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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 08/17/05
AUGUST 17, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water & Sewer Superintendent
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of August 3, 2005 as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Special Selectboard meeting of August 3, 2005 as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-public Selectboard meeting of August 3, 2005 as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-public Selectboard meeting of June 1, 2005 and that they remain sealed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-public Selectboard meeting of July 20, 2005 and that they remain sealed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that they are in pretty good shape on the South Hemlock Road project except for some grader work and then it will be ready for the M.P. Flynn Company to come in around September 1st.  They started cleaning the culverts and ditches on the Acworth Road.  The backhoe had a problem today as the rear boom broke; some estimates for repairs will be available tomorrow.  Keith Weed met with Tim St. Pierre regarding the gravel pit and he is willing to look at it along with doing some of the paperwork that is required for the State permit renewal.  Some reimbursement was received from FEMA for two storms but he is waiting to hear about the third storm.  They are trying to narrow down some of the options for the headwall in Hidden Valley and Keith Weed will bring this before the Highway Advisory Board.
Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette was on vacation but came back on Monday.  There was a water leak on Taylor Hill which was fixed.  They are now down to installing twelve meter pits.  Everything is metered in the Lower Landing Park.  Next week they will be doing water shut-offs as the result of delinquent bills.

Brenda Ferland asked for an update on the unauthorized hook-up of a Town sewer off Hastings Court.  Dave Duquette spoke to the gentleman about the fact that a sewer connection was being used that the Town did not know about.  There is also a water service going to the slab that is still hooked-up.  The property owner said they never paid for the service after the mobile home was moved but a camper is parked there.  He is metering the water going to the campers so sewer will be charged.  The Town Ordinance states that any connection to a home that is demolished, shut-off or whatever still has to pay the flat fee otherwise it gets disconnected and then the owner has to pay the connection fee to be hooked-up again.  Steve Neill felt the first question to be answered is if the owner is under the assumption that he can put another trailer on the existing slab; the Selectboard has to look at whether or not that would be allowed based upon the Zoning regulations.  Are there different parcels or just one?  There was a consensus to do some research and bring it back for further discussion.          

Trees:  Aare Ilves noted that two trees were taken down near the Municipal Building.  Whose decision was that and are there plans to replace them as well as other trees on Main Street?  Brenda Ferland said it was a Selectboard decision and they consulted with the Library Trustees.  There are no plans to replace the trees by the Municipal Building as the handicapped ramp was put up but some of the trees to be replaced on Main Street will have to be included in the next budget.  Mr. Ilves asked if there are any plans to replace the other plantings by the Municipal Building.  Brenda Ferland said “no” but they will trim some more trees and shrubs.  No more trees will be removed unless they become a hazard.      

Sidewalks:  Mr. Ilves asked if there are plans for sidewalk work to be done next year.  Brenda Ferland said Keith Weed would bring in a proposal during the next budget preparation cycle.  Mr. Ilves would like to see the Sullivan Street issues addressed and asked the Selectboard to make this a priority.         

Old Acworth Stage Road:  Daryl Osgood understands there is a proposed subdivision on the Acworth Road but he assumes that this is actually a Class VI road subdivision because they are proposing to bring their driveway onto the Old Acworth Stage Road.  There are about 20 other residents that use the Old Acworth Stage Road and some of the concerned neighbors are attending this meeting.  If the applicants want to put a driveway off the Acworth Road that is okay, but they already started a driveway off the Old Acworth Stage Road.  When Mr. Osgood put in his driveway he needed a Driveway Permit.  Keith Weed met with the property owners and they were told they could put a driveway in there if it was approved.  Dave Edkins said it is not a driveway but they cut in there to do test pits, etc.  Mr. Osgood noted that they did not need to put that in to get that kind of equipment in there.  One of their concerns is that the owners will not pay their share to maintain that road.  They know that it will get plowed and have gravel put in because the residents above them have to maintain it to get in-and-out.  Mr. Edkins responded that this is a matter before the Planning Board; it was accepted as complete at the meeting last night but it will be on the agenda for the next meeting and that would be the time to bring these concerns in.  The Town allows building on Class VI roads.  The Planning Board could require that they use the Acworth Road access but that is their decision.  There isn’t anything that the Town can do to make them pay their share of maintaining the road.  The Selectboard controls access off Town roads so they could require that the access be off the Class V road.  Jon LeClair noted that the Zoning regulations state that there cannot be subdivision off a Class VI road.  Dave Edkins pointed out that the Subdivision regulations state that any new lots that are created through subdivision must have frontage on a Class V road.    

Jon LeClair moved that the Selectboard deny access off the Class VI road.  The only access to that property will be off the Class V Acworth Road.  The only other alternative would be to bring that portion of the Old Acworth Stage Road up to Town specs as a Class V road at their expense.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Mr. Osgood would like to see the driveway off the Old Acworth Stage Road put back as it originally was.  Mr. Edkins noted it is on private property.  Brenda Ferland said if it was in the Town’s right-of-way or a boundary marker they should be made to put the stone wall back to restore the area.  Keith Weed will measure the area to make that determination.              

Signs:  Brenda Ferland said it was brought to her attention that there are no signs at either end of “Lovers Lane” off Route 12.  There are businesses there and people unfamiliar with the area cannot find the road without signs.  Steve Neill said there are no signs because it is a State road.  

Brenda Ferland moved to write a letter to the Department of Transportation to ask them to put street signs on both ends of Lovers Lane.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill mentioned that the sign is once again missing from Jones Road.

Connecticut River Bank Proposed New Sign:  The Connecticut River Bank put up the mock sign that is just under 21 square feet; it is two feet from the ground to the sign and 5’2” high overall.  Fred Poisson said if the Selectboard allows this sign they are setting a dangerous precedent because it would be on Town-owned land and the sign would be an off-premises sign.  In the past the Planning Board tried to keep new signs off Main Street.  There isn’t any reason why they cannot have a sign right in front of their building.  Mr. Edkins reported that the Planning Board would also have to approve this sign for location, lighting, size, etc.  They have also submitted an application to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for signs on the buildings.  The bank would need the Selectboard’s permission to use a portion of Town property that would be similar to the agreement with the Charlestown House of Pizza.  Jon LeClair felt that the Selectboard is being asked to make a decision before the Planning Board who is the keeper of the Ordinances.  Steve Neill agreed.  

Jon LeClair moved to deny use of the Town property between the State highway and the sidewalk for the Connecticut River Bank proposed new sign.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  Jon LeClair and Steve Neill were in favor of the motion, the motion carried.  Brenda Ferland is opposed because she is uncomfortable to deny them permission as it is right in front of their own building and does not believe that was the intent of the Sign Ordinance.        

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION–Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Accounts Payable vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Water & Sewer – A & D Instruments $2,503.90 for Clay Brook; 2) Ambulance - R & R Communications $340.00 for the Police Department base; 3) Transfer Station – Leavitt and Bouchard Equipment $1,667.49 for the compacter repairs; 4) Water – A & D Instruments $694.90 for the Clay Brook pump station; 5) Highway – Ferguson Water Works $553.45; 6) Highway – Big Daddy’s Outdoor Living $513.00 for tractor parts; 7) Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Seminar $549.70; 8) Office - Competitive Computers $1,896.00; and 9) Fire Department - $500.00 for five members to attend the State Firemen’s Convention.    

The Recreation Department Purchase Order for Patch Park to have JCL Landscape and Design do repairs to the fence and remove dead wood and four trees in the amount of $1,500 was denied pending additional information.  

Contracts:  1) Two Selectboard members signed the contract for pool repairs.  2) The Selectboard signed the contract with the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission for this year’s Master Plan work on the Land Use chapter.  3) Provan and Lorber changed the scope of services for the Southwest Street sewer design to $5,000 as previously agreed.  They would like to submit the final budget report but first it will be reviewed by Dave Duquette.  The original contract was initialed and the amendment was approved and signed.  

Land Use Change Tax:  The Land Use Change Tax for the Metcalf Trustees was approved in the amount of $1,590.00.

Abatement:  An abatement was approved for water and sewer connections as the lot is undevelopable.

Health Trust:  Dave Edkins reported that the Health Trust is willing to take over billing the retirees’ for health insurance.  This will save Pat Royce considerable time and money.  The Selectboard signed the necessary documents to facilitate this change

Charlestown 2005 Old Home Days:  Brenda Ferland advised that a letter was sent to the Old Home Days Committee, of which Elaine VanVelsor and Candy Cutts were the co-chair people, thanking them for the successful week-end and suburb job with all of the events.  A copy of the letter will be published in the Our Town publication.  

East Street:  A letter was received from Bob and Kate Jackson requesting that East Street Ext. be paved.  It was graded but it is a washboard again.  Keith Weed advised that it is a low priority for paving; the culverts will need to be replaced.  Cliff Stark provided some history on the road.  Brenda Ferland feels that a response letter should be sent to advise that the road was never paved but the Selectboard will try to have it graded again.    

Silsby Library:  A letter was received from the Silsby Library Trustees.  They are concerned that placement of the cannon on the Library lawn will attract children who will try to climb on it but Brenda Ferland advised that it would be encased.  The Trustees would like to plant a new memorial garden where the tree was, however, the Selectboard would like Dave Edkins to respond to their letter and ask them to present their plans prior to beginning the project.  John LeClair and Brenda Ferland would like to place the cannon by the ramp between the Bakery Building and the Library.  

Brenda Ferland moved to place the cannon between the Bakery Building and Library depending on the wiring.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Ambulance Sale:
Steve Neill moved to put the bid that was received in a sealed envelope and consider it when the Selectboard looks at the other bids.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Bakery Building:  Brenda Ferland submitted a bill for painting and staining work that was done in the Bakery Building; a requisition for the painting supplies will be put in.  The only thing left to do is get the carpeting professionally cleaned or possibly replaced depending on cost.  Steve Neill noted that one other thing to be taken care of is to get the old fire suppression system out; Dave Edkins will have that taken care of.   Keith Weed said someone should look at the outlets as some of them are not working.  Pat Royce would like to schedule the move on or about September 14th and that is a good time for the Highway Department.  The Selectboard authorized Pat to schedule the move and shut down the office for one day as soon as everything is organized and coordinated.  The computer company needs to be notified in advance.

Morningside Flight Park:  The Morningside lawsuit against the Town/Planning Board has been withdrawn.

Fling Road Bridge:  Dave Edkins talked with Matt Belden from Daniels Construction relative to the Fling Road Bridge/Clay Brook flow calculations.  The consultant will plan to be here in the next week or two to take the measurements.  

Finance Committee:  The Finance Committee scheduled a meeting for next Monday in this room.  The Selectboard is invited to attend.

Vacation:  Dave Edkins will be on vacation next week.  They will be within a few hundred miles so he will be available via the cell phone.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Conservation Commission met last Monday night.  They are still working on the trail map.  A clean-up day on roads was scheduled for October 1st beginning at 8:00 am at the Fire Station.  New England Power filed a Dredge and Fill Permit as they will be refurbishing their power line, poles, etc. over the next five years.  One Alternate member has been following six pairs of loons in the south end of Town for about five-to-six years.  Dick Holmes has been observing the Barry Metcalf project.  The Conservation Commission has had concerns and requested more information from the DES.  

CEDA – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill was not available for their last meeting.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said they have not met.  

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported they had a short meeting last week.  They were successful at raising money during Old Home Days.  There was discussion about the fatal accident on Route 12 and the department received some thank you cards.  Steve Neill requested a revised roster from them as it is past due and they changed their radio call numbers.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland said the Commission did not meet this month.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met last night.  1) James & Kelly Robarge came in for a two-lot subdivision on the Acworth Road; the application was accepted as complete.  2) Carl Bennett and Robert & Patricia Bennett requested a boundary adjustment between their existing, adjacent lots on the Jones Road and that was granted.  3) Joseph Dodge and Chad Peavey were present for a Pre-application Design Review for a proposed eight-lot subdivision on the Burma Road.  A preliminary site visit was scheduled for the next meeting.  Brenda Ferland stepped off the Board because her family abuts this property but Steve Neill sat in her place.  4) Carol Dahlberg came in for a two-lot subdivision on the Borough Road and that was accepted as complete.  


Jon LeClair moved to enter into a Non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) for Personnel and (c) for Reputations.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:06 pm.                     

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                              Approved,

Brenda L. Ferland, Chair                        Jon B. LeClair                  Steven A. Neill

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the September 7th, 2005, meeting.)