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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 03/21/2007
MARCH 21, 2007

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Steve Neill, Brenda Ferland

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed – Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette – Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith – Police Chief
                        Gary Stoddard – Fire Chief
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Jon LeClair announced that Brenda Ferland would be late therefore the election of a Chair and approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting would be taken up later in the meeting.

Jon LeClair recognized the presence of several Boy Scouts and their Troop Leaders and welcomed them to the meeting.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that they have been working on the snowstorms and cleanup.  Some culverts were cleaned that were troublesome.  There were some breakdowns with the equipment:  1) The 2004 “550” truck had some broken springs; and 2) they lost the bed-chain on the Freightliner last Friday night but that was replaced free of charge.  The Cemetery truck is all done.  The inspections are almost finished on all vehicles except for two trucks; most repairs were brake pads and rotors but otherwise they were okay.  Don McKinney got his CDL License yesterday.  They have had three motor vehicle accidents within the last month:  one was on Break Neck Hill with the bucket loader, the second one was in the highway yard, and the third one was near the intersection of Acworth Road and the Old Claremont Road.          

Transfer Station:  Keith Weed advised that Cliff Stark came back to work yesterday.  He will have the roll-off done within the next day or two.

Fire Department:  Fire Chief Gary Stoddard submitted purchase orders for the two trucks approved by the Town Meeting.  He met with Gateway Motors today to finalize the orders.

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith reported that they got an extension for the repeater grant.  They received the final payment for the generator.  Unfortunately they were denied a grant from the state for a dispatch computer.  A representative will be in to look at the emergency button on the generator.  There were rumors that a sexual predator was living in Charlestown but the Police Department confirmed that he is still living in Chester, VT.  The local schools were on high alert.  The purchase price for the new cruiser was confirmed so they are now officially on the list.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette advised that they had a water leak this past weekend at the intersection of James and Riverview Streets and had problems shutting it down.  This line was originally built in 1974.  They fixed the line and hope it will hold until this summer but it needs to be redone.  They have fuel problems with the “F350” truck; it appears to have water in the fuel.  Steve Neill recalled the return line being mentioned in a previous work order; Dave Duquette will check on that.

There was no public comment made at this meeting.

There was no Selectboard comment made at this meeting.

Town Cannon:  Dave Edkins reported that the Town finally has the agreement on loan of the cannon to the Fort; it was signed by Jon LeClair.

Boston Post Cane:  Dave Edkins advised that Debra Clark found out where replicas could be ordered for $105 but the Selectboard had previously indicated that the original cane would be used.  The Selectboard has to finalize to whom it is going and under what rules and requirements.  The recommendations from the Heritage Commission will be reviewed.

Water Rates:  Dave Edkins noted that the Public Hearing for the proposed new water and sewer rates was held up because there was an interest in establishing a flat rate.  The flat rate used to be $111.00 for water and $80.00 for sewer.  Proposed revised rates were $150 for water and $110 for sewer.  There are some users on the sewer system who are not on the water system.  Steve Neill suggested getting together prior to the Public Hearing to go over the proposed rates.  He felt there should be two or three numbers based on head counts, number of units or maybe a bedroom count.  Dave Edkins will schedule the Public Hearing for the next meeting.  Meters will be read soon so bills can be mailed prior to the tax bills to allow time between the two bills.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll was signed last week.

Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Fire Department – Gateway Motors for a 2008 Ford Truck $32,000; 2) Fire Department – Gateway Motors for a 2008 Ford Cab and Chassis $35,500; and 3) Transfer Station – 30-yard container $6,345.28.

Contract Agreement:  The Selectboard approved and signed a contract agreement with Cartographic Associates.  This is the support agreement for software for the tax mapping system.

Warrant:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Warrant in the amount of $400,072.33.

Land Use Change Tax:  The Selectboard approved and signed two Land Use Change Tax documents:  1) the Bailey Estate; and 2) Haynes Trustees on Morningside Lane.
Abatement:  The Selectboard approved and signed an Abatement in the amount of $2.35 for NARJE as there was no shed on Lot 117 at Morway’s Park.   

Brenda Ferland arrived at the meeting at this time.

Intent to Cut Wood or Timber:  The Selectboard approved and signed two Intents to Cut Wood or Timber for Cecil Fisk off Sullivan Street and off S. Main Street.

Property Tax Disability Exemption:  The Selectboard approved and signed a request for a Service Connected Disability Exemption.

Elderly Exemption:  The Selectboard granted an Elderly Exemption and signed the document.

Jon LeClair moved to nominate Steve Neill as the Chairman for 2007-08.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  There were no other nominations.  With Jon LeClair and Brenda Ferland in favor, the Mr. Neill was elected Chairman.  

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of March 7, 2007, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With Brenda Ferland and Jon LeClair in favor, the motion was approved.  Steve Neill abstained as he was not present at this meeting.    

WATER DEPARTMENT – North Charlestown Arsenic Report:
Dave Duquette has been working for about six months on arsenic removal ideas for North Charlestown that include blending and other methods.  He distributed copies of the report that will be going to the State next week.  It includes factual data, pilot study results, vendors and places they visited; they learned a lot about arsenic and how to take it out of the water.  Technically the Town is not in violation of State standards at this time.  On a 365-day average, well #1 is averaging .009 which is passing and well #2 has not run since December 26, 2006.  He asked the State to waive our violation notice but they will not.  They will send the Town the letter of deficiency (LOD), the Town will then respond with a letter stating that we did not violate the standard and did not run well #2; the State has indicated that it will rescind the LOD at that time.  Therefore, the Town will not have to mail out the letters of violation to water customers; however, this is not a long-term remedy because without well #2 there is no backup well.  If nothing is done with well #2 the State will issue another LOD letter in November.  

Dave Duquette explained the detailed information included in this report on the following issues and options:  1) Well History – well #1 was drilled in 1964; well No. 2 was drilled in 1993.  The data has not changed much over the years; 2) Study #1 – Blending of the Two Sources; 3) Study #II – Find Another Source (a shallow well); 4) Study #III – Interconnection of the Charlestown Drinking Water System with the North Charlestown Drinking Water System.  This would involve about two miles of construction at an estimated cost of $1,200,000; a federal grant for 25% of the cost would be available for the interconnection of two systems and loans would also be available.   
The report also includes:  1) Design Criteria; 2) Pilot Study #1 – (Green Sand – a filter); 3) Pilot Study #II – Absorption Media; 4) Pilot Study #III – Isolux System – (uses cartridges so there is no problem in getting rid of the waste and it appears feasible) - Dave Duquette feels he can make the Isolux system work and last for years so it is his final recommendation at this time.  The pilot system is $750 and if the Town makes a decision to purchase the full system the $750 is applied to the purchase price.  

Dave Duquette and the Selectboard reviewed the list of ten issues that were needed before he can do the study.  Steve Neill suggested going through Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 and when they know how the test is going they will look at 5 & 6 but not pursue 7 & 9 if one of them works out.  

There was a consensus of the Selectboard to get the Isolux Systems tested.  The complete Isolux system will cost less than the $100,000 budgeted.  They will go out for bid for the 24’ x 24’ building, concrete and sheet rockwork; specs will be prepared.  

The Selectboard agreed that this is a good report.  There was discussion relative to having a Public Hearing in North Charlestown regarding the arsenic issue but Steve Neill suggested putting together a factual letter to each user, inviting them to a Selectboard meeting if they have questions or concerns.  

Lost Check Fee:  A memo was received from Pat Royce regarding lost check fees.  In the past the Town did not charge when a payroll check was misplaced and needed to be replaced but Pat Royce recommended adopting a policy to charge the stop payment fee, currently $20.00, that the Town is charged for this service.  Recently there have been several such requests.

Steve Neill moved to accept Pat Royce’s recommendation to charge for fees imposed upon the town when replacing lost paychecks.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, with all in favor, the motion was approved.      

New Hampshire Electric Coop:  A pole license application was received from the NH Electric Coop for poles on East Street Ext.  The Selectboard approved this request.

Junk Yard Licenses:  The Selectboard approved Junk Yard Licenses for Class A Auto & Truck, LLC and for Kevin Blaine.  Dave Edkins and Bud Von Ahnen are working with them to meet the new State regulations.  

River Theater:  A letter was received from the River Theater requesting one key to the Town Hall for April, May and June when they are in there on a regular basis for rehearsals.  It will be with the understanding that Heidi Fagan is responsible for the key.  Steve Neill and Jon LeClair were in favor, Brenda Ferland was opposed.

Town Vacancies:  The Selectboard approved having Dave Edkins post the Town vacancies.  Brenda Ferland will publish them in the Our Town paper.

Emergency Management:  The Selectboard approved the letter that Dave Edkins drafted to the Office of Emergency Management requesting the balance of approximately $85,000 for the flood damage of October 2005.

CEDA Grant:  Acknowledgement was made of a letter received from George Grabe, CEDA, requesting that the Town help them apply for a CDBG grant.  If so, the Public Hearing would be scheduled during the April 18th Selectboard meeting.  There was a consensus to support this effort.

Auditors:  Dave Edkins and Pat Royce will talk with the Auditors when they get here to do this year’s audit to look at the best way to go with the required changes.

Computer Server:  Steve Neill felt that the server was just fixed so let’s wait and look at budgeting it next year.  Dave Edkins added that it should be with the understanding that if it goes down again the Town may not have any choice but to replace it.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Commission met last Monday night.  The majority of the discussion centered around the minutes that were printed in the Our Town paper where a homeowner was reported as being notified about working in the wetlands when it was actually the contractor that was notified.  They voted to correct the minutes and ask the Our Town paper to publish the correction.  A few dates were set for the Adopt-A-Highway clean-up and Green-Up Day.

CEDA – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that CEDA met last week and talked about different ways to get money from a CDBG grant.  They are trying to tie the two parks together to take advantage of Whelen’s expansion.  They have a potential lot sale in the works and have hired Vic St. Pierre as the Clerk-of-the-Works to bring about the necessary permits and improvements.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that she swore in Doug Ring and Ken Moore, the two newest members of the Planning Board during the meeting last night.  The Board took the following actions: 1) A Sign Permit for a small engine repair business was approved for John Mitchell on East Street; 2) A Sign Permit for Randall & Rebecca Snelling of ABC Paving, was withdrawn by the applicant following some hesitation by the Board concerning the sign size and the fact that a Site Plan Review application had not yet been submitted; 3) the St. Pierre, Inc. project in North Charlestown was granted final approval but they still need to obtain the approval of the Attorney General and DES; 4) Christopher & Amy Hemingway and Norm & Mike Excavating, Inc. were granted final approval for a sand and gravel excavation site; and 5) Janice K. Bailey d/b/a Depot Home Center was granted final approval with stipulations for expansion onto adjacent property.             

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair attended a meeting in Claremont last evening with two agenda items.  The first was to apply for an EPA CARE Grant (Community for a Renewed Environment Program).  It is for $300,000 to be administered over a period of one-and-a-half years by the Antioch College of New England.  It is to come up with a plan on ways to decrease the quantity of materials going to incinerators and landfills and start using more recycling, composting, etc.  They would like the Town to write a letter of support; the Selectboard approved this request.  The second agenda item, a “Pay as You Throw” campaign was discussed briefly.  On Monday, March 26th from 3:30 to 5:30 pm there will be a bid opening for trash disposal in the Claremont City Manager’s Office.  Jon LeClair and Keith Weed will plan to attend.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Heritage Commission has not yet met this month.

Ambulance Department – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill said he was not made aware of any recent meetings.

There was a consensus to keep the committee assignments the same for 2007-08.  Steve Neill will fill in for Jon LeClair when he is unable to attend the Solid Waste meetings.  Brenda Ferland will represent the Selectboard on the Building Committee; Dave Edkins will attend when she is unable to do so.     


Steve Neill moved to adjourn this meeting.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion was approved.  The time was 9:16 PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                 Approved,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                   

Steven A. Neill, Chair                  Brenda L. Ferland                       Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the April 4th, 2007, Selectboard meeting.)