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March 22, 2018 Worksession
All votes are unanimous unless otherwise noted

MOTION CM Riazi to approve the grant to the Cheverly Green Infrastructure Committee in the amount of $140 for publicity materials for aid residents in environmental certifications.  Seconded CM Ivey.  Approved 5-0.  CM Stewart absent.

MOTION CM MacKenzie to approve the Proclamation to designate April 25th as Arbor Day in Cheverly.  Seconded CM Garcia.  Approved 5-0.  CM Stewart absent.

MOTION CM Ivey to close the meeting to discuss potential litigation.  Seconded CM Eldridge.  Approved 6-0.

MOTION CM MacKenzie to open the meeting.  Seconded CM Ivey.  Approved 6-0.

MOTION CM Eldridge to make a Budget Adjustment in the amount of $10,124 to account 01-02-7500 to fund the proposal to improve the Cheverly Avenue bump-outs’ landscaping.  Seconded CM Ivey.  Approved 5-0.  CM Garcia absent.

MOTION CM Riazi to close the meeting to discuss legal advice of Counsel.  Seconded CM Stewart.  Approved 5-0.  CM Garcia absent.

MOTION CM Eldridge to open the meeting.  Seconded CM Ivey.  Approved 5-0.  CM Garcia absent.