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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 10/06/04
OCTOBER 6, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairman Steven Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  He welcomed everyone.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of September 15, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  With Brenda Ferland and Jon LeClair in favor, the motion carried.  Steve Neill abstained, as he was not present at the meeting.    

Bob Weaver distributed copies of a press release, dated August 12, 2004, and advised that the Capital Regional Development Council (CRDC) of Concord, NH has entered into an agreement with Western Region Development Corporation under which WRDC will phase out of business on or before January 31, 2005 and CRDC will serve the economic development interests in Sullivan County.  There will be an office in Newport possibly in the Eagle Block.  Sullivan County will be allowed fifteen members on the Executive Board for five-year terms.  They are hoping to have one person from each town.  If anyone is interested his or her name should be submitted before November.  The annual dinner meeting will be held in January.    

Victor St. Pierre reported that he presented plans for the Great Country Road upgrade to the Planning Board during the meeting last night.  The drawings were done by Soils Engineering and are for a thirty-three (33) foot road to be upgraded from Class 6 to Class 5 with all the drainage, gravel, etc.  There will be low water run-off from this with no increase of water onto the state road.  The maximum slope is 4%.  They have widened it to twenty-four (24) feet from curb-to-curb and there will be a closed drainage system in the road. When the road gets to the subdivided property the right-of-way opens up to fifty (50) feet; 640 feet of the road has a 33-foot ROW.  Victor St. Pierre asked that the Selectboard approve this proposal and then he will post the bond or letter of credit and take care of the rest of the items that the Planning Board stipulated.  Steve Neill noted that at the meeting last night there was some difference of opinion on how wide the road is off Route 12-A and it seems there are documents ranging from 18 feet to 33 feet; this will have to be resolved before the Selectboard can accept the road.  He encouraged this Board to give Victor St. Pierre an opinion on whether they would be willing to accept this plan after they are satisfied legally.  The Town attorney will have to give the Selectboard an opinion but it will be up to Victor St. Pierre to give the information to the attorney at his expense.  David Edkins has been doing research on a process to upgrade a road from Class 6 to Class 5 status and there is a process in the statutes called a “Statutory Lay-out Process”.  It is possible that the width issue could be resolved through that process as there are various steps to go through.  It is not the only process but it may be the most appropriate in this case.  Victor St. Pierre should continue with his research.  Dave Edkins and Victor St. Pierre will meet to go over the process.  Copies of the statute pages will be made for the Selectboard to review.  Jon LeClair said the biggest concern is the width of the road so it makes sense to do what Steve Neill recommended.  Brenda Ferland wants to go slowly and cautiously to cut back on legal fees.                                  

Police Department:  Police Chief Ed Smith reported that they are continuing with traffic patrols and they are successful with that.  He asked for permission to participate in the City of Claremont’s Fire Department parade on Friday evening as they extended an invitation to the Charlestown Police Department.  The Selectboard approved.  Brenda Ferland referred to a memo from Chief Smith regarding special detail pay.  A Public Hearing will be scheduled for the first meeting in November.  There was a consensus that the Selectboard can approve the recommendation but not implement the pay change until after Town Meeting as it is not in the budget this year.          

Highway Department:  Keith Weed advised that the Highway Department has been doing some of the fall grading, pot hole patching and right now are working on Calavant Hill.  The project on South Hemlock Road is complete.  The Selectboard has a request to have some dead trees taken down on South Hemlock and Main Street.  Keith Weed was contacted by someone who would like to inject the trees that still have some life to try to bring them back and he is willing to explain the process to the Selectboard.  There was a consensus to schedule him in for one of the regular meetings on the front end of the agenda.  One of the trucks is at S.G. Reed; it will be a few weeks before the work is done.  Keith Weed is waiting for a third estimate for a new roof on the main storage building as it is leaking a lot.  They started cleaning the catch basins and are on East Street now; there are a lot of undersized pipes.  This week they discovered the reason for flooding in the downtown area and the pipes need to be upgraded but it will require crossing the highway.  He met with M & W Soils to work on a proposal and plan to get most of them back into the right-of-ways and asked them to look at the whole area.  There is enough money to begin the project.  The Selectboard will look at the budget and make a decision on how to move forward with the funding.  Dave Edkins felt there might be some Federal Disaster money available through a grant program for the Taylor Hill flooding area to help solve the problem so it doesn’t continue to be a problem.  The Selectboard agreed to do a sidewalk site visit with Keith Weed.  

Keith Weed would like to do some reclaiming on the Unity Stage Road this fall and there is funding to do so.  There are 12 culverts that need to be replaced plus 4 catch basins.  The Selectboard approved this work.        

Keith Weed noted that the Water Department would be flushing hydrants starting on Monday; however, Monday is the Columbus Day holiday.  Dave Duquette asked to have one highway employee work with the Water Department on Monday so that employee will take Friday off as his holiday.  The Selectboard approved this change provided there is no over-time.                

Transfer Station:  Bob Davis had no news and advised that everything is moving along okay.

Fire Department:  Todd Templeton, Assistant Fire Chief, was present.  On behalf of the Chief and Fire Department, they are asking for permission to build a 24’ x 24’ addition on the back of the garage building for cold storage of equipment.  Most of the materials are being donated.  Dave Edkins talked with Fire Chief Gary Stoddard about attending the next Planning Board meeting and the municipal governmental use waivers.  The Town owns the abutting property.  There were no objections from the Selectboard; Chief Stoddard will attend the Planning Board meeting.  


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-Public session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a).  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 7:46 P.M.

The regular meeting resumed at 8:15 P.M.  

Tom Minickiello:  Tom Minickiello distributed a page of nine questions that he asked the Selectboard to comment on.  He would like to open the items up for public comment.  Since the document was lengthy, the Selectboard agreed to provide a written response to Mr. Minickiello and they will go over it at the next meeting.    

Frank Delorier:  Frank Delorier understands that there is an opening on the Solid Waste Committee, he applied for an appointment and asked what the requirements are to serve on it.  Jon LeClair responded that this was brought up at their meeting today but they have not made an appointment.  They would like someone with extensive trucking knowledge.  The Committee has met only once since Bob Beaudry left.  Dave Edkins noted that several people have expressed an interest in the vacancy.   

Former Charlestown Inn:  Responding to a question from Frank Delorier about cleaning up the former Charlestown Inn, Fred Poisson advised that he is in the process of purchasing this property and the back sheds will be taken down.  Steve Neill said the Selectboard listens and take steps to deal with issues that are brought to their attention, but some things take time.

Rotary:  Albert St. Pierre invited the Selectboard and business people in Town to attend the Rotary sponsored breakfast on Thursday, October 28th from 7:30 am to 9:00 am in the old Town Hall.  The Rotary is not a political organization but they have invited political candidates statewide because it is the week before elections.

Great Country Road:  Albert St. Pierre advised that he is disappointed in the Planning Board sending the Great Country Road project to the Selectboard because he feels this is a Planning Board issue.  St. Pierre, Inc. still owns that strip of land that Victor St. Pierre goes across and it was okay when it was his driveway.  St. Pierre, Inc. will be hiring a surveyor to define the property line.  They will vigorously oppose his going through there.  They did give Victor St. Pierre a price for that piece of land and are willing to sell it.  There is still the question of the subdivision with a 33-foot road going into it.

Transportation Advisory Committee:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission’s Transportation Advisory Committee is holding a long-range transportation planning meeting on Monday, November 1st, 2004, at 7:00 pm at the Sugar River Valley Technical School in Newport.  She will be attending.  Dave Edkins noted that the South Charlestown project on Route 12 is still the No. 1 priority of the Regional Planning Commission in terms of making their recommendation to the NH DOT.  The Town should be vigilant in trying to keep it there.  

Mrs. Holden:  Brenda Ferland reported that Mrs. Holden passed away.  As the Town’s oldest resident, she was the holder of the Town’s Boston Post Cane.  The Selectboard signed a sympathy card for her family.

Bakery Building:  Brenda Ferland said the Bakery Building is a work-in-progress.  Something needs to be done with the bathrooms; handicapped bathrooms are very expensive with an estimate of $18,540.  There was $30,000 appropriated for the repairs but $14,600 was used for the ramp.  New ceiling tiles with new lighting throughout the building came in at $5,718.  Dave Edkins said there is an additional $4,089 under the maintenance and repairs of this building so it could be used for the lighting.  The price includes the ceiling tiles themselves but if we are going to replace the tiles we should paint or clean up the grid work.  Do we want to drop the ceiling because of the present height - it will save on the heating?  There was a consensus to contact the local electricians for estimates.  An estimate was also received for replacing the windows at $7,850.             

Municipal Building:  Dave Edkins reported that there is about $14,000 left for maintenance in this building.  The new railings were put in.  There are several annual maintenance items that need to be taken out of this account.

Brenda Ferland moved to accept the foundation work bid of $7,900.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, the motion was approved.

Brenda Ferland moved to authorize the expenditure of $3,950 for repair of the large front Library windows.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor the motion was approved.   

Municipal Public Works Employee Liability:  Brenda Ferland was asked to co-sponsor a bill that Cliff Stark brought up addressing town public works employee liability with municipal vehicles not being put on personal driving records as it makes them pay more for their personal insurance.  This would be similar to the existing exemption for emergency service workers.   

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  There was no payroll voucher this week.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Water Department -Harcross Chemicals $2,900 for the Clay Brook project; 2) Highway Department -Carroll Concrete $1,114.80; 3) Fire Department -S.G. Reed $318.79; 4) Water / Wastewater Departments -Allen Engineering for chlorine $430.00; 5) Highway Department -D & E Tree Service for tree removal $4,000; and 6) Highway Department -D-B Chain $300.40.

Abatements:  The Selectboard signed two Abatements in the amounts of $1,320.05 and $1,026.00 on properties that the Town took for unpaid property taxes.  Dave Edkins noted that one was for a property that was repurchased by the owner.

Intent to Wood Cut:  The Selectboard approved and signed an Intent to Cut on Coral Avenue.

Water Survey:  Dave Duquette will be the contact person for the Department of Internal Geological Survey on the Town’s water systems.   

Connecticut River Joint Commission:  The Connecticut River Joint Commission has asked all of the towns along the River to provide a letter of support for their grant funding from the Department of Environmental Services for water quality monitoring in the River.  The Selectboard signed a letter of support on behalf of the Town.

New Hampshire Warrant for Voting:  The Selectboard signed the New Hampshire Warrant for Voting for the general election on November 2nd, 2004, in the Municipal Building from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm.

There were no Appointments, Permits, Licenses or Resolutions at this meeting.  

Health Trust:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Health Trust has advised that there will probably be a 17% increase in employee health insurance premiums for the next year.

Fuel:  A notice was received from Steve Varone, Fall Mountain Region School District, regarding the price of fuel for the coming season.

Christmas Bazaar:  The United Methodist Church has requested permission to use the old Town Hall for a Christmas Bazaar and luncheon on November 13th, 2004.  The customary fee is $100.00 and $50.00 is refunded if it is left in good, clean condition.  The Selectboard approved the rental at the usual fee.

Town Web Site:  Dave Edkins announced that the official Town Internet web site would be going live on Monday.  It is still a work-in-progress but will include many items of interest including minutes of meetings, agendas, meeting calendar, and contact information for all town departments, etc.  The address will be  Information will still be added over time; it will be a good source of information for residents interested in Town affairs.

Community Alliance:  A letter was received from the Community Alliance.  They have provided a new set of Welfare guidelines that need to be adopted.  It is important that the Town has and approves the guidelines when making decisions on applications for Town assistance.  Dave Edkins will review them and check on the adoption procedure.

Highway Advisory Board:  The Selectboard will be meeting with the Highway Advisory Board next Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Bakery Building to discuss the Highway budget proposal for next year.

Finance Committee:  Dave Edkins will send out notices for the first Finance Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, October 25th, 2004.

Annual Town Meeting:  The Town Deliberative Meeting needs to be set between Saturday, February 5th and Saturday, February 12th, 2005.  There was a consensus to set it for Wednesday evening, February 9th, 2005.          

Delinquent Tax Properties:  Dave Edkins reported that there are several delinquent tax properties that have been advertised for sale by sealed bid.  He has packets of information if anyone is interested in them.  If no bids are received for the mobile homes, the Selectboard will need to make a decision on how to dispose of them.

Workshops:  Dave Edkins feels that the Selectboard needs to start thinking about scheduling workshop meetings for employee evaluations, etc.  Tom Minickiello noted that there is quite a bit of money left in the Highway Department, maybe due to sickness, so if the Town needs to hire someone the money should not be a problem.

Personnel:  Dave Edkins will be here until noon tomorrow and then will be out for a week or two.  

Cliff Stark:  Cliff Stark suggested that consideration be given to purchasing some new voting booths, as many of them are shaky and loose in the joints.  Dave Edkins recommended that he talk to Deb Clark and have her include that in her budget under Election expenses.

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that the Conservation Commission met the week before last and discussed cleaning up Route 12.

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that CEDA has not yet met this month.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Planning Board met last night.  The Planning Board granted final approval with conditions for the 15-lot subdivision proposed Victor and Nancy St. Pierre; they rejected or denied the application from the No. 4 Rod, Gun and Snowmobile Club, Inc. for a maintenance building due to safety concerns; they accepted as complete an application for a dog grooming business; accepted as complete a two-lot subdivision on the Sam Putnam Road with conditions that a Wetlands Permit be in place; they approved a new replacement sign for the Charlestown Family Medicine; and approved a Voluntary Merger of property owned by the Student Conservation Association.   

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said they started looking at a proposed budget for this coming year.  They talked about putting a proposal in front of the Finance Committee for a piece of equipment and they are looking for a new member with trucking experience.  They will meet again on October 20th at 5:00 pm.

Heritage Commission - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland will schedule a meeting of the Heritage Commission sometime in November.    

There being no other business, Jon LeClair moved to adjourn the meeting.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion and, with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                                   Approved,

                                                                Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the October 20th, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)