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Board of Health Minutes 12/14/04
City of Chelsea
Board of Health

Meeting Minutes
December 14, 2004

Meeting held at:        Chelsea Public Library
Members Present:        Skip Atkins, M.D., Chair; Joe Kowalczyk, Anita McCandless,
Evelyn Rivera
Staff Present:          Luis Prado, Director of Health and Human Services
                        Nancy Sherry, Board of Health Secretary
Members of the Public Present: Robert Bowker, Chelsea Waterfront Consultant;
         City Councilor Ron Morgese

Order of agenda items was changed to hear reports on other current issues before discussing Waterfront findings, for which the Board Chair wanted full attendance of members.

Luis Prado, Director of Health and Human Services gave the Board an overview of the State Department of Public Health’s recommended Local Infectious Diseases Response Plan.  This is one of three plans to be required by Homeland Security Act which are now in draft form pending modifications and final approval.  The response strategy includes setting vaccination sites for Small Pox as well as Emergency Influenza vaccination should there be an epidemic.  There will be a  January meetings at which discussion of these emergency plans will continue.   

Tobacco Control activities included a review of policies regarding rooming houses/hotels.  The Stanley Hotel, from which the Board received some complaints by non-smokers, is licensed as a boarding house therefore not limited to the 10% rule that applies to hotels.  Cesar Pungirum from Tobacco Control is working to clarify this issue.

Flu Vaccine clinics continue to be held and thus far Luis estimates that approximately 250 seniors in Chelsea have received the vaccine. There will be a meeting with surrounding cities to plan for a regional clinic in January to use any remaining vaccines.

Bob Bowker, Waterfront Consultant, presented the Board his report of results of the odor emissions sampling and dispersion modeling from the Global site.  After discussion of the findings it is the Board’s opinion that it is fair to conclude:

that the #6 oil is the major contributor of odors in the area
that the data provided indicates a “probability” of future complaints from abutters within 100 feet during the loading of trucks with #2 fuel oil even after #6 oil vapors are captured and contained.
that the composition of sulfur compounds in #2 oil closely resembles #6 oil but without the odor strength of #6 oil indicating that the hydrogen sulfide component should be reviewed
that there is a need to pursue a comprehensive nuisance odor regulation (the Board asked Bob for information on those adopted elsewhere, which are legally defensible, feasible, and don’t incur into major expenses).
That some recommendations regarding operational procedures would improve efficiencies of operations at Global while reducing odors.

The Board has a very favorable view of Bob’s work and that of Kim Driscoll’s in bringing the company to the table.  The Board’s opinion is that this can be wrapped up in a way that will be satisfying to all parties.  Ron Morgese, District Councilor, seems to think that the Board is definitely on the right track and that Global can be used as an example to other companies and sites that need to take an equally responsible approach towards the quality of life in this City.

The Board recommended that the next regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2005, be held in the Community Room at the Police Station.  This meeting will be an informational meeting for the public where Bob Bowker will explain all the work that  has taken place and the recommended next steps in relieving odors in the waterfront.

It is the Board’s  expectation that Global will send a representative to give a short presentation on the new odor control system they would like to install next spring.  The Board will allow questions from the audience with a time limit.  Nancy Sherry will look into booking the room and will advise the Board when confirmed.

Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.