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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 12/15/04

DECEMBER 15, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Highway Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairman Steven Neill called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Mr. Neill announced that David Edkins is absent due to illness.  


The Minutes of the December 1st, 2004, meeting were tabled, as they were not available at this meeting.

Transfer Station:  Robert Davis advised that the mobile home owned by the Town is gone.  There was about five tons of waste and the metals were sent in for a credit.  Everything else has been routine.   

Water and Wastewater Departments:  David Duquette reported that they have been installing meters on the west side of Town.  He is working on the arsenic removal proposal for North Charlestown.  The crew is getting ready for winter by winterizing the buildings and cutting brush along the fence lines.  Three sewer connections were done this past week.  St. Pierre, Inc. started putting the line down on Jeffrey Lane.  Both booster pump stations are now operational.  Dave Duquette is doing some research on the Jones Road water lines as the property owners in that area claim there is low pressure.  He believes there may be a leak based on the noises in the line.  Rural Water came in today to work with the crew.   

Steve Neill asked if the department would be able to get meters in some of the Town buildings soon.  Dave Duquette is all set up but is watching his budget before moving along.  The Transfer Station and Bakery Building have been done.  The Fire Station and Town office need to be done and the pool will be done in the spring.  At the beginning of the year there were 63 non-working meters but that number is now down to about 15 or 16.  There are 40 or 50 flat rate properties that need to be done next year.  The meter project should be finished next year.  

Steve Neill would like to schedule a workshop meeting with Dave Duquette regarding the proposal on arsenic.  He suggested that Dave Duquette set one up through Dave Edkins.

Police Department:  Police Chief Smith said the department has been doing some patrolling on Taylor Hill Road and the radar has been set-up.  It seems to be slowing down the traffic.  Some warnings have been issued as well as some tickets.  He spoke to the Sheriff’s Department and they have a counter system that the Town can use next week but if it snows the counter system will have to be picked-up.  A memo was submitted to the Selectboard regarding numbers for a Regional Prosecutor.  They will discuss the possibility of a Warrant Article for Town Meeting to see if the Town is interested for 2006.  

Highway Department:  Keith Weed had a complaint on the Unity Stage Road that the road was rough so it was graded but ended up with some gravel being put on it because it was really rough after the rain.  Today some gravel was put on the Fling Road.  Two culverts were replaced on the Old Cheshire Turnpike.  The trees on the South Hemlock Road have been taken to the mill.  The stumps were removed last week.  A tree came down on Wheeler Rand Road; that has been cut-up and disposed of.  Last week there was some bad weather; a summary sheet outlining the manpower hours and equipment used was in the Selectboard packet.  Steve Neill felt this would help with the budget process.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION – Personnel (if necessary):

Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-Public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) to discuss personnel.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 7:19 P.M.  Keith Weed will attend.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:30 P.M.

Steve Neill opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 P.M.  Police Chief Ed Smith reported that he called the neighboring towns for their rates for officers and cruisers that are doing special details.  The Town of Charlestown was a little low on their present rates.  The current rates are $25.00/hour for a uniformed officer and $10.00/hour for the cruiser.  The proposed new rates are $50.00/hour - $40.00 for the officer ($30.00 to the officer and $10.00 to the Town) and $10.00/hour for the cruiser.  The cruiser would have a minimum charge of four hours but there will be no minimum time for the officer.  Example: For a one-hour detail, maybe the power or telephone company, the officer still has to travel both ways so it is not unfair to charge for the four hours minimum.  Dave Duquette questioned if this would apply to Town departments?  Chief Smith responded “no” that policy would remain the same.

There was no public comment on the proposed rates.          

Brenda Ferland moved to change the Special Detail Police Rates from $40.00/hour to $50.00/hour.  For a uniformed officer the fee would be $40.00/hour ($30.00 to the officer and $10.00 to the Town) and a $10.00 fee for the cruiser.  The cruiser would have a minimum charge of four hours but there will be no minimum charge for the officer.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, the motion carried.   

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:34 P.M.    
Morway’s Park:  David Mann and Sue Brault, residents in the Morway’s Park, were present.  David Mann talked to Dave Edkins and asked if the park owners could install individual water meters in the park for the mobile home owners to pay their own bills?  Steve Neill advised that according to State statutes they have the authority to do that but they will have to conform to the Town’s specifications.  The installations would have to be done by a licensed plumber.  David Mann asked if it could be done in segments?  Steve Neill responded that the Selectboard is not prepared to answer that.  Dave Duquette suggested that in addition to the individual meters the four existing master meters must remain operational.  There could be underground leaks in the park lines so after the individual meters are read the four master meters would be read and the difference billed to the park owners.  

There was no Selectboard comment at this meeting.

John Caramore:  Steve Neill noted that at the last meeting John Caramore of Hidden Valley inquired about putting a culvert in the ditch and covering it over.  Steve Neill looked at the area but Brenda Ferland and Jon LeClair have not had the opportunity, therefore, the issue will be deferred until the next meeting.
Replacement Truck:  Brenda Ferland asked what the latest is on a truck replacement for the one that burned.  Keith Weed responded that there is a 1999 truck with 18,000 miles on it in the garage now that might be the replacement but he is waiting for the final adjustment figures from Primex.  Fred Poisson suggested asking the State if they have any good used trucks for sale as they are well maintained.  Keith Weed noted that the Town needs a one-ton truck.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The check registers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Police Department – Competitive Computers $1,504.00; 2) Fire Department – Depot Home Center $899.78 (there was also a $1,500 donation toward the addition); 3) Fire Department – Claremont Overhead Door $750.00; 4) Transfer Station – Commercial Paving & Recycling $642.60; 5) Transfer Station – Eastern Analytical $982.00; 6) Highway Department – Arthur Whitcomb $1,690.90; 7) Highway Department – Waste, Inc. $955.00; and 8) Highway Department – Charlestown Cornerstone $622.25.

Warrants:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Tax Collectors Warrant for Added Property Tax in the amount of $2,384.39.

Land Use Change Tax:  Two Land Use Change Tax documents in the amount of $1,750.00 each were approved and signed for payment by Landmark Land Sales and Douglas & Linda Fournier.    

Cemetery Deed:  A Cemetery Deed for Gloria Gates in the Pine Crest Cemetery was approved and signed.  

Peddler’s License:  A Peddler’s License for Judy Fisher to sell miscellaneous gifts and crafts was approved and signed.  

Notice of Intent to Cut:  A Notice of Intent to Cut for Margaret Spaulding on the Old Town Farm Road was approved and signed.

Yield Tax:  The Selectboard approved two Yield Tax documents for Lisa Shaw and Kenneth Kinson.  The total for both is $1,709.61.

Solid Waste:  Steve Neill advised that the Selectboard wrote a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture in support of a recycling based Solid Waste Management Grant.

Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission:  After some changes were made, Steve Neill signed the Contract for 2005 for Phase II of the Master Plan Agreement with the UVLSRPC.

Community Alliance:  Steve Neill signed the revised Community Alliance Contract for 2005 for welfare assistance after the requested funding was reduced by $1,000 to a total of $12,000.

Solid Waste Committee:  

Jon LeClair moved to appoint Robert Beaudry as a member to the Solid Waste Committee.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With Jon LeClair and Brenda Ferland in favor, the motion carried.  Mr. Neill abstained from the vote.  

Brenda Ferland advised that there was nothing significant in the correspondence folder.

David Edkins is out sick, therefore, there was no Administrative Assistant’s report.

Conservation Commission – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair has been unable to attend the Conservation Commission meetings as they meet on Monday evenings and he has been attending the Finance Committee meetings.

CEDA – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland said that CEDA met last night.  Department of Resources & Economic Development Commissioner Sean O’Keefe is coming into Town to meet with CEDA tomorrow and will be at the Connecticut River Bank.  There will be some presentations.  Brenda Ferland will bring up the Route 12 project between North Walpole and South Charlestown as he needs to be made aware of the fact that this is how most traffic gets in- and-out of town.  He is a history buff and familiar with the Fort.  CEDA will talk about the Gristmill project and give him a look at the success of the previous CEDA projects.    

Ambulance Department – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Ambulance Department had a meeting last Wednesday night but she was attending a Selectboard Workshop meeting.  No information was relayed to her following that meeting.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Heritage Commission would not meet until the end of January.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said there is nothing to report on the Solid Waste Committee other than the appointment of Robert Beaudry to the Committee.   

Planning Board – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Planning Board met last Tuesday night.  The Board accepted as complete an application from Jonathan D. Keeler, Sr. to convert an existing automotive service station to a truck repair facility at 109 Main Street with several restrictions.  A Public Hearing will be held during the next meeting on Tuesday, December 21st, to review the revised Planning Board Fee Schedule.  

Workshop Meeting:  Steve Neill noted that a Workshop meeting should be scheduled to go over insurance numbers.  He will talk to Dave Edkins about setting the date and time.    

There being no other business, Brenda Ferland moved to adjourn the meeting.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:12 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved,

                                                                Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the January 5th, 2005, Selectboard meeting.)