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Board of Adjustment Minutes 07/02/2008
JULY 2, 2008
Case #220-William & Diane Stevens Appeal From Administrative Decision of the Planning Board made on 6/5/08 for conditional approval of a go-cart track for Chucksters, Map 2 Lot 81 which abuts their property.  Property is located on the corner of Route 4 & Bailey Road.
Members Present:  Edward Meehan, Chairman; Ben Brown; Mark McIntosh; David Dobson; Tom Wainwright; Richard Millette, Alternate.
Applicants:  William & Diane Stevens
Others:  Chuck Breton, Mark Blasko, Richard Uchida, Michael Cwikla, Jeffrey Jordan, Jamie Pike, Steve MacCleery, Ewen MacKinnon.
A letter from Attn. Richard Uchida, council for Chucksters, was submitted to the board stating reasons why he felt the BOA had no jurisdiction for this appeal.  (On file)
Ed Meehan also submitted a letter from Barton Mayer, town council, as a follow-up to his telephone conversation about the appeal.  Unless there is something specifically in zoning that addresses conditional approvals, it is legal to do so.  It is not finalized until the PB Chairman signs off on it.  Another public hearing is not needed to grant final approval.  (On file)
Ben Brown moved that the Planning Board decision does not violate a specific ordinance and without violation to a specific ordinance the Board of Adjustment lacks jurisdiction to hear this appeal.
Tom Wainwright seconded.
Tom Wainwright – Yes
Ben Brown – Yes
Mark McIntosh – Yes
David Dobson – Yes
Ed Meehan – Yes
Motion carries 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Holly MacCleery, Secretary

Edward Meehan, Chairman