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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 05/03/06
MAY 3, 2006

Selectboard Present:    Jon LeClair, Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Jon LeClair called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  

The proposed Water System Ordinance includes general rules and regulations including provisions for cross-connection control and backflow prevention.  Dave Duquette made a minor change after it was reviewed by the Selectboard; the date he files reports to the State was changed from February to April.  Dave Edkins added language to the top of page 15, No. 10, about when “water service is temporarily discontinued”.  Dave Duquette gave a brief overview of the proposed Ordinance: it will cover the water system wells and controls for the two water systems in Charlestown and North Charlestown.  It lays out everything for the customers, what they get and what they own, what they are liable for and what the department will or will not do for work.  It covers cross connections, backflow prevention, industries, and how they will be regulated to keep the water system safe.  It will now be submitted to the State.  There were no comments from the public.

Jon LeClair closed the Public Hearing at 7:10 P.M. and opened the regular Selectboard meeting.


Brenda Ferland moved to adopt the Water System Ordinance to be effective as of today May 3, 2006.  The motion was seconded by Steve Neill and with all in favor the Ordinance was adopted.  Jon LeClair noted that the document is dated May 2, 2006.              


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Selectboard Non-Public Session of April 19, 2006, as printed.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of April 19, 2006, as printed.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette thanked the Selectboard for approving the Water System Ordinance.  He will now start on the Sewer System Ordinance.  The department has been cleaning-up the yards, working on hydrants and are getting ready to do all their spring and summer jobs.  On Monday they will start on the Springfield Road sewer project.  They did taps for Don Jackson and Osgood Construction.

Jon LeClair asked about Cummings Avenue.  Dave Duquette said that in 1999, when they were putting a water main in, Tim Chase and then Public Works Director, Nabil Atiya, discussed a water line coming from the cemetery, through a cistern in Mr. Chase’s basement and into a drain to Sullivan Street.  There is also a line coming from the other direction from the back yard going into the same cistern.  It is a clay line and very fragile.  He remembers Mr. Atiya saying they would take care of this but nothing was done at that time.  Mr. Chase is now asking what the Town is going to do with the water going through his basement.  Dave Duquette doesn’t know where the water is coming from but will try to do some dye testing during a dry period.  Jon LeClair asked Dave Duquette to talk to Allen Smith about it.  Mr. Chase is willing to meet the Town halfway by working with Smith and Allen on the back line.  The Selectboard agreed to have the work done; Dave Duquette asked Mr. Chase to contact him when it partially dries up so he can begin.  

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the drainage and curbing job on Olcott Lane is complete and is working well.  They started the East Street sidewalk project.  Along the tennis courts by the intersection he would like to put in about 117-120 feet of granite curbing to keep the vehicles from parking in there; the Selectboard approved this request.  Near the Bakery Building the granite curbing by the monument on the east side of the sidewalk was never finished.  He asked if the Selectboard wants granite in there to complete the area, the steps and stones would be replaced with a ramp. They have been cleaning and moving stuff around due to the rain.  The asphalt plant is open so they have been filling in potholes.  By tomorrow the second course of material will be on the dry bridge; they will be here all next week.  Keith Weed met with the Lane Pipe salesman on the Fling Road project; he is getting a price to do that project.  The street sweeping is getting done.  The trees in Patch Park that were of concern are done.  He is still waiting to hear from the DOT about the Acworth Road; Brenda Ferland will call the Swanzey office to check on the status.  He is getting ready to put a culvert order together.  They will begin doing shoulder work on the Cheshire Turnpike.  The supplier advised that pipe would increase about 35% in June or July.  Next Friday at 9:00 am he is meeting with Five Eagles Design regarding Hackett Swamp to do something about the water over the road.  He received a plan on the injection process for four roads but there isn’t enough money to do all four.  Some work will be done on the North Hemlock and South Hemlock Roads.  He plans to grind Calavant Hill; crushing will be done in August.

Transfer Station:  Keith Weed advised that the new container arrived today.  The Transfer Station has been seeing exceptionally large volumes lately.  By screening the compost and selling it, they made $124 to-date.  There are four quotes on the baler.  Routhier Company picked-up 240 tires.  The ramp was all concreted by donated material from Carroll Concrete.
Keith Weed asked what the Selectboard thinks about taking in cardboard and other product from businesses after the extra bin arrives.  It would generate additional revenue for the Town.  After a discussion, Steve Neill suggested that the Solid Waste Committee should put something together and present it to the Selectboard.  Brenda Ferland requested that it be submitted in writing.  
Recreation Committee:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Recreation Committee is planning to work on the fence in Patch Park this weekend.  Depot Home Center donated the fencing.  Dave Edkins said they plan to pick-up all the branches, etc. themselves.

Green-Up Day:  Steve Neill advised that Green-Up Day is Saturday so they will need one truck.  It will start at the Fire Station about 8:00 am.  Keith Weed plans to be there.

Police Department:  Police Chief Smith reported that last Saturday the Police Department received an anonymous call about kids being in the pool.  They found three kids using the inside of the pool for a skateboard park.  There was little damage but a bill in the amount of $150.00 was sent to the kids to be split between them.  The contractor said they are a little behind on the pool repairs but he will be in next Monday and asked the Police to check the pool hourly because they plan to leave equipment and materials there over-night.  The pool will not be filled this weekend.

Police Chief Smith talked to three electrical companies regarding the generator project.  To give all the same information to the companies, a meeting has been set up for Wednesday, May 10th at 3:30 P.M. in the Community Room.  The Selectboard is invited to attend.  

The Police Department assisted with the road cleanup last Saturday and will do the same this Saturday.  The department received protocol for handling dead birds and the testing that will be done on them.                         

New Resident:  Herb Fajors, a new resident, inquired about the restrictions when roads are posted and where to register his vehicles.

State Highway Ten Year Plan:  Police Chief Smith questioned the State Highway Ten Year Plan.  Brenda Ferland advised that the Route 12 South Charlestown project has been moved up two years.

There was no Selectboard comment made at this meeting.

Street Light:  Steve Neill mentioned the street light in South Charlestown that Dave Carter asked the Town to take over does benefit at least four properties, therefore, he believes that the Town should take it over; it is a reasonable request.

Steve Neill moved that the Town take over the responsibility for the street light on Carter Road.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  Steve Neill and Jon LeClair voted in favor.  Brenda Ferland abstained as she did not look at it.  The motion was approved by a 2-to-1 vote.  
Dave Edkins will contact Mr. Carter to advise that the Town will cover the next bill he receives.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed.
Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Highway – Pike Industries $510.12 for asphalt; 2) Water/Sewer – Springfield Paving $7,800.00 for East Street; 3) Water – Springfield Paving $1,470.00 for Summit Hill; 4) Water – Springfield Paving $1,176.00 for Michael Avenue; 5) Sewer – Springfield Paving $5,684.00 for Springfield Road; 6) Water – Velano Bros. $1,169.92 for Michael Ave. and Stevens Street; 7) Highway - All State Asphalt $42,800.00; 8) Ambulance - White House Auto $1,112.00; 9) Water – New Hampshire Hydraulics $600.00; 10) Highway – Nicom Coating $7,200.00; 11) Town Clerk’s Office – Competitive Computers $325.00; 12) Highway – NoCo $1,053.21; and 13) Transfer Station – Permit Stickers $630.00.

Bakery Building:  The contract with Window Masters to do the windows in the Bakery Building was approved by the Selectboard and signed by Jon LeClair.

Gravel Levy Tax:  The Selectboard signed the Gravel Tax Levy document in the amount of $4,688.00.

Certificate of Yield Taxes Assessed:  The Certificate of Yield Taxes Assessed was approved and signed by the Selectboard.

Abatement:  An abatement recommended by Tax Collector Deb Clark in the amount of $18.50 was approved and signed.   

Notice of Intent to Cut Wood:  The Selectboard approved and signed the Notice of Intent to Cut Wood for Putnam Farms.

Notice of Withdrawal of Motion to Repair Hazardous Building:  The Judge did grant the Order to allow the Town to remove material on the Main Street property owned by Mr. Poisson but Mr. Poisson has now removed everything.  The Selectboard now has to file notice of compliance.

Jon LeClair moved that the Selectboard send a bill to Fred Poisson for all expenses incurred for the legal order.  They would not have had to do this if Mr. Poisson had lived up to his Order.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.    
The Selectboard did not sign the Notice of Compliance.

Mr. Poisson:  Jon LeClair read a letter received from Mr. Poisson regarding drainage problems on Cummings Avenue.  Dave Edkins questioned if the Town has the capacity to take the additional flow in the drainage system on Main Street.  There was a general consensus that it is not a bad idea but there would be several significant hurdles.

Trees on the Common:  A resident that approached Brenda Ferland about a memorial tree would like to plant other trees; maybe four on the west side around Swan Common.  Keith Weed said nothing is growing there, it is all dirt.  The resident also wants to paint the flagpole.  Steve Neill said she would need permission from the Recreation Department to paint it.  Dave Edkins will make a copy of the tax map for this area so she can mark it up for the Selectboard to review.         

State Fuel Bid:  The Selectboard made a decision not to participate in the State Bid process for No. 2 fuel for the next heating season.  There was no fixed price offered for this area and the index/mark-up price was among the highest in the state.  Jon LeClair read the letter that will be sent to the State from Dave Edkins explaining the Town’s reasoning.  The Town might participate with the Fall Mountain Regional School District.

Light Duty Policy:  Dave Edkins noted that the Town should adopt a Light Duty Policy for non-workers’ compensation that will apply to illness.  This would be a part of the Town’s Personnel Policy.  Police Chief Smith would prefer to go with the language that is less discretionary in order to avoid potential discrimination charges.

Brenda Ferland moved that, based on the attorney’s advise, the Town will adopt the Light Duty Policy with the language that Charlestown “will” provide temporary or transitional work.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.

Tax Maps:  The digital tax map program is up and running in Dave Edkins’ office.  He feels that because it is an expensive program there should be a charge for making copies so he put together a price list.  The Selectboard agreed that the printing expenses and Dave Edkins’ time should be covered so approved the recommended fees.

Emergency Service Vehicle Course:  Dave Edkins reminded everyone that there will be an Emergency Service Vehicle Liability course next Thursday.

Flower Bed:  Aare Ilves feels that the hosta plant outside this building should be moved out of the iris bed; he was looking for some help to transplant it.  The Garden Club will be doing some work in the area so Dave Edkins will look into seeing if they will help him move it.

FEMA:  Tom Minickiello feels that the Selectboard should take $30,000 out of the FEMA reimbursement and put it into the Highway budget.  It was noted that the Selectboard does not have the authority to do that without a Special Town Meeting as it isn’t for an emergency.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill did not get a notice of their last meeting, therefore missed it, but plans to attend the meeting this month.

CEDA – Jon LeClair:  CEDA will meet next Tuesday.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met last night.  They granted a boundary adjustment and re-subdivision of 2 lots into 4 lots for Gerald &
Denise Best and Jeanne Audet on the Wheeler Rand and Borough Roads.  Irving Oil is requesting an upgrade and expansion of their existing bulk oil storage facility on the River Road.  The new building will be fenced in.  The area will have a containment system all around it; any spillage will be captured.  It is a good plan but the neighbors had some concerns about noise from the trucks.  The Board’s motion was to ask for more information on noise, additional screening, privacy and what they anticipate the additional traffic will be.  Mark & Kimberly Allard and Peter Lumbra requested a boundary adjustment and voluntary merger on Summit Street and that was approved.  Robert Scott, Jr. requested additional signage for the gas station on Main Street and that was approved although Brenda Ferland voted “no”.  Barbara Haynes asked for a preliminary consultation for a review of their revised subdivision plan; the Board expressed conceptual, non-binding approval.  There was discussion relative to moving the Transfer Station on behalf of CEDA as they do not feel it is an asset to development of their property.  The Planning Board said they would look at it if someone came up with a suitable alternative site.   

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  There have been no meetings since the last report.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised they met last Monday night but she was working on the Our Town newspaper so was unable to attend.  Joyce Higgins reported that they were pleased with the proposed restoration of the windows in the Bakery Building.  They talked about the tree planting ceremony on Main Street and are asking the Town to dig the hole; letters will be sent to the Selectboard, various people and organizations inviting them to attend.  It will be a nice ceremony.  They discussed the chimney on the old Town Hall with no conclusion as they realize that re-building the chimneys will be expensive.  Marti Mortenson has resigned from the Commission for personal reasons.

Annual Town-Wide Yard Sale Day:  Joyce Higgins advised that the Annual Town-Wide Yard Sale Day will be held on Saturday July 15th.  They will be developing plans as they go along.  They hope to do more advertising and bring it back to what it used to be.  They wondered if it would be possible to have the rest rooms open in the Town Hall and they would have them monitored.   It was noted that the rest rooms are available when the Library is open.  The Selectboard will consider options for opening the rest rooms.

Ambulance Department – Steve Neill:  They have not yet met this month.


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (c) to discuss matters affecting reputations.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:18 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                                 Approved,
Regina Borden

Jon B. LeClair, Chair                   Steven A. Neill                 Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the May 17th, 2006, Selectboard meeting.)