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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 03/16/05
MARCH 16, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Workshop meeting of March 9, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of March 2, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed submitted information on the new truck; he made a recommendation and the Highway Advisory Board agreed with it.  Jon LeClair asked Keith Weed what the turn-around time was on the new truck.  He did not want Keith Weed to wait another three weeks for a decision, therefore, the Selectboard agreed to study the proposals and convey a verbal decision to Dave Edkins who will pass the message onto Keith Weed.  

The proposal from Daniels Construction was handed in with reference to the dry bridge.  Dave Edkins will make a copy for the Highway Advisory Board.  Keith Weed explained that Daniels Construction is willing to come back and look at some alternatives for repairs to this bridge.  The Selectboard is in favor of pursuing alternatives and obtaining estimates to decide on a figure for next year’s budget.  

A request to pave a portion of Mountain View Avenue was received.  Bruce Putnam advised that the Highway Advisory Board has a copy of this.  Keith Weed noted that there would be another request for East Street Ext.  

South Hemlock Road is stressed and has some cracks in the new blacktop so the paving company took some pictures and said they would correct the problem.  This is the first time that this has happened with the process – it may be caused by either a lack of compaction or the mix.  
Transfer Station:  Robert Davis reported that the new backhoe has arrived.  

He had a phone call advising that aluminum prices have spiked so he delivered a load while the price was up.  

Two employees took and passed the State Solid Waste licensing test as follows:  Doreen Aldrich (Level One) and James Aldrich (Level Four).

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette attended a workshop last week and is still working on the Back Flow Prevention program.  The Water Department is working on meters and the Fire Department’s two meters will be in next week.  

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith reported that things have been pretty routine.  Bob Kelcey was asked to assist with the Firearms program at the Academy.  Jay Williams is all set to go to the next Police Academy.  The Department has been doing some stepped up speed enforcement.

Highway Advisory Committee:  Bruce Putnam advised that they met last week and looked over the truck bids and talked about some of the roads.

Bomar Industries:  Richard St. Pierre was present representing Bomar Industries who have some concerns regarding the ambulance service.  On March 3rd they had an individual that had a heart attack.  They waited 25-30 minutes for an ambulance to show up.  As a result of the long waiting period, they have contacted Golden Cross to see if they could provide back-up in the future.  The President of Bomar feels that the Town should have an EMT on during the daytime hours.  He asked Rick St. Pierre to contact other businesses in Town to see what their backup plans are.  The President of Bomar wants Rick St. Pierre to meet with the other businesses in Town to see what their thoughts are on hiring an EMT for the Town so the ambulance service is manned during the day.  The individual having the heart attack is recuperating but for someone else it might not have been okay; if fingers or a hand were cut off they could not wait that long.  

Brenda Ferland noted that even if the Town had a full-time EMT it does not guarantee that that person would be available but the position is still open because at one time the Selectboard was considering a part-time EMT and part-time police officer or dogcatcher.  Some companies have their own staff employee that takes care of medical emergencies.  Jon LeClair said the Selectboard cannot do anything about the position this year but it is worth discussing again.  Steve Neill noted that between the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, in 2001, 2002 and 2003, the ambulance service averaged 170+/- calls.  He was against eliminating that position but the Town voted otherwise.  It is a good service but there are some coverage problems.  

Chief Smith advised that when the Town ambulance cannot respond, Golden Cross responds north of Main Street and LeFevre Ambulance responds south of Main Street.  Rick St. Pierre said until this is resolved he will have to make sure that there is good backup – maybe call 911 or otherwise call Golden Cross or LeFevre directly because they cannot wait 30 minutes.  His boss at Bomar is worried.  

Fred Poisson was against eliminating the position; we were paying a small price as compared to a loss of a life.  This was a wake-up call to make sure that the Town has some sort of a backup plan.  On a recent Master Plan document the Ambulance Service indicated that they have ample volunteers.  We should do whatever it takes to get this straightened out now.  

Robert Davis feels the committee that was formed a few years ago did not amount to anything but what the ambulance crew wanted.  He recommended that the Selectboard form an independent committee with no ties to the other Town departments or the ambulance service to look at what is best for the community.  Do we want to subsidize our own ambulance service, contract with an outside service or give it to the Fire Department?  

Jon LeClair agrees with Robert Davis that there should be an independent committee formed to look at the emergency service in Town to see what the best direction to go in is.  He also agrees with Rick St. Pierre that it is not up to the businesses to start looking for an EMT.  Steve Neill agrees with Jon LeClair.  This is a rural area and there are no guarantees.  Rick St. Pierre is not looking for 100% coverage but he heard that this time there was no one there to take the call.  Dave Duquette and Fred Poisson volunteered to serve on the committee.  At the suggestion of Chief Smith, Dave Edkins will contact Primex and the Fire Academy to seek information on what the Town is looking at.  The Selectboard agreed to pursue a committee, establish the goals and work on a format.

Taxes:  Dave Edkins explained that an issue came up in December regarding the taxes on a property that Fred Poisson owns on the corner of Fling Road and Old Claremont Road.  The mobile home that was placed on the property in the spring of 2003 should not have been taxable because it was not connected to the utilities and therefore should not have been taxed as real estate.  It was waiting for a sale and should have been considered inventory.  Pat Royce contacted Municipal Resources who advised that if the Town made an error in assessing the property then it could be abated.  Dave Edkins looked at the inventory forms for 2003 and 2004 and Virginia Poisson indicated a new mobile home to be considered as inventory and then in 2004 reported that there were no changes.  There were no utilities until the fall of 2004.  It appears that this was an administrative error.

Steve Neill moved to abate the 2003 and 2004 taxes on the mobile home only.  The land and slab are taxable.  The unit is now hooked up to the utilities so it will be taxable for 2005.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Letter to the Editor:  Jon LeClair requested that Dave Edkins write a letter to the Editor stating that the Selectboard appreciated the vote of confidence at Town Meeting, including its appreciation for the defeat of the article to adopt a formal Budget Committee.  

Bakery Building:  Dave Edkins feels that the next step for repairs to the Bakery Building should be to hire a general contractor and have them coordinate the work rather than contracting out each piece individually.  Jon LeClair agreed.  Dave Edkins will call Brad Root at Beaudry Construction to make arrangements for a meeting late Monday afternoon to put together the whole package.                                                    

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Fire Department – Nortrax $372.96; 2) Water and Wastewater – Hach Company $819.00; 3) Water and Wastewater – Ti-Sales $1,124.68; and 4) Water and Wastewater – Ti-Sales $701.00.

Warrants:  The MS-6 form to the Department of Revenue Administration was approved and signed by the Board.  

Abatements:  A request for an Abatement was reviewed and denied.

Elderly Exemption:  A request for an Elderly Exemption was granted.

Library Board of Trustees:  The Selectboard approved the appointment of Eric Lutz to the Library Board of Trustees as per their request.

Timber Tax Levy:  The Selectboard approved a Timber Tax Levy on Calavant Hill in the amount of $434.73.

Cemetery Deed:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Cemetery Deed for the Pine Crest Cemetery.

Fluoridation:  The Selectboard received a request from Dr. Grabe to consider fluoridation in the Town’s water.  Dave Edkins responded to his request and a copy of the letter was in the correspondence file for the Selectboard’s information advising that the Selectboard would hold a Public Meeting if Dr. Grabe wished to pursue the matter.   

CEDA:   CEDA is submitting an application for a grant from Rural Development to help them lay out the Gristmill property.  The Selectboard signed the requested letter of support.  

Rental of Bakery Building:  The tenants of Morway’s Park have requested that the Selectboard waive the fee to use the Bakery Building.  The Selectboard agreed not to waive the fee.

Health Officer:  A notification was received for the Health Officer regarding an Emergency Management Plan Meeting in Hanover.  This will also be brought to the attention of Gary Wallace who is the Emergency Management Director.
Telephones:  A memo was received from Pat Royce advising that the Town’s Centrex contract with Verizon will expire in June.  She is waiting for a renewal contract from Verizon.

Request for Abatement:  A request was received from Mr. and Mrs. Tenney for an Abatement on a mobile home that was destroyed.  In July of 2003 a tree fell across the home.  Dave Edkins noted that if the mobile home was on the land on April 1st it should be taxed for 2003 but the 2004 taxes could be abated on the unit itself.  Mrs. Tenney is asking that, if approved, the abatement be applied to next year’s taxes.  The Selectboard agreed to abate the 2004 taxes on the mobile home unit.

Dave Edkins advised that all issues had been covered previously.  

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill said the Conservation Commission will meet next Monday.

CEDA – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that CEDA met last Tuesday but she did not attend due to the snowstorm.  They had been working on the covenants for the Gristmill Development.  A price schedule for seven lots was adopted as they are going to be put on the market.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Steve Neill covered the Planning Board meeting yesterday as Brenda Ferland’s alternate.  Robert Frizzell was elected as the Chair for the coming year and Gail Fellows was elected as the Vice-Chair.  The Planning Board elected the following alternates:  Linda Stewart for a two year term, Eric Lutz for a one year term and Sharon Francis for a three year term.  They spent quite a bit of time on the Master Plan Community Facilities Surveys.  

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that the Solid Waste Committee has not met recently.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Heritage Commission would meet on the last Tuesday of the month.

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair has not attended a meeting but the Ambulance Department meets the second Wednesday of every month.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) – RSA 91-A:3 II:

Steve Neill moved to enter into a Nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (c) to discuss matters involving reputations other than those of board members.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                                      Approved,

Brenda L. Ferland, Chair                        Jon B. LeClair                  Steven A. Neill

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the April 6th, 2005, Selectboard meeting.)