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CIP Minutes 08/26/2009

Members present: Doug Hall,  Lisa Drouse, Richard Moore, Matt Cole, Brian Boyer (arrived at 7:50)

Members Absent: none
Also Attending: none

Doug Hall chaired the meeting that began at 7:15.

A motion was made, seconded and voted to approve the minutes of the August 12 meeting as written.

Lisa connected her laptop to the Fire Department conference room projector and the working spreadsheet was loaded for viewing and work. She had added the summary table and chart that Doug had prepared. Lisa will soon add ìBalance of Capital Reserve Fundî projections.

Committee members discussed whether and when to present the summary of the capital projects as submitted by the department heads to the selectmen. It was decided to request that the committee be placed on the agenda of the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday, September 1, following the Boardís discussion with department heads (probably 8:00 or later). Richard suggested that a set of bullet points be created to accompany the summary chart. Committee members drafted a brief set of points that Lisa will send in draft to the committee members who should respond with any suggested changes by 8:00pm Sunday, August 30. Lisa will then print the summary for distribution to the selectmen.

Brian reported that Jim Plunkett had no changes to suggest in regard to the highway submissions. A motion was therefore made, seconded, and approved to ìlock downî the spreadsheetís "2010 Submitted" tab, representing the final list of all capital projects as submitted by the department heads.

The committee reviewed the 2009 CIP report and divided up the various sections to be drafted for the 2010 report. Each committee member volunteered to draft specific sections.

The committee discussed whether to make further changes in the ì2010 Recommended Aî tab of the spreadsheet and decided against doing so at this time. The committee further decided to prepare a "2010 Recommended B" tab to be discussed next week after the meeting with the selectmen with the idea of potentially further reducing the annual cost of capital projects. The committee decided that it may not use the ì2010 Recommended Bondî tab of the spreadsheet .

A motion was made, seconded, and voted to approve the minutes of the August 4 meeting as written.

The next meetings of the committee will be:
Tuesday, September 1, 2009, following the meeting with the selectmen (perhaps 8:30) at Town Hall.

The committee adjourned at 9:50.