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Board of Adjustment Minutes 10/20/2010

Case #232-Dawn & Debra LaCross, Map 10 Lot 3, seeking a Variance to Article III, Section 3.16 (D)[II] for an in-law addition onto existing house within the wetland buffer.

Case #233-Fuat & Leslie Ari, Map 7 Lot 5, seeking an Equitable Waiver of Dimensional Requirements to Article III, Section 3.05 (A) to permit their lot with an existing house on it as a buildable lot and accept its road frontage as is and make it a subdividable lot.

Members Present:  Mark McIntosh, Chairman; David Dobson; Richard Millette; Stephen MacCleery.
Applicants:  Dawn & Debra LaCross, Fuat & Leslie Ari
Others:  Paul Adams, Tom Jameson, Lawrence Bellemare

Several board members were unable to attend the meeting and there were only 4 voting members available instead of the usual five.  Both parties to the proceedings opted to postpone this evening’s public hearings and reconvene next Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 7:00 PM.  The board was in agreement with their decision.

Respectfully submitted,

Holly MacCleery, Secretary

Mark McIntosh, Chairman
Chichester Board of Adjustment