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Budget Committe Minutes 11/09/2010
Meeting Date:   November 9, 2010

Minutes Prepared By:  Bruce Dyke

In Attendance:  Bruce Dyke, Norm Larochelle, Steve MacCleery, Scott Marston, John Martell, Jason Weir, Ed Millette
Location:  Grange Hall
Minutes Approved:  11/23/10

-       The meeting was called to order at 6:07pm by Bruce Dyke.

-       Bruce Dyke welcomed all committee members back for the start of the 2011 budget planning process.

-       The group discussed overall goals for this year’s budget process, with respect to things that went well and potential areas of improvement that could be applied for the coming year’s budget process.  The following two points were made:

o       Further attention should be given to budget reductions in order to eliminate the surplus we have continued to see over the last few years.  
o       More discussion/attention is needed with regard to the overall budget picture (revenue estimates, operating budget and capital expenditures) before the Budget Hearing.

-       Ed Millette told the group he had attended the CIP Committee meeting on 11/5 and provided the group with a brief overview of the topics from that meeting.  He also outlined the expenditures identified in the Capital Improvement Plan for 2011.

-       The group reviewed the budget request specific to the Town departments scheduled for budget presentations with the BoS and Budget Committee for that night.  The only area of concern noted during that review was the Library’s request for a 13% increase over last year’s budget, mainly to cover the cost of a proposed Assistant Librarian and additional custodian time.  The group discussed the issue of RSA requirements cited in the Library’s budget request as the main driver for the added position and questioned the interpretation of that RSA (whether it represented true requirements of “best practices” recommendations).  Jason suggested that it may be worthwhile for the Town attorney to review the RSA and provide input.

-       Bruce asked for volunteers to assume the Chair and Vice Chair positions within the group for the coming year.  Jason also encouraged other committee members to volunteer for either role if interested.  Bruce reminded the group that very little is required of those roles as compared to other town committees.  After a brief discussion, the group voted for Bruce and Jason to remain in their current roles.

-    Norm LaRochelle made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Scott Marston.  The vote to adjourn was unanimous and Bruce Dyke closed the meeting at 7:00pm.