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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 10/04/06
OCTOBER 4, 2006

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Brenda Ferland, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water & Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Prior to this meeting the Selectboard conducted a Site Visit at the Pine Crest Cemetery at 6:00 PM with the Cemetery Trustees to discuss the removal of several trees.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of September 6, 2006, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of September 6, 2006, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of September 20, 2006, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of September 20, 2006, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.

TOM LOPIZZO – NH LOCAL GOVERNMENT CENTER:  Tom LoPizzo, Member Relations Executive, and Tammy Croft, Account Representative, are trying to visit with as many members as they can to make brief presentations on the provided to member municipalities.  The NH LGC provides programs and services that strengthen the quality of its member governments and the ability of their officials and employees to serve the public by being a catalyst for dialog and action, an advocate on issues, an advisor on problems, a provider of benefits and risk management services, an educator/trainer in skills and a resource for information.  This Town has been a member at least since 1974.  Dues are based on population.  Folders were distributed with various information and brochures.  Their Sixty-fifth Annual Conference will be held in mid-November at the Center of New Hampshire in Manchester and they encouraged the Town officials and employees to attend; topics will include legislative issues.  Tammy Croft advised that their board would be meeting on October 24th when they hope to finalize health insurance rates for next year.   

PUBLIC HEARING – INCREASE FEE FOR COMMERCIAL PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL PERMITS:  Jon LeClair read the following notice that was duly posted for this Public Hearing:  “The Charlestown Selectboard will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, October 4, 2006 at 7:00 PM in the Selectboard Office to hear public comment regarding a proposed change in Fees for Commercial Plumbing & Electrical Permits.  Information on the specific changes proposed is available in advance of the Hearing at the Offices of the Selectboard and Building Inspector during regular business hours and will be available at the Hearing.”  The increase proposed by the Building Inspector will be from $25.00 to $50.00 to be effective January 1st, 2007.  There were no public comments made.  

Brenda Ferland moved to approve increasing the fees for Commercial Plumbing & Electrical Permits from $25.00 to $50.00 to be effective on January 1, 2007.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.       

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the portion of the under-drain that the Town was putting in on Calavant Hill was done; they will start loaming the area tomorrow.  He posted “No Thru Truck” signs on the Unity Stage Road.  The department is preparing the equipment for winter.  He met with D & E Tree Service today as there are four trees on Main Street, one on South West Street and one is marked on Perry Avenue that need to come down plus there are seven stumps to be ground.  He submitted a purchase order for this work in the amount of $2,500.  The Selectboard asked Keith Weed to talk to the Cemetery Trustees about their tree removal.  Preparation for the lighting is all done but they are waiting for the controllers.  Steve Neill noted they were ordered today.  During the last Highway Advisory Board meeting, Ken Champney came in regarding his proposal for the intersection at Acworth and Old Claremont Roads and the Board agreed to schedule a site visit.  

Transfer Station:  Keith Weed would like to have two policies:  1) that there be no picking in the dumpsters as this is a liability issue, and 2) that stickers are to be visible in the back window or affixed to the rear of the vehicle and not on cardboard.  The Selectboard felt that these policies were previously adopted.  The Ordinance/Policy book will be checked.  There was a consensus to have Dave Edkins put together a flyer with the rules and regulations for distribution.  Police Chief Ed Smith will detail an officer by the entrance gate for a few weeks on a random schedule to check the vehicles for stickers; it was agreed that these hourly wages be taken out of the Transfer Station account.  Keith Weed will talk to the employees about checking for stickers.  A Charlestown resident does not need a sticker to recycle only.  There was discussion relative to installing a security camera to run on intervals near the hopper.

Purchase Order Policy:  Keith Weed asked if the Selectboard would consider increasing the $300.00 limit that the Department Heads now have to purchase items without a Purchase Order, as it ties their hands until Purchase Orders can be approved.  There was discussion relative to having management control.  That amount has been used for about twenty years.

Steve Neill moved that effective January 1, 2007, the Selectboard approve increasing the threshold on purchase orders from $300.00 to $500.00.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion was approved.  

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith is waiting on the specs for the repeater and as soon as they are received they will be sent to the three area companies.  As soon as the cancelled check is received for the generator, a copy will be sent in so the Town can be reimbursed.  The department assisted with the roadside cleanup last Saturday and helped with the MS walk.  On Friday he has someone coming in to begin the interviews for the full-time dispatcher position.  He has a meeting set-up with Chief Scott in Claremont to work on some numbers for the proposed prosecutor’s position.  On Monday he meets with the Building Committee.  Today the Police Chiefs in Sullivan County met with Attorney General Kelly Ayotte on a number of issues and she was extremely pleased with the major drug task force operation in Sullivan County.  That is now complete and resulted in about 50 convictions; it was the largest cooperative effort of law enforcement people she has seen.  

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette advised that they started reading meters this week and that is going along okay.  The James Street project is done.  The Fling Road/Clay Brook crossing project was started today.  They set a tentative schedule and would like to close the road on Monday and Tuesday of next week and a few days the following week.  He has been working on the water and sewer rate proposal, did research and distributed some ideas to the Selectboard that were reviewed.  The figures were not broken up between North Charlestown and the rest of the Town but Jon LeClair requested a breakdown. The last rate increase was in 1995.  The proposed sewer rates will only bring the department up to the operating costs but nothing is included for capital expenditures; operating costs continue to go up.  The Town should do some projects and there is a lot of sewer work to be done.   

Dave Duquette received a Letter of Deficiency on the arsenic violation in the North Charlestown water.  He contacted the state relative to this issue along with five different arsenic removal companies.  There are different options.  For testing purposes both wells can not run at the same time because there is no three-phase power.  The Selectboard agreed to have Dave Duquette write a letter prior to October 23rd to advise that we are testing, starting the process and waiting for the arsenic removal companies to provide proposals.  In the meantime, the Selectboard approved having Dave Duquette obtain some samples for testing close to the well source and from inside a few users homes every two days.                            

Personnel Evaluations and Budgets:  Dave Edkins reminded the Department Heads that personnel evaluations and proposed budgets are due.

There was no public comment made at this meeting.

There were no Selectboard comments at this meeting.

There was no Old Business to come before this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  There was no payroll to be signed.  The Accounts Payable register was approved and signed the Selectboard.

Purchase Orders:  The following purchase orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Water - EOS Research $2,884.71; 2) Highway – Lane Construction $1,129.46; 3) Lights - Rick’s Electric $800.00; 4) Highway – Ferguson Water Works $1,940.00; and 5) Water – EOS Research $3,500.00.

Yield Tax Assessment:  The Yield Tax Assessment document was approved and signed.

Contract:  Dave Edkins advised that this contract for the pool area building was intended to come out of the funds remaining in the 2005 Warrant Article for the pool renovation.  Steve Neill requested that this be put on hold to allow time for him to look at the building.  Dave Edkins asked the Recreation Committee and other departments to have a representative attend a Selectboard meeting occasionally to provide updates.

Bakery Building:  The Selectboard approved the contract with Norm Beaudry in the amount of $340.00 to re-fit the front door of the Bakery Building with panic hardware.      

Transfer Station:  The Selectboard approved the annual support contract with PC Scales for the Transfer Station.

Warranty:  The Selectboard approved the extended warranty agreement in the amount of $1,900 with Ti-Sales for the hand-held meter reading units and software support.

Revaluation Books:  The Selectboard approved having Pat Royce order 500 copies of the new Revaluation books at a cost of $525.00 after the adjustments are made.

Liquor License:  The Police Chief and Selectboard approved a Liquor License for an event at the Town Hall.

Grand List:  Dave Edkins reported that three requests have been received for copies of the Grand List.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to provide copies at the maximum amount that can be charged as it is public information.

Protected River Signs:  Brenda Ferland advised that a request was received about some signs on the Connecticut River regarding its protected status.  This is being referred to the Conservation Commission and Dick Holmes is looking into it.

Reassessment:  The Selectboard received a letter from Gail Fellows regarding the reassessment and it will be acknowledged.     
Cannon:  The Old Fort at No. 4 would like to have the Civil War cannon back on their property.  It will be stored under cover and they are proposing a 99-year loan agreement.  They would like to have it on their grounds for a special event on October 14th and 15th.  The paperwork and contract will be drawn up by the Fort.  The Heritage Commission would like to have some input on the contract but do not oppose the proposal.  There are concerns about insurance, not wanting a 99-year lease but maybe a 5-to-10 year lease and the Town would like the option to use it on occasion.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to agree in principle and to work out the details.

Department of Environmental Services:  The DES is having a dinner on Wednesday, October 25th at 6:00 pm to talk about solid waste issues.  Keith Weed and Steve Neill will plan to attend.        
Town Meeting:  The Selectboard agreed to set the date for Town Meeting on Wednesday, February 7th, 2007, at 6:30 pm.  

Finance Committee:  Last year the Finance Committee began to hold their meetings on Monday, November 7th.  Dave Richardson, Chair, would like to start a week or two earlier.  The Selectboard suggested they begin on Monday, October 30th for an organizational meeting and to review the proposed budget.  If the Community Room is set-up for voting, they can use another location.

CEDA:  Dave Edkins reported that CEDA is considering applying for a feasibility grant for some market analysis and engineering on their Gristmill project.  He asked if the Selectboard would be willing to support a CDBG Grant.  CEDA would process the application.  It was suggested that a Public Hearing be scheduled for Wednesday, October 18th.

Mapping Issues:  Dave Edkins presented some mapping issues where a few properties were split by roads in the mapping and assessing process.  A property owner on Buttonwood Lane wants her property taxed as a single parcel.  The Selectboard agreed to grant these requests if so requested by the property owner but they will not be done automatically.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  The Conservation Commission has not yet met this month.  

CEDA – Jon LeClair:  CEDA has not yet met this month.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met last night.  The Fort No. 4 Rod, Gun and Snowmobile Club was granted final approval for their maintenance building.  Morningside Farm received approval for a two-lot subdivision.  Fred Poisson was granted final approval for an expansion of the existing auto sales lot on Sullivan Street.  Albert St. Pierre and Charles St. Pierre came in for a preliminary consultation on their proposed development of the North Charlestown Gravel Pit and they are proceeding.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair attended a meeting in Claremont on Monday at 3:30 pm to discuss information that the Antioch New England Institute compiled on out-of-county waste disposal options.  It was like a pre-briefing for the meeting on Tuesday night when they met at the Junior High School and went through more details on how they arrived at some of the figures.  There will be another meeting in about a month.  Keith Weed and Cliff Stark were also in attendance.
Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Commission met recently.  There is an arborist in the Village that will do a walking tour with the members to look at and provide advice on the trees.

Ambulance Department – Steve Neill:  The Ambulance Department will meet next week.


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss ( c) Reputations - which, if discussed in public, might adversely affect the reputation of persons other than a member of the Board itself.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                                 Approved,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary  

Jon B. LeClair, Chair                   Steven A. Neill                 Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the October 18th, 2006 Selectboard meeting.)