Committee
DRAFT Meeting Minutes DRAFT
7:00 pm, Wednesday July 6, 2009

Members present: Richard Moore, Doug Hall, Lisa Drouse, Brain Boyer, Matt Cole
Members Absent: none
Also Attending: Road Agent Jim Plunkett

Richard Moore chaired the meeting with began at 7:05.

The committee asked Jim Plunkett to update information he had submitted on road projects and equipment and asked questions for clarification.

Jim presented additional details in regard to the following projects: Dear Meadow Road (2009); Depot Street Bridge (2009); Canterbury Road West (2010); Lane Road (2010); Canterbury Road East (2011); East Ricker Road (2011).

Jim and the committee also discussed the following projects, for which Jim will submit additional information in the next few weeks: Perry Brook Road; Hilliard Road; Swiggey Brook Road; 5 Hills Estates; Sander Shed Roof.

Jim also answered questions the committee had in regard to: 1 ton truck replacement; 3/4 ton truck replacement; 6 wheel dump truck.

Lisa Drouse recorded cost and timing information on the committeeís working spreadsheet and will send copies to Jim Plunkett and the committee members as a record of these discussions. Brian Boyle will check with Jim to facilitate compilation of additional information for the committee.

The committee voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 24 as submitted.

Doug Hall reported that he had met with Fire Chief Gil Vien and that he had acted as scribe to record the information reported by the Chief and had helped draft a revised set of submissions for Chief Vien to review. Chief Vien will attend the next meeting to discuss the Fire Departmentís CIP requests.

The committee set the following dates for its next meetings:
Monday, July 13, 7:00pm ñ meeting with Fire Chief
Tuesday, July 28, 7:00pm ñ meeting with Road Agent
Tuesday, August 4, 7:00pm ñ general meeting

The committee adjourned at 9:40.