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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 12/21/05
DECEMBER 21, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
Edward Smith, Police Chief
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary      

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

PUBLIC HEARING – OVER-EXPENDITURE OF 2005 BUDGET:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Total Operating Budget was $3,295,258; General Fund Operating was $3,009,258; Special Articles was $286,000.  Spent to date $2,930,783; Committed Amount $384,594; that leaves a balance of minus $20,119.  The General Fund Spent to Date -$2,689,682; Committed -minus $357,116; balance -minus $37,540.  Dave Edkins advised that these figures include all payrolls through the end of the year.  The Town signed but has not yet paid the following contracts:  St. Pierre for gravel crushing $11,260; EME for sidewalk work $8,200; UVLSRPC for the Master Plan $3,750; Blanc & Bailey for the Town Clerk office renovation $10,900; Beaudry Construction for Scott’s Drive $99,500; and MRI / Vision for the revaluation $40,600.  There is a list of open Purchase Orders that were approved but have not been paid.  The Anticipated Expenditures for the General Fund were outlined in the amount of $357,116.  It was agreed to increase the Highway account from $15,000 to $25,000.  The anticipated remaining expenditures authorized by Special Article for the pool renovation amount to $27,478.  Anticipated Total Expenses will be $3,325,377.  It is anticipated that the Town will over-spend the total budget by about $30,000; but because the money appropriated by special warrant articles can only be used for the specified purpose, the operating budget deficit for the year will be approximately $47,540.  If the flooding had not occurred the Town would not have a negative balance.  The money to cover the deficit will come from the Fund Balance and we expect to get a big part of that back from FEMA - 75% plus what we anticipate from the State.  The Selectboard will now write a letter to the Department of Revenue Administration to request authorization for the expected over-expenditure.  The total flood damage cost was over $206,000 of unbudgeted money this year.  Keith Weed had been holding up purchase orders but he is now requesting $19,800 for essential supplies the department needs.  Mr. Edkins will increase their figure up to $25,000.  The revised total for the General Fund Operating Balance will be minus $47,540.  The DRA knows that we will be unable to give them an accurate figure at this time; these are the best estimates.  There was no public comment.

Steve Neill moved to make the request to the Department of Revenue Administration for authorization to over-expend the general fund operating budget by up to $50,000.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.                      

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of December 7, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of December 7, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Budget Workshop meeting of December 12, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the department got through the storm pretty well but they broke an arm off the new truck and that has been repaired.  A purchase order will be submitted for the Chevrolet one-ton truck as there is a problem with the vacuum booster and it will require new lines.  A meeting is scheduled with FEMA for tomorrow morning at 8:30 am.  He completed the paperwork for eight out of the twelve projects that total $110,302.  Scott’s Drive will be $209,802.  Brenda Ferland was concerned that the residents on Scott’s Drive only had a one-day notice that the power was being shut-off.  Dave Edkins said that is all the notice we got from the power company, the letter was hand delivered to the residents, and to make it worse the power company didn’t do it on the designated day but rather the next day.  Vic St. Pierre received the letter from Warren Stevens on the engineering of the culvert and it was sent to the DES so they should send us the permit soon.  Norm Beaudry will not start the work until after the first of the year.

Water & Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette explained the combination of problems at the Michael Avenue Pump Station that created a water leak.  The pumps shut-off but there was still a loss of a lot of water that created a washout underneath the building.  Miller Construction provided a crane and the building was taken off the foundation, then taken to and stored at Beaudry Enterprises.  Norm Beaudry repaired the foundation and Tuesday morning they brought back the building and it was replaced on the foundation.  Verizon took care of their wires, Granite State Electric hooked-up the electricity and the Highway Department assisted with the project.  Primex was notified of the claim and the adjuster was there the next day.  The estimated cost is approximately $6,000.  It all happened so quickly that some of the neighbors were upset as equipment was brought in; the road was partially blocked as well as one of the driveways.  The crane was there about 40 minutes and the driveway was accessible within 30 minutes.  They were within the Town’s right-of-way and they took some precautions to protect the driveway.  Dave Edkins recommended that Dave Duquette take pictures of the driveway because there is a question of damage.

Dave Duquette has some money in the Sewer Capital budget because they did not do the Fling Road project.  The project was estimated at $35,000 and there is $32,266 left in this line item.  Dave Edkins will check with Daniels Construction on a contract.  Dave Duquette would like to encumber that money for next year for this project.  Steve Neill said the signing of a contract needs to be a high priority between now and the end of the month.    

Library:  Kate Brenton, Library Trustee, advised that an open house at the Library is scheduled for Sunday, February 12th, from 2:00-to-4:00 pm to give the town residents an opportunity to see the renovations and changes.  They received some information about what is proposed for renovations on the municipal building next year and there is concern about the gap where the ramp used to come in; there are orange cones there but they were hoping to get something more substantial.  Dave Edkins does not want to permanently close the gap because the ramp may be extended at some point but they are looking into building a temporary railing, metal or wood, to block that gap to keep somebody from falling off the rear porch.  Steve Neill suggested checking with the Building Inspector to make sure that the railing meets the spacing and height requirements.

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith reported on the apparent electrical or ignition problems with the new cruiser; it is being repaired and should be back before the weekend.  It should all be covered under the Warranty including the tow.  Chief Smith received a notice from Claremont Savings Bank notifying him that they were giving away used furniture to area non-profits.  He was able to pick-up one desk and some decent chairs.  A copy of the notice was sent to Pat Royce and Dave Edkins.  

Mobile Home at Blueberry Hill:  Dave Edkins reported that the former owner moved his furnishings out of the mobile home but they are just sitting outside in front of the unit.  He asked if Keith Weed could pick-up the furnishings and take them to the Transfer Station for temporary storage.  Dave Edkins wants to pass the Deed on this property but the new owners are reluctant to take possession with the furnishings still there.  The Selectboard approved.

There was no Public Comment at this meeting.

There was no Selectboard Comment at this meeting.

There was no Old Business at this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed.   The Selectboard approved some adjustment in the accounts due to bookkeeping errors.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Transfer Station – P C Scale $695.00 for software support; 2) Highway – NOCO Energy Corporation $325.22; 3) Highway – Howe Motors $1,125.00; 4) Water & Sewer – Allen Engineering for chlorine $955.00; 5) Recreation – Rick’s Electric $302.00; and 6) Water & Sewer - Pine Hill Construction for drainage work $2,255.80; Dave Duquette will hand deliver this check as it is well overdue.  
Abatements:  The Selectboard approved the following Abatements: 1) Putnam Farms – overpayment in the amount of $3.30; 2) Fire Department – This should be for a water charge only and not sewer because it is water used to fill the tankers - $45.00; and 3) Harold Ames to abate the service charge for the second meter in the amount of $50.00; the second meter has now been removed.

Veterans Tax Exemption:  The Selectboard granted and signed a Veterans Tax Exemption.

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses or Resolutions at this meeting.

Health Insurance:  The Selectboard signed notices regarding the Health Insurance and some adjustments for the retirees.

Municipal Building Stairs:  Steve Neill reported that two bids were received to repair the stairs in the Municipal Building:  1) Biron’s Flooring in the amount of $2,404.01 and 2) Paul White Tile Company in the amount of $2,820.00.  

Steve Neill moved to accept the bid from Biron’s Flooring in the amount of $2,404.01 to repair the stairs in the entryway to the Library.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.         

Antioch College:  Antioch College would like to do an on-site assessment of the Transfer Station.  This is through a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for Sullivan County.  It is to develop a long-term recycling program.  Keith Weed felt as long as it is free it might be a good idea to have them come in and look at the operation.

INSURANCE:  Dave Edkins obtained quotes from Primex and the Local Government Center on the insurance for the Town’s property, liability and Workers Compensation coverage.  The LGC will offer a substantial savings of almost $17,000 by packaging this coverage with the existing Health insurance plan.  Their health insurance plan is through Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  Primex also could offer a substantial discount on a package but their health insurance plan is through Harvard Pilgrim which is not yet licensed to do business in Vermont; therefore, the Town’s employees would have to switch doctors as it would not cover Springfield Hospital and its affiliated doctors.  Primex is working to get Springfield Hospital into their network.  The agreement with the LGC will require a commitment through June 30, 2008.  

Steve Neill moved that the Town place its Property, Casualty & Liability and Workers Compensation insurance with the NH Local Government Center with a commitment through June 30, 2008.  John LeClair seconded the motion and with all in favor the motion carried.  

Town Hall Roof:  Steve Neill recommended a standing-seam metal roof; that cost would be approximately $74,000 with the snow-guards.  Jancewicz & Son is sending a crew in tomorrow to do some test drillings.  If the asbestos shingles do not have to be removed there will be a savings of about $9,000.  It was agreed that the snow-guards do not need to be painted for a saving of $4,000.

Jon LeClair moved to proceed with the standing-seam metal roof at the old Town Hall with Jancewicz & Son.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Dave Edkins received another quote from Harry’s Builders for $30,000+ for a shingle roof and wanted that to be on the record.

Library Building:  A quote was received from Paul Nickerson to redo the electrical panels and transfer switch for the generator.  A quote was also received from Paul Judd and Peter Lumbra has also been asked to quote the job.  This will be included in the budget for next year.  Jon LeClair will look at the quotes.  

Dave Edkins will be putting together a list of things that need to be taken care of in the next year’s budget for Government buildings.

Tax Maps:  Dave Edkins took delivery on the new tax maps.  They will also be made available in electronic form.  A meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, January 11th at 3:00 pm for a demonstration with the Department Heads.      

As a result of the new maps every parcel was assigned acreage figures.  In some cases those acreages differ from what we have been using.  One Abatement request has already come in on the difference and we expect to see more.  Dave Edkins feels there should be a policy on how to handle these Abatements, as we need to be consistent.  The assessing people at MRI feel that the amounts will be fairly small so it might promote public goodwill to honor those.  There was a consensus not to rush into a policy but to wait to see how many come in.

Town Reports:  Pat Royce will be asking for printing bids for the Town Reports.  Does the Selectboard want to keep the smaller format or is there interest in going to a larger 8 ½” X 11” format.  There was a consensus to try the larger format.

Poisson Main Street Property:  Dave Edkins advised that the debris pile at the Poisson property has been covered and fenced.  The Town’s attorney feels that the Selectboard has a right to establish a date for removal but it should be reasonable.  A suggested date was April 1st, 2006.  

Steve Neill moved to set the date for removal of the debris as March 31st, 2006.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  Brenda Ferland abstained as she would like to see it removed sooner.  With Steve Neill and Jon LeClair in favor, the motion carried.        

The Selectboard discussed the newspaper articles following the meeting on December 7th.  There were some inaccuracies and the word “altercation” was not a proper term for the incident.  Apparently, the story went out over the AP news wire.  Mr. Poisson was not asked to leave the meeting but rather was leaving on his own accord.  Jon LeClair felt a letter should be sent to the Editor outlining the facts.  It was noted that the Keene Sentinel article was accurate.  

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill has been unable to attend the Conservation Commission meetings as he has been attending the Finance Committee meetings.

CEDA – Steve Neill:  CEDA met last week and it was their annual meeting.  Copies of the meeting minutes will be distributed to the Selectboard in the future.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  There have not been any Solid Waste Committee meetings since his last report.

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  The Ambulance Department met last Wednesday night.  When he arrived they were having an annual Christmas dinner.  They apologized for not inviting him and he left.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  The Heritage Commission did not schedule a meeting for this month.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  The Planning Board met last night.  Laurel West wants to put a hot tub display showroom in the Carriage House at the Heritage Restaurant on the second floor.  The children’s clothing store moved out and the food shelf will be moving downstairs.  Nothing will be left outside; all cardboard and other materials will be taken to the Transfer Station.  Philip Haynes did not come in for a preliminary consultation.  NARJE, LLC was represented by Fred Poisson.  A revised sketch of the property was displayed.  The application was accepted as complete.  The Planning Board would like to put some stipulations on the lot; abandoned vehicles are in the process of being removed.  This will be a short-term operation for Fred Poisson.  Dave Duquette noted that this property is in the Drinking Water Protection Zone.  No mechanical work can be done on the premises.

Jon LeClair moved to adjourn this meeting.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved,

Brenda L. Ferland, Chair                        Jon B. LeClair                  Steven A. Neill

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the January 4th, 2006, Selectboard meeting.)