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CIP Minutes 07/13/2009
Capital Improvement Program Committee
Meeting Minutes
7:00 pm, Wednesday July 13, 2009

Members present: Doug Hall, Brain Boyer, Matt Cole
Members Absent: Lisa Drouse, Richard Moore
Also Attending: Fire Chief Gil Vien

Doug Hall chaired the meeting that began at 7:04.

Motion was made by Brian to accept the July 6, 2009 minutes, second by Matt, all were in favor.

Doug briefly summarized his meeting with Gil in regards to his submissions and explained that he acted as a secretary for Gil and helped Gil complete his submissions.  Doug stated that he did nothing more than better ëwordí Gilís submissions.  Gil reviewed all the submissions to ensure the accuracy of what he dictated and confirmed that they were all correct.

Gil went over the Fire Truck submission and stated that the truck cost is at $199,000 and outfitting is at $30,000.  Total submission adjusted for inflation should be $266,000 and will be put into 2012.  CIP currently has all the detail needed for this submission.

Forestry Truck submission was discussed and accepted as submitted.

Ambulance submission was discussed.  It is submitted for 2018 and the question was asked to what the difference was between the original submission and the new one submitted.  Gil explained that the original cost had only 1 year of inflation factor added, versus 9 years due to the 2018 submission.

Heavy Rescue Vehicle was submitted and the $100,000 cost is for a vehicle that is slightly smaller than the current vehicle.  This was not an issue.  Total cost with inflation factor of 10 years is $163,000.

SCBA submission was discussed.  Question was asked to why the cost has changed from the original submission.  Gil explained that only one year of inflation factor was added.  The new cost has included the inflation factor for 9 years due to it being in 2018.

Doug informed the group that he e-mailed Pam Stiles about the years and cost of the Schoolís submissions.  Pam replied to Doug that she will speak with the School Board and get answers back to him shortly.

The committee set the following dates for its next meetings:
Tuesday, July 28, 7:00pm ñ meeting with Road Agent
Tuesday, August 4, 7:00pm ñ general meeting

The committee adjourned at 8:10.