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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 05/17/06
MAY 17, 2006

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Steven Neill, (Absent: Brenda Ferland)

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

Brenda Ferland is attending another meeting tonight concerning emergency planning for the possibility of a flu pandemic.


Steve Neill moved to pass over the Minutes of the May 3rd, 2006 meeting until the next Selectboard meeting.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the Town had no road damage from the recent rainstorms.  Hackett Swamp Road was closed last Sunday morning but will be re-opened before the weekend.  He talked to the Department of Transportation (DOT) in Swanzey about the flood related traffic damage to Acworth Road but they are still working on the State roads so the total damage assessment has not been done.  The department is still working on the sidewalk on East Street; the granite curbing was picked up and he thanked Cornerstone for letting them borrow their trailer to pick it up.  The dry bridge will be closed again next Tuesday.  Daniels Construction was here this morning at 6:30 am to fix the bolts.  Keith Weed met with Five Eagles Design to look at the Hackett Swamp Road project and he is waiting for a proposal.  The ditch line is on the Olson property.  Keith Weed and John Olson’s consultant are aware of each other’s potential projects and that the two projects need to be coordinated.  Keith Weed and the Highway Department crew would like to attend the annual demo for municipalities at Gunstock on Thursday, May 25th.  The Selectboard approved this request.  An ad will be put in the newspaper for some summer help.  He is also looking for about four utility poles for work on the sand bin.  There was a leak in the grader but Hill-Martin was here today to work on it.  The plan is to go out next week and start grading the roads.

Police Department:  Last week Police Chief Edward Smith and seven officers attended a training seminar on emergency vehicle liability sponsored by the Local Government Center; there was a good turnout from the Fire Department and Ambulance Department.  Two of the four electrical contractors attended a meeting to get the generator proposals; he sent out the other two.  Bids are due on May 26th by 3:30 pm.  The Animal Control officer handled a loose dog this morning.  She is looking into obtaining some kennels and will be giving him a schedule soon.           

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette was unable to attend this meeting as he had a long day laying pipe but Dave Edkins advised that they finished on the Old Springfield Road today except for the paving and are moving onto East Street.  Dave Duquette contacted the school district about the project as it involves the re-routing of school busses.

Whelen Engineering Property:  Travis Royce, on behalf of Landmark Land Services, discussed the Whelen Engineering property and Wetland Permits.  Because of previous permits in the past five years, the Wetlands Bureau is now considering it one project; the size of the impact kicked that into another category that requires mitigation.  The mitigation involves creating wetlands or protecting a wetlands buffer.  Hackett Swamp Road is near where some of the problems are and where John Olson owns land.  He was advised that mitigation would be easier if it was adjacent to a Conservation area or Town Forest.  There is a stream running near Norm Beaudry’s property that abuts the State forest.  Travis Royce believes that this will be less than a five-acre easement; therefore, the State suggested that the Town hold the easement and the Conservation Commission could monitor it.  Whelen will obtain the permits.  Jon LeClair and Steve Neill did not find any problems with this proposal and authorized Travis Royce to proceed as long as there is no cost to the Town.  He will prepare a basic conceptual plan and the Town will be provided a copy.     

Clay Brook:  Steve Neill mentioned that at the Conservation Commission meeting there was some discussion about correspondence from the State involving flood damage repair work at the Clay Brook pump station.  Dave Edkins submitted a wetlands permit application for the rip-rap on Old Gristmill Road but the State wanted more information.  He also has to do applications on Morningside Lane and Scott’s Drive.  Steve Neill has a concern with the Clay Brook pump station and would like to know where Dave Duquette is headed with it.   

There was no Old Business discussed at this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The check vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Highway – U.S. Steel $2,365.00 for guardrail on Scott’s Drive; 2) Highway – Ferguson Water Works - $3,882.40; 3) Highway – Ferguson Water Works – for Calavant Hill $6,373.20; 4) Highway – EME Management for asphalt $5,875.00; and 5) Project Agreement for Jancewicz & Son – roofing over two entry ways at the old Town Hall $2,651.00.

Appointments – Recreation Committee:  Due to Bruce Pilvelait’s resignation, the Recreation Committee requested that Scott Bushway be appointed as a member.  The Selectboard approved and signed the appointment.

Alcohol Permit:  The Selectboard approved an Alcohol Permit for Patch Park to Mark Holden.  The Police Chief also signed the permit.  

Cemetery Deeds:  Two Cemetery Deeds were approved and signed by the Selectboard.

Request:  A request was received from seven residents on the north end of Route 12 wanting to know about having a fiber optic line extended into the area of the Party Store to provide DSL internet service.  Mr. Edkins will contact Mrs. Kingsbury but the Selectboard do not feel they can do much to assist.    

Bakery Building Windows:  Dave Edkins reported that some good progress was made with the windows in the Bakery Building.  He asked if the Selectboard would like the plywood replaced with glass in the bottom section of the back bathroom.  The Selectboard felt that single pane glass would be sufficient as the space is already insulated; it will be painted black on the inside.  

Bakery Building Painting:  Dave Edkins received a quote from Gary Taylor in the amount of $2,100 to paint the trim of the Bakery Building.  The Selectboard approved having this done provided Mr. Taylor submits an insurance certificate.

Lights:  Dave Edkins received a quote on doing the electrical work for the lights around the building.  Steve Neill questioned if it will be done on one circuit; he feels it should be at least two or possibly three.  Somebody needs to formulate a plan of how this project will be implemented.  Steve Neill and Keith Weed will develop a scope of the work and get it to Dave Edkins for bidding.  

Masonry Work:  Dave Edkins has a quote for doing all the masonry work on the Bakery Building from Cornerstone.  A corner of the Library Building also needs some work done.  This has been discussed with Matt Blanc and he will submit a proposal.

Primary School:  Dave Edkins advised that there is no record of the Town charging the Primary School for a Building Permit.  The Selectboard agreed to waive the fee.

Mobile Home:  Dave Edkins discussed a mobile home that is in need of repairs and the elderly owners are gone.  It is not up for taking through tax sale but the owners are behind in their park rent.  Bud Von Ahnen feels the mobile home is a hazard.  The Town could publish a notice in the newspaper and post an Order on the door to “Repair or Remove a Hazardous or Dilapidated Building”.  A certified letter was sent to the owners but returned unclaimed and a regular mail letter was recently sent.  The Selectboard agreed to wait a reasonable time to see if they respond to the regular letter but they authorized a go ahead if it can be done provided there is no cost to the Town.          

Vacation:  Dave Edkins is planning to take a few vacation days off next week.  He will also be gone from Monday, June 12th through Thursday, June 15th, 2006.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill: Steve Neill reported that the Conservation Commission (CC) met last Monday night and talked about a number of issues.  Green-Up Day was marginal in terms of participation.  The trail map is close to going to print.  The Adopt-A-Highway group cleaned 7.7 miles over the weekend before and they collected 174+ bags plus other debris and tires.  The Clay Brook pump station was discussed.  The Chairman of the CC sent a letter to Tom Minickiello about the drainage culvert in back of his property.  The CC also discussed the Howard property on the Old Claremont Road that the bank foreclosed on; a decision was made to contact the mortgage holder to make them aware of some unresolved wetland issues.   

CEDA – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair was unable to attend the CEDA meeting as he was attending another meeting but Dave Edkins was there.  St. Pierre, Inc. came in to negotiate about building the lower road for CEDA in exchange for taking some material from the Leonard property.  There is some interest from a possible developer who will make a presentation at the next meeting.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Due to Brenda Ferland’s absence, Dave Edkins reported that the Planning Board discussed the Irving Oil application.  The applicant brought in some revised plans showing additional landscaping and eliminated the building but will have a canopy in its place; they plan to pave the yard to address dust the concerns expressed by neighbors.  The Planning Board accepted the application as complete but requested that they come back in with some additional information on landscaping and how they will handle the drainage because of the paving.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Last Tuesday night Jon LeClair attended a Waste Action Committee meeting in Claremont put on by Antioch New England College.  They brought up the idea of a new centralized transfer facility out of county.  Various recyclables were discussed including organic processing.  They will be holding a Recycling Fair on June 3rd at the Zotto Gym from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm and are looking for volunteers to help out.  The next regular meeting of the group is scheduled for July 13th.  

Heritage Commission–Brenda Ferland:  There was no report since Brenda Ferland was absent.  

Ambulance Department– Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the last meeting was cancelled.

Steve Neill moved to enter into a Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel, (b) Hiring, and (c) Reputations.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:06 pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                         Approved,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

Jon B. LeClair, Chair                   Steven A. Neill                 Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the June 7th, 2006, Selectboard meeting.)