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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 03/15/06
MARCH 15, 2006

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

ELECTION OF 2006 CHAIR:  Steve Neill moved to nominate Jon LeClair as the 2006 Chair.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  Steve Neill and Brenda Ferland were in favor of the motion.  Jon LeClair abstained.  The motion was approved.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of March 1, 2006, as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of March 1, 2006, as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette reported that they have been going over the meter reading adjustments for about 25 customers as discussed at the last meeting.  The Student Conservation Association adjustment was not big enough so it will be added onto the next bill.  Dave Duquette distributed worksheets showing the changes to the production and usage figures; the department is within 5-6% of what they produce to what gets billed out.  The difference is due to leaks, etc.  Copies of the generic letters being sent to the affected users explaining the new bills were available for review.  The Wastewater Department has a tough budget so they keep dipping into the funds, therefore, the rates should be adjusted.  Even on the waterside it is a small margin.  The State rates the Town on how they track their operations, usage and amounts billed so they keep trying to improve each year.  The employees have been doing some cleaning-up, trimming of brush, etc.

Dave Duquette felt that setting up a Workshop to go over the draft of the Water Ordinance would be helpful.  Steve Neill suggested doing it in April; Dave Duquette will schedule a date and time.               

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith will be having knee surgery tomorrow so will be out for a few days.  Jay Williams is attending a two-week prosecutor class; after that he will ease her
into being a prosecutor for the department.  Todd Lyles just finished up a week of detective training.  There was an Intelligence Meeting today; it was beneficial and they plan on doing it every two months to review cases in the county.  Dave Edkins is waiting for a sample Light Duty policy for consideration for adoption.  Chief Smith talked with Keith Weed regarding the posted roads.  The State Statutes were reviewed.  There are only two exceptions to the postings – fuel trucks and milk trucks.  The Town can grant individual exemptions, especially those with unnecessary hardships, and bonds can be required to cover possible road damage if people come in to request them.  There are farms in the area that, at this time of the year, haul manure, grain and other products to the fields.  There should be clarification for sap tanks as this is the season for that.  Keith Weed advised that the customary annual newspaper article says all Class V and Class VI roads in the Town of Charlestown.  Police Chief Smith will check with some of the other towns to see what they are doing for enforcement and, in the meantime, he will have his officers handle it on a case-by-case basis.  The Department of Agriculture will be contacted to see what they deem is an unnecessary hardship.   

Steve Neill moved to exempt all agricultural operations completely with the exception of cord and firewood.  There were no seconds.  Steve Neill withdrew his motion.

Brenda Ferland recommended that the Selectboard give permission to Keith Weed to determine what is an unnecessary hardship.  If there is a problem, the individual can appear before the Selectboard.  

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the Highway Department has been graveling and taking care of things during the mud season.  This is inspection month for the vehicles and they got through it good except for some brakes.  The loader is back on the road and they are in the process of working on the grader.  For the past two days they had different backhoes in town and they are in the process of comparing them.  

Keith Weed requested that a letter be written to the State Surplus Department updating the authorized list to include him, Dave Duquette and Ed Smith.  The Selectboard approved having the list upgraded.   

Transfer / Recycling Facility:  Keith Weed advised that the roll-off truck has been down for about a week.  There are transmission problems but it will be back tomorrow morning.

There was no Public Comment at this meeting.

Annual Town Meeting:  Brenda Ferland is glad that the budget and the Town Articles passed without any controversy.         

There was no Old Business to come before this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Water and Sewer Departments – Vallano Bros $1,752.00.  Dave Duquette requested and the Selectboard agreed that the money to pay for this hydrant be drawn from the insurance company reimbursement; 2) Water Department – Aztec Tire $300.00; 3) Water Department – State of New Hampshire $423.00 for signs; 4) Water Department – Brown Enterprises $1,313.78; 5) Water Department – State of New Hampshire $500.00 for a Wetlands Permit for Clay Brook Crossing; 6) Water Department – Eastern Analytical $542.00 for testing; 7) Water Department – Pioneer Research $889.50; 8) Water Department – Enviro Systems $1,850.00 for testing; 9) Water Department – Gateway Motors $35,647.00 for a truck; 10) Office – Competitive Computers $2,153.00; 11) Highway Department – Claremont Ford $458.52; 12) Water Department – Merriam Graves $323.94; and 13) Office – Competitive Computers $1,288.00.

State of New Hampshire Reports:  The Selectboard signed various State reports including the Certification of Yield Taxes Assessed.

Standard Dredge and Fill Permit:  The Selectboard signed a Wetlands Permit for the Clay Brook Sewer Crossing on the Fling Road project.  The anticipated start-up date will be in July or August depending on the weather.

Quit Claim Deed:  The Selectboard approved and signed the Quit Claim Deed for the Easement required to do the sewer crossing on the Fling Road.  

Junk Yard Permit:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Junk Yard Permit for Stanley and Denise Partridge on the Acworth Road.

Patch Park:  A Permit for Alcohol in Patch Park was approved

Pat Royce:  A memo was received from Pat Royce regarding sample ballots for next year.  A request was made from a resident that sample ballots be mailed out to the voters in advance next year for a better response.  The Selectboard felt it would be an unnecessary expense to the Town.

Charlestown Congregational Church:  A request was received from the Charlestown Congregational Church Trustees to plant no more than three trees in front of the church building between the sidewalk and parking lot.  They would be in keeping with those to the south side of the church near the parsonage.  Dave Edkins will ask the Trustees to stake out the location and advise what type of trees would be planted.  The Selectboard asked Keith Weed and Dave Duquette to look at the location and, if it was appropriate, the Selectboard would approve it.       

Charlestown Parks and Recreation:  A letter was received from the Charlestown Parks and Recreation Department to advise that they have appointed Tracy Fairbanks as their Director.

Sale of Equipment:  Blanc and Bailey would like to sell two pieces of equipment and asked for permission to put them by the Fire Station.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to deny the request as they have done so in the past for other requests on Town property on Main Street.

Flag:  The Selectboard approved a request to buy a flag to put in the corner of the Selectboard Office in the former Bakery Building.

Board Vacancies:  Dave Edkins advised that this is the time of the year that various Town Board vacancies are posted.  The Selectboard reviewed the list, agreed that it be posted and put in the Our Town publication.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  The Conservation Commission will meet next week.  

CEDA – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill was unable to attend the last meeting because he was counting ballots.  Dave Edkins understands that they spent the entire meeting talking about the covenant for the Gristmill Park.  

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland was unable to attend but Steve Neill did attend.  Steve Neill reported that the Planning Board heard a preliminary consultation on a proposed boundary adjustment and subdivision on Wheeler Rand Road.  A two-lot subdivision was accepted as complete on Northwest Street for a new residence on a Commercial lot and accepted as complete a Site Plan Review for the same site.  The Planning Board approved the Sign Permit for Century 21 and Rick’s Electric on Main Street with a 5-to-2 vote.     

Keith Weed feels that during the permit process there should be a check-off sheet for all of the departments that are effected by proposed projects.  

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  There have been no meetings since the last report.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  There have been no meetings since the last report.

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that they met last week.  They talked about filling out forms for their runs and getting them done properly.  To-date they have made approximately 100 runs.

The Selectboard agreed to serve on the following committees:  
·       Steve Neill will cover the Conservation Commission, the Ambulance Department and be an Alternate to the Planning Board;
·       Jon LeClair will cover the CEDA meetings and the Solid Waste Committee;
·       Brenda Ferland will cover the Heritage Commission and the Planning Board.


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Personnel.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

Jon B. LeClair, Chair                   Steven A. Neill         Brenda L. Ferland

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the April 5th, 2006, Selectboard meeting.)