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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 07/06/05
JULY 6, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water & Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


It was noted that the minutes of the previous meeting were not in the file.  Since it has been three weeks since the last meeting it was suggested that members had reviewed/signed them and that they had been removed for permanent filing.  Mr. Edkins will check on this.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the severe thunder storm last Wednesday did a lot of damage in Town but the worst road was on Cheshire Turnpike where the water lifted-up a culvert and washed out a 180’ section of road 6-foot wide; they had to fix it that night.  There were 8 or 9 smaller washouts.  Last Friday the State had $1,300,000 in disaster reimbursement funds for the month of June but Hanover’s request came in at $1,200,000 so it is doubtful if there is reimbursement funding for our washouts. The new truck is done so he hopes to pick it up on Friday.  The price for salt will increase about 6% for 2005-06.  The excavator was moved from the Unity Stage Road but there is still handwork to be done.  The excavator is now on the South Hemlock Road and they are working their way toward that project.  The excavator rental agreement for the three months has a deadline of Monday, July 11th.   Keith Weed would like to rent it for two more months; the cost would be $4,000.  He is comfortable with the resulting budget line overrun because there is sufficient money is other highway accounts to make up the difference.  Steve Neill feels we need to do it but the money should be earmarked in another account.  There was a consensus that there is enough money in other budget lines to continue the rental.  

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette said they also got hit with the heavy rain and lightning.  The sewer pump station transformer on the Old Claremont Road got hit as well as the sensor and power conversion in the building at the Clay Brook reservoir.  The insurance adjuster was here today.   They replaced all of the damaged equipment.  A mailing of 410 letters was sent to everybody in the wellhead protection areas as required by the State.  To-date one reply with comments was received.  Two hydrants were replaced and meter pits are being installed on the Old Claremont Road and in other areas.  Dave Duquette has been working on the Ordinance and that is almost done.  He is looking at some things that pose management challenges such as hydrants in private parks; about a dozen have not been touched in many years.  He would like to put a deadline on how much time that the parks have to install meters.  It is a Selectboard decision on how they want to enforce it.  Jon LeClair feels they should be metered as soon as possible, even before the Ordinance is adopted.  It was agreed to send a certified notice, with return receipt, that they have 90 days to install meters.  The Selectboard agreed on a deadline of October 11th, 2005.  Dave Duquette distributed information sheets on water and sewer operations over the past six months, what they have produced and what they have brought in as well as a comparison over several years.  The Selectboard reviewed the data and Dave Duquette responded to several questions.  

Dave Duquette discussed lost communication between the departments during the storm last Wednesday.  The phone service went down for a while; they could not even reach the Police Department.  Even on good days there are problems.  Keith Weed talked with the Emergency Management representative and he is interested in assisting the Town.  Dave Duquette, Keith Weed and Chief Smith will get together to talk about it and get back to Emergency Management as there might be some funding in the next round of grants.

Dave Duquette reported that the final conclusion on Mr. Buisson’s sewer blockage is that it is not a Town problem.  Norm Beaudry took care of the construction issues so the Town should not be held liable.  Inside the pipe there were paper towels that do not degrade very well.   There was a consensus of the Selectboard to have Dave Edkins write a letter of explanation to Mr. Buisson denying compensation, and to include the facts that Norm Beaudry took care of the construction issues and the Town picked-up the road asphalt costs.   

Transfer Station:  Robert Davis advised that they are getting closer to having the scale and computer back on-line following storm damage.  He believes they were hit by lightning a second time.  The insurance adjuster was here and gave the go ahead to replace the computer.  Mandatory recycling of cardboard begin on June 1st and they are doing about a ton a day; about $6,000 was received so far plus there is another 2-to-3 loads to go in.  The boxes going to Berlin were running 18.5 to 19.5 tons per load but the last few loads were 20 to 22 tons and he believes that the difference in tonnage is taking the cardboard out and getting more trash.  Instead of “paying out” the Town is “taking in”.  

Police Department:  Police Chief Edward Smith said because of the storm the Town lost their server.  The IMC program they have is backed-up on the Town server but fortunately because of the laptops they were able to keep all their information together.  He will find another place for the gas can because it was hard to get to when it was needed for the generator.  

Chief Smith talked with the Town of Acworth to remind them of their financial obligation with Charlestown.  A check should be received soon.  Charlestown will continue to do the dispatching for Acworth; they are talking to both the State Police and the Sheriff’s Department regarding future coverage.  Right now the State Police is covering the Town.  Relative to issuing Pistol Permits, Chief Smith is willing to do the research on the individuals but it will be up to the Acworth Selectboard to actually issue the permits.  

A Permit is before the Selectboard from the Committee regarding the Charlestown Old Home Days for a parade.  There was discussion regarding the parade route coming out of an access pathway / road or down Paris Avenue; the Selectboard strongly recommended using Paris Avenue as in the past due to a question of ownership plus overgrown brush on the access path.  The Selectboard approved having Railroad Street blocked off on Saturday as long as they leave Depot Street open.

Steve Neill stated that last Sunday about 7:30 pm he drove into Patch Park and noted parked vehicles and dogs running loose.  He does not believe there is much enforcement in the park.  Chief Smith responded that there were very few complaints in the past weeks but one Summons was written out.  He is still working on the Dog Warrant and it should be done by the end of the month.

Chief Smith, Donald LaCourse and Dave Edkins will walk into the area where Donald LaCourse said vehicles were abandoned to determine if it is the former National Grid Power Company property or Town property.  Dave Duquette said they are in the Water Protection area.         

Water Bill - Robert Mann, Sr.:  Robert Mann discussed his water bill.  A previous meter reading was 1,700 gallons and it jumped to 60,100 gallons.  Why did it take almost a month to notify him of this increase?  They immediately fixed it because it was on their side of the line.  Until notified they had no indication that there was a leak.  Dave Duquette explained the process for reading meters.  As soon as Pat Royce talked to him about the high usage, he contacted Mr. Mann.  The reason for it not surfacing was that there was a leach field in the area so the water did not come to the surface but it went through the meter; it is a construction issue.  It was a fast leak.  In the future they hope to detect higher than average usage sooner.  Mr. Mann explained that this property is being sold on Friday at 4:00 pm and there is a $1,100 water bill.  Brenda Ferland explained that this bill cannot be abated because of the Town policy.   Possibly setting up a payment arrangement was discussed but, because of the sale, it was suggested that the bill be paid in-full out of the proceeds of the sale.                 

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) – RSA 910A:3 II:

Steve Neill moved to enter into a Non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Personnel.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:02 P.M.

The regular meeting resumed at 8:25 P.M.

Our Town Newspaper:  Steve Neill noted that the Our Town newspaper article on the new ambulance gave credit to Unique Signs for donating the lettering but the Town paid them for this service.

Main Street:  Jon LeClair asked Chief Smith if a stronger police foot presence on Main Street would be an asset.  He cited a recent go-cart incident and squealing tires.  Chief Smith responded that within 24 hours the department should have a police bike so there should be greater visibility on Main Street for about four hours each day.

There was no Old Business to be heard at this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Water and Sewer Departments – seven dehumidifiers for the buildings to protect equipment $804.00; 2) Highway – Ferguson Water Works - $797.36; 3) Highway Department – Ferguson Water Works $1,394.60; and 4) Highway Department – Carroll Concrete $702.80.

Abatements: 1) An Elderly Exemption was granted in the amount of $456.90; 2) An Abatement for Water and Sewer was granted in the amount of $61.00 due to a billing error; and 3) An Abatement for Water and Sewer was granted in the amount of $50.00 due to a billing error.

Cartographic Associates:  A request was received from Cartographic Associates to ask the State of New Hampshire to identify their rights-of-way going through the Town of Charlestown for use in the tax-mapping project.  There are also letters for them to be used for identification while they are doing their work if they need to stop and ask for information about property boundaries, etc. Chief Smith would like to know when they are working in Town.      

Property Tax Exemptions:  Several Veterans Tax Exemptions were previously granted but because of deadline date changes the Selectboard signed them again.


Recreation Committee:  The Recreation Committee has requested that Alicia Paskerta and Barbara Rowe be appointed to the Committee.  There were three vacancies created by resignations on the Recreation Committee but one has already been filled.  The Selectboard signed the appointments as requested.  

Charlestown Fire Warden:  Ed Blodgett, the Charlestown Fire Warden, is stepping down on July 1st, 2005.  The Fire Department will be making a recommendation for his replacement.  The Selectboard asked that a letter be written to Mr. Blodgett thanking him for his many years of doing this service for the Town.

Permit:  A request was approved from the 1958 Class to hold a reunion in Patch Park.

Peddler’s Permit:  The Selectboard approved a Peddler’s Permit for Gary Russell but requested that Dave Edkins discuss the location with him as “by the former Toll Bridge” will be deleted because that is State property and a specific new location on Main Street be added.

Charlestown Bible Church:  A request was received from the Charlestown Bible Church to exempt their new church from property taxes.  Dave Edkins explained that on April 1st the building was not finished so it was technically not be being used for religious purposes but obviously the intent is there.  The Selectboard granted the exemption.

Late Filing of Inventory Form:  A request was received from some new property owners advising that they were not aware of the Inventory of Taxable Property form that needed to be filled out so they are requesting an abatement of the penalty.  The Selectboard approved this request as they usually do for new people in Town.

Big Daddy’s Outdoor Living:  A letter was received from Big Daddy’s Outdoor Living advising that they can provide service, parts and equipment to the Town. They listed the different companies that they do business with and invited the Selectboard to visit them on Route 12.

Cemetery Trustees:  A copy of the letter that Dave Edkins wrote to the Cemetery Trustees about concerns raised by Chester Stone over property lines at the Pinecrest Cemetery is in the file for the Board’s information.

Monitoring Wells:  The report on the monitoring wells for the landfill is in the file.  The results came back good.

Master Plan:  The Community Facilities Chapter of the Master Plan was submitted to the Selectboard for their comments.  

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill said the Conservation Commission would not meet until the third Monday of the month.

CEDA – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that CEDA has not yet met this month.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that the Solid Waste Committee has not met since his last report.

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said the Ambulance Department would meet next week.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Heritage Commission met and their pamphlet is almost done.  They talked about the banner that she is in the process of making.  

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board meeting last night was cancelled as there was no business on the agenda.  During their meeting on June 21st there was a preliminary consultation on a two-lot subdivision on the Borough Road.  Vicky Boundy was in on the Master Plan and they reviewed the Community Facilities Chapter.           

There being no other business, Brenda Ferland moved to adjourn the meeting.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried. The time was 9:02 P.M.  

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary              Approved,

                                                        Brenda L. Ferland, Chair

                                                        Jon B. LeClair

                                                        Steven A. Neill

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the July 20th, 2005, Selectboard meeting.)