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CIP Minutes 07/28/2009
Capital Improvement Program Committee
Meeting Minutes 7:00 pm, July 28, 2009
Members present: Doug Hall, Brain Boyer, Matt Cole, Lisa Drouse, Richard Moore

Members Absent:
Also Attending:

Matt Cole chaired the meeting that began at 7:30.

Motion was made to accept the July 13, 2009 minutes with two edits to correct wording in first sentence and note absent members of the committees.

Committee reviewed the information in the spreadsheet to verify information that was received by department heads making any necessary edits and make note of information still required for the process.

Doug will request the capital reserve balance information from Jamie Pike.
Much of the meeting focused on the highway section of the spreadsheet. Lisa Drouse will draft and email to Jim Plunkett requesting additional information concerning projects that were submitted in last years process that we have not received any paperwork to date.

Follow-up questions for highway department:

1. Is the Canterbury Rd West project 2010 or 2011. The sheet has both years listed on it.

2. Bear Hill Road was submitted last year however we have no paperwork on that. Will this project be moving forward and if so when can the committee expect the paperwork.

3. Perry Brook, Hilliard, and Swiggy Brook Road projects – reviewed at our meeting however we have not received any paperwork. When can the committee expect to get the necessary documentation

4. The committee needs the paperwork submitted for the new roof project that was discussed at the meeting.

5. The following roads that were submitted last year however have no dollar amount associated with them in this year’s spreadsheet. If the plan is to move forward with any/all of them, the CIP committee would be looking for “placeholder” information and not the full package unless you expect to do them in the next three years. Quick description/ summary and estimated cost would be fine.

Hutchinson Road
Pleasant Street
Towle & Mason Roads - not recommended
King Road
Cross Road
Carpenter Road
Horse Corner Road

Group had discussion on assigning one person from the group own the spreadsheet during the process to maintain consistency. Motion made and seconded for Lisa Drouse to hold that position.

Matt will ask Chief Vien if the group can use the fire station for meetings moving forward to take advantage of screen and projector in order to work on the CIP spreadsheet.
The committee set the following date for its next meeting:

Tuesday, August 4, 7:00pm – general meeting – Fire Station

The committee adjourned at 8:55.