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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 09/07/05

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Bill MacDonald, Recreation Department Director
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of August 17, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of August 17, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

BID OPENING – Sale of Surplus Vehicles:  Brenda Ferland announced that one bid was received from S.G. Reed, Inc. for the old ambulance in the amount of $1,800.00.  If accepted this amount could be used as a Town credit line for parts and/or services.

Jon LeClair moved to accept the bid from S.G. Reed, Inc.  for the old ambulance and to use the $1,800 as a line of credit.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to allow the Highway Superintendent to dispose of the truck.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

CHARLESTOWN ROTARY CLUB – Town Hall Renovations:  Eric Lutz, President Elect of the Charlestown Rotary Club, asked for approval for replacement or installation of the entrance door to the Town Hall in the center of the south side.  Over the years the Rotary Club has worked to make improvements in this Town building.  They did the commercial kitchen and finished the handicapped bathrooms; now they feel it is time to do something about the entrance door as it is difficult for some people to unlock it.  Mr. Lutz distributed a proposal for a new door as the Rotary Club made a selection of a number of doors; also attached was a page with some details of the specs.  One of the goals is to make it handicapped accessible with a bar on the inside.  This will be at no cost to the Town.  It was discussed with the Historical Society and next week they will talk to the Heritage Commission.  Steve Neill asked if the width of the new door is narrower
than the present one – at some point something might need to be moved?  Mr. Lutz said they might have to take an inventory of what is inside the building.  Dave Edkins noted there is a big vault in there.  Mr. Lutz noted that there is a double door on the left that will be left as is for now.  Jon LeClair wanted to know if there is any reason to keep the vault in there.  A resident thought the vault was under the care of the Town Clerk.  Mr. Lutz said the Rotary does not have all the funds yet but they are working on raising them.  The Selectboard commended the Rotary for all their time and effort put into the Town Hall and they appreciate every improvement that is made over there.  The Rotary Club has the Town’s blessing to replace the door.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that all the work is done and are waiting for M.P. Flynn to come in on the Old Stage Road.  Tomorrow they will move the grinder up on South Hemlock Road and then move to the Unity Stage Road.  Next Thursday and Friday they will be injecting on the South Hemlock Road.  In addition they are working on catch basins and started the East Street drainage work.  

Police Department:  Police Chief Edward Smith said they had five police officers and two vehicles involved in that County Wide Drug operation last week-end.  They assisted with the transporting.  Today he met with Kelly Murphy of the United Way to finalize plans for the fund-raiser on Main Street.  The department is trying to conserve gas yet they are still answering the calls.  The SUV is at Claremont Ford but should be back in service tomorrow.

Recreation Department:  Bill MacDonald reported that the pool repair is underway.  Andre Podwin will be sending in an amendment for the pool contract as the Recreation Department decided they are not going to replace the tile on the pool bottom but will use the standard racing lines for swimming so that will be a savings.  Mr. Podwin is a week behind because of another job.  The Town is going to see if they can loan him a one-ton truck for the waste materials.  Jim Aldrich will be able to take care of it at the Transfer Station.  Bill MacDonald marked the trees at Patch Park.  He submitted an estimate from JCL Landscape and Design to repair the fence and take down four trees.  The trees should come down as they are rotted and someone might get hurt if they fell.  The repair to the fence is for labor only.  The owner of JCL has done other work in Patch Park for free.  Brenda Ferland advised that the concern with the trees was the budget.  A tree fell down from Putnam Farms cornfield onto Patch Park.  Steve Neill asked for a segregated bill so the Selectboard can make a comparable bid for the trees and fence.  While Bill MacDonald was in the park he noticed that the mowing people evidently caught the new soccer goal net and it is lying in the middle of the field.  It will cost about $2,400 to replace it.  Dave Edkins will contact the mowing company to see about putting in a claim.  The Lions Club will re-line the basketball and tennis lines at no charge.  Brenda Ferland asked Bill MacDonald to let the Selectboard know when that happens so they can send a thank you letter.  Keith Weed will take a look at the trees.  Bill MacDonald has been trying to get an estimate from a plumber to get the toilets fixed as the water keeps running.  They could be shut-off but Andre needs water to do the pool repairs.

Kelly Robarge:  Mrs. Robarge said at the last Selectboard meeting a decision was made regarding her proposed driveway for the new lot to be off the Acworth Road but she asked them to reconsider their decision and allow the driveway to be off the Old Acworth Stage Road.  She distributed a list with some options.  Dave Edkins reported that the Planning Board approved this subdivision last night with the understanding that the ultimate decision for the access rests with the Selectboard.  They also included that as a condition if the access were to be from the Acworth Road that a 20-foot undisturbed natural vegetation buffer be maintained to the south.  Mrs. Robarge said Darryl Osgood maintains the Old Acworth Stage Road and he wondered if they would help maintain the road; since her husband has the necessary equipment it was their intent to maintain their portion of the road and Mr. Osgood continue to maintain it from their boundary line for the other properties.  By signing the Waiver they would recognize that they have no claims for liability because the Town does not maintain that road.  It is just easier for them and they prefer to put their driveway off the Old Acworth Stage Road.  If it were to be located off the Acworth Road they would have to work around a wetland area and a new septic system.  Jon LeClair believes that the Selectboard should still stick to their decision because once they allow this they will no doubt receive requests from other property owners to subdivide and want driveways off other Class VI roads.  Steve Neill agrees.  Brenda Ferland advised that the majority of the Selectboard will not change their minds, therefore, the Robarge road must come off the Acworth Road or bring that portion of the Old Acworth Stage Road up-to-Class V specs.  

Glenn Foster questioned putting back the stone wall where it was disturbed when they cleared some land to do their tests.  Brenda Ferland was on the site with Keith Weed and advised that there were stones and vegetation there but it isn’t enough to be considered a stone wall – only stones left there many years ago.  Mrs. Robarge said they would close up the area where they went through.

Summer Street:  Judith Baraly submitted a letter to the Selectboard.  Frank Morse and Judith Baraly would like to request permission to close off Summer Street on September 17th from 7:00 to 10:00 pm to have a street dance in front of the old Town Hall.  In the event of bad weather they would like to use the Town Hall.  It will only be advertised locally.  After Ralph’s Supermarket closes there will be no interference with that business.  The church has a problem with loose slates so they want them to close off that area.  There will be no alcohol allowed.  Chief Smith felt there would need to be a coordinated effort with the Police Department, parking and Highway Department especially since it is a Saturday.  The Police Department would request an officer at each end along with barricades.  Mrs. Baraly previously contacted a security company.  They hope everyone will park on Main Street and prefer that traffic not go around the building.  They would use the cash prize money they received from participating in the Old Home Days event.  Brenda Ferland summarized by stating that if Mrs. Baraly and Mr. Morse work out the details with Chief Smith and work on the consistent time frame with previous events in this area, they have the Selectboard’s approval.  Steve Neill noted that if they use the Town Police Department they would be responsible for paying for the officers.

Taylor Hill:  Judith Baraly discussed an on-going drainage problem after storms in her driveway on Taylor Hill.  Every spring they have to run pumps.  Keith Weed is aware of the problem and at some point they will have to have some engineering work done.  There is no inexpensive fix.  

Stark Property:  Brenda Ferland gave each Selectman a memo on the Cliff Stark property and asked for comments.  Cliff Stark is asking for the materials to do the work on his property to keep it looking good and to be able to mow it.  Steve Neill does not have a problem with supplying the materials but questioned which account it would come out of.  Keith Weed advised that the materials are available and it would not involve much money.  The Selectboard were agreeable to supplying the loam to Cliff Stark.  Cliff Stark is willing to do the work.

There was no Old Business to be discussed at this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, etc.:  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Police Department –Unique Signs $412.00; 2) Highway Department –Nortrax– Excavator Rental $2,600.00; 3) Office Bakery Building –Key Communications, Inc. for phone lines $1,131.34; 4) Fire Department –Valley Transportation $300.00; 5) Water Department –Norm Beaudry for work done on the Norm Avenue pump station $2,175.00; 6) Water Department –Quality Water Works $868.60; and 7) Water Department - __________ Seals, Inc. $1,855.79.

The Selectboard put a purchase order on hold from the Trustees of Trust Funds to purchase a fireproof file cabinet in the amount of $450.00.  This does not include delivery.  There was a question on how the Town could best transport it from Jaffrey to Charlestown.

Timber Tax Levies:  One Timber Tax Levy was approved by the Selectboard.

Contract:  The Selectboard approved a contract with Vision Appraisal Services for software support.  

Transfer Station:  Jon LeClair advised that the Selectboard came to a decision on what they want to do with the Transfer Station.  Jon LeClair proposed the following:  1) the Selectboard would like to offer the position as Manager of the Transfer Station to James Aldrich; 2) they would like to move Cliff Stark to the Transfer Station for 100% of his employment time.  This would severe his relationship with the Highway Department except for emergencies; and 3) they want to put Keith Weed in as the overseer of the Transfer Station.  

They asked Keith Weed and Jim Aldrich to come up with a plan to keep the Transfer Station open five days a week – Tuesday through Saturday.  They will meet on Friday to work out the hours.  Saturdays can be rotated so that periodically employees will have a full weekend off.  This would be effective October 1st.  Cliff Stark’s concern with the five days is the trucking as it takes 9-1/2 to 10 hours to make the trip to Berlin.  Steve Neill feels that on trucking days they will schedule one shorter day during the week to compensate for it.  

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-public Selectboard meeting of August 23, 2005, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  Jon LeClair and Steve Neill attended this meeting.  With all in favor, so voted.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-public Selectboard meeting of August 30, 2005, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  Jon LeClair and Steve Neill attended this meeting.  With all in favor, so voted.

Brenda Ferland recused herself from the two meetings above because she had a relative apply for the position at the Transfer Station.  

Dave Edkins wrote letters to the applicants explaining that the Selectboard decided the best way to handle this vacancy was an in-house reorganization so they discontinued the search.

East Street Extension:  A copy of the letter written by Dave Edkins to Robert and Kate Jackson regarding the status of paving on the East Street Extension was reviewed before being mailed.  It appears that the road was never paved but it was a treated surface.  The Town will do their best to maintain it but it is not on the list for future paving.

Local Government Center:  Last year the Selectboard made a decision to decline the opportunity to lock-in the insurance premiums for three years.  Steve Neill felt that they should not close the doors to options.

Lindsey Cleveland – a USA Real Estate Group:  A request was received to purchase an electronic listing of all the residential properties in Town.  The Selectboard agreed to respond that the Town does not have an electronic list that can be purchased.

Silsby Library:  The Selectboard are writing to Kate Brenton, a Library Trustee, to advise that the cannon will be located on the lawn between the Library Building and the Bakery Building close to the handicapped ramp.

Carpeting in the Bakery Building:  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to hire someone to have the carpeting cleaned in the Bakery Building and to have carpeting put on the handicapped ramp.  Some of the funding left in the Bakery Building will be used to paint the façade and to have the front entrance cleaned.

Finance Committee:  The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet with the Selectboard before the next meeting on Wednesday, September 21st at 6:30 pm.  The Selectboard would like to be made aware of any big issues prior to the meeting.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Conservation Commission met on August 15th.  They got the trail map revisions ironed out for snowmobile trails and hiking trails; the map will fit into a standard pocket.  Saturday, October 1st, was set as the next date to clean the highway; meet at the Fire Station at 8:00 am.  New England Power Company was issued the standard Dredge and Fill Permit; this is a long-term project as they plan to replace a lot of their poles and equipment.  No one had any concerns about the project because they have a good track record.  The Metcalf Permit was rejected; they have 20 days to respond to DES.  

CEDA – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill advised that CEDA had a special meeting last week.  They are working on an Open House showcase of the Gristmill property project.  Invitations are going out to a lot of local businesses.  They will meet at Whelen on October 12th at about 4:00 pm.  A shuttle will be provided for tours and there will be refreshments at Whelen.  They are hoping for a good turn out to get their project off the ground.  Mike Beaudry resigned so they are looking to find a replacement.  The brochure to promote the Gristmill is ready to go to the press.  There is a good chance they will present some zoning changes for that neighborhood to help protect their interest and future buyers.  Dave Edkins said they should start this in the near future to allow time for meetings with the Planning Board and schedule Public Hearings.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  The Solid Waste Committee has not met.

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  The Ambulance Department will meet next week.  

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  The Heritage Commission did not meet this month.  

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  The Planning Board met last night and took the following action:  1) The two-lot subdivision application for James and Kelly Robarge was granted final approval with the condition that there be a 20-foot natural vegetation buffer along the driveway off the Acworth Road.  2) Granted as final an application from Carol S. Dahlberg for a two-lot subdivision on the Borough Road.  3) Approved a boundary adjustment between existing adjacent lots of record at 40 James Street for Loren Reed.  4) Had a Pre-application Design Review for an eight-lot subdivision on the Burma Road for Joseph Dodge and Chad Peavey.  

Dave Edkins explained that Loren Reed owns two lots on James Street.  A problem was noted when the tax maps were being done.  This was originally laid-out as Riverview Park with a cul-de-sac but about 32-33 years ago the Town just started plowing right through there.  Mr. Reed’s lot was surveyed but he has a portion of James Street going right through his property.  Bill Lawrence will do a new mylar to change the property line for about $250.00.  Dave Edkins suggested that the Selectboard approve having Bill Lawrence draw up the new mylar and the Town would pay for it.  Mr. Reed would do this without compensation.  Steve Neill noted that the lot may be a few feet short of frontage but the Town has to word it so that it is a recognized lot of record.

Steve Neill moved to do whatever the Town has to do to clarify this boundary line adjustment. Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Personnel.   Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved,

                                                Brenda L. Ferland, Chair

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

                                                                Steven A. Neill

(Note: These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the September 21st, 2005, Selectboard meeting.)