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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 08/03/05
AUGUST 3, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the special Selectboard meeting of July 26, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the special Non-public Selectboard meeting of July 26, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of July 20, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Sullivan County United Way:  Kelly Murphy, Executive Director of the Sullivan County United Way, said there are three reasons for attending this meeting:  1) to provide information; 2) to ask for something; and 3) to thank the Selectboard.  She distributed a spreadsheet on the breakdown of Charlestown Community Members Served through United Way Funded Agencies – Calendar Year 2004; there are 21 agencies and 29 programs.  It includes the number of Charlestown residents that have accessed to those services along with a brief description of what those services are.  The United Way supports the agencies in different ways.  This year they sponsored a series of one-day summer workshops geared for non-profits throughout Sullivan County to address needs they have such as human resources, working with the media and strategic planning.  

They are working to be the vehicle addressing transportation issues in Sullivan County.  On September 27th in the Claremont Senior Center they will bring together the legislators, local hospitals, Department of Transportation, Endowment for Health, Commissioner Stephen, Patrick Herlihy, and others to look at this issue.  It would be wonderful if the Selectboard could have a representative at this meeting to speak about what this community needs for transportation.  In the last few months there have been smaller meetings going on but this meeting will get everybody to the table at one time to look at the challenges, set a foundation, etc.  

One thing that will be coming up is the West Chapter of the Red Cross out if Keene is going to begin a pilot volunteer transportation program that will be bring patients to medical appointments.  Charlestown, Sunapee, Claremont and Newport might be the initial towns involved.  Ms. Murphy is waiting for the Director to provide her with more information.

On Monday morning, September 12th, the United Way would like to do their kick-off event by holding a “Donuts on the Way” program in Charlestown.  Similar events will be planned for Newport (September 14th), Sunapee (September 13th), and Claremont (September 15th).  From 6-8 am they would like to place approximately 20 volunteers on Main Street to hand out free United Way bags to morning commuters on their way to work.  In the bag would be a donut, coupon for free cup of coffee at a local convenience store, and United Way brochure.  While this donut giveaway is going on, volunteers will also be delivering free donut boxes to any Charlestown area business that has preordered.  This box will contain a dozen donuts, coupons for coffee, and United Way workplace campaign information.  Ms. Murphy previously contacted Police Chief Ed Smith.  Chief Smith feels we can make this work with very little impact on commuter traffic if we split up the volunteers into two groups of ten; one group would be north of Sullivan Street and the second group would be south of the church.  A cruiser will be used to slow down traffic.  Ms. Murphy and the volunteers will put on safety vests and there will be cones.  The Selectboard approved this request.

Ms. Murphy wanted to thank Chief Smith who worked with the United Way Board of Directors to take the allocations process that was previously an internal mechanism and bring it to community members as it is community money.  There were two Directors and they voted to bring in nine community members; Chief Smith was one of the members that participated in the process.  They broke into teams to visit the agencies, the other community members looked up to him; he was a great asset.  The group decided how to split up $83,000 into $170,000 of requests.   He tentatively has agreed to participate next year.

Connecticut River Bank:  Linda Stewart was present since Gary Gray, Branch Manager, was unable to attend.  In the past 12-18 months the Connecticut River Bank has changed their logo and, at this point, are making improvements to the Charlestown location.  They want to change the location of the one stand alone sign by taking it off their property and putting it by the front of the bank on the green strip of land near where the telephone pole is.  The new sign would be 32 square feet.  The bank is in the Center Residential Zoning area that allows for a 5 square foot sign.  Dave Edkins previously spoke to Linda Stewart and Gary Gray.  They need approval from the Selectboard because the green strip is Town property.  This could be structured similar to the license granted to the Charlestown House of Pizza for the over-hang if the Selectboard so chooses.  The bank would need approval for a Variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment as the Center Residential Zone allows for a 5 square foot sign.  Even the Business District only allows for a 25 square foot sign.  Back in 1997 the Bank requested a 24 square foot sign but received approval for a Variance for the current sign that is 21 square foot; it is inside the sidewalk.  Dave Edkins felt if they could adjust the size to a 21 square foot sign it would be considered as being within the same Variance.  Approval would be needed from the Planning Board to relocate and change the design of the sign.  In some other areas of Town a 50 square foot sign is allowed.  Linda Stewart advised that this is an expensive sign and has an historical look to it.  Brenda Ferland questioned the height.  Linda Stewart explained that this should not be a problem because in the proposed location you would be past the sign before you were driving in.  Steve Neill would like to see some dimensions on the sketch.  Will the sign be lighted?  Linda Stewart said there would be one ground light on each side just lighting the sign.  It was suggested that the bank drive a few stakes in the ground so the Selectboard, Keith Weed and Chief Smith can look at it; maybe set up a mock sign in that location.  Steve Neill asked if there are arrows on the pavement to indicate direction for going in and out.  Linda Stewart will contact Dave Edkins when a bank decision is made on the size of the sign and the mock sign is put up.  Steve Neill mentioned that the bank owns three separate buildings on at least two properties.  Putting oval signs on the other buildings does not seem to be an issue.                                                   

Highway Department:  Keith Weed provided an up-date on the South Hemlock Road.  Tomorrow they expect to finish up the drainage work and by Friday hope to have this project done.  They are working on the four-way intersection by the Acworth Road and South Hemlock Road.  He is still working on how to wants to widen it up.  Steve Neill will meet with Keith Weed to look it over.  Steve Neill mentioned that Grant Fagan has some drainage issues by the barn.  Keith Weed felt that would be taken care of with the work that is being done.  

There was discussion about signs being put up in the right-of-way.  Dave Edkins will meet with Keith Weed to check on the signs.  Since off-site signs are not allowed in Town, letters will be written to the owners.  Yard sale signs have to be removed within two days and must include the name and phone number of the owner.  Brenda Ferland feels that yard sales should be by permit, it should specify a certain number each year and people should pay a fee.

Keith Weed reported that the pine tree on Chestnut Flat was hit by lightning, they also took down two pine trees on the Town property and cut trees across the street.  They are still roadside mowing.  Chip seal is scheduled for Friday on the North Hemlock Road.  He would like to put some oil and chips on the Riverview Park area to see how it works out; the Selectboard said to give it a try.  Brenda Ferland advised that the Heritage Commission would pay for replacement of the memorial tree but want to wait until the fall.  She thanked Keith Weed for taking care of the trees on Main Street prior to the Old Home Days festivities.  

Keith Weed said the Highway Department removed the chair from the Skateboard Park last week.  Chief Smith asked the kids to keep their stuff out of the way in case somebody wants to use the tennis courts.  There was a consensus that it is safer to have the kids there instead of by the monument and railroad rails.

M.P. Flynn was scheduled for the end of this month.  The old ambulance is now at the Highway Garage so it can be put out for bid.  Dave Edkins asked Keith Weed to provide particulars on the old ambulance and pickup so that he can write the ads.  Keith Weed asked the Selectboard if they would be looking for minimum bids.

Margaret Spaulding was wondering when the Highway Department would grade the Old Town Farm Road this year.  Keith Weed responded that they did grade it this year but would go back up there.  Pat Royce filed an accident report on the Jones Road incident.

Police Department:  Chief Smith thanked Keith Weed for hooking him up with all the signs; everything went well.  The cruiser is all done, looks great and it led the Old Home Days Parade.  The new bicycle was also in the parade; it was all donated money for the bike and the uniforms.  The department was busy with the Old Home Days festivities; there was one arrest.  They are continuing with investigations on the fatal accident.  There is a grass roots effort to request that the State bring in a light for the Windy Acres intersection.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Edkins advised that Dave Duquette is starting his vacation tomorrow and will be gone all of next week but he provided a written report.  Everything is going good for the every day operations.  The meter pit operation is going well with only 21 more meters to go, out of about 1,100+, exclusive of the one section at Morway’s Trailer Park.  It was suggested that after Dave Duquette comes back to work that a meeting be scheduled to develop some contingency plans if the owners of Morway’s Park do not contact the Town before the deadline date of October 11th.  In the meantime they are being billed for the flat rate.  The Norman Avenue sewer line is done, came in within the contract price and everyone seems happy.  The pump station building and pumps were ordered for the Michael Avenue work and Norm Beaudry is scheduled to do the work at the end of August.