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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 09/01/04

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of August 18, 2004, as printed.  Steve Neill seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the Highway Department installed new catch basins on Stevens Street and Taylor Hill.  Excavation was started for the new water pump stations.  The crack sealers are in Town and working on the North Hemlock Road and Unity Stage Road.  Since Tuesday the injection process is being done on the South Hemlock Road and it should be finished tomorrow.  The final paving is scheduled for Wednesday morning.  Everything is going very well.  They started inspections on Town vehicles and most of them are in pretty good shape.  

Brenda Ferland spoke to a member of the Women’s Club who requested that a crab apple tree on Sullivan Street be removed when the other trees are taken down.  The Women’s Club will probably replace that tree with another one.  Keith Weed asked that the replacement tree be set back further from the sidewalk.  There are seven oak trees on the South Hemlock Road that should be cut down.  Steve Neill asked that they be marked so the Selectboard can look at them.  The owners of the property near those trees usually have the right of first refusal on the wood.         
Solid Waste Facility:  Bob Davis advised that Wheelabrator is shut-down for a few days because of mechanical problems but the Town still has two places where they can take the trash.  He has an issue with people having a high number of stickers; there has to be a way to control the number.  The first sticker costs $25.00 and additional ones are $3.00.

Jon LeClair moved that anybody coming in for more than one sticker will have to provide vehicle registrations documenting that all stickers are for vehicles registered to that household and that these be listed on the receipt in the Selectboard office.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  

Bob Davis felt there would be a problem with some apartment houses.  Cliff Stark said there would be problems with company vehicles and Chief Smith said there could be problems with leased vehicles.  There was a consensus that the office staff will have to use discretion in applying this policy with some residents and vehicles.

        Vote:  All in favor, so voted.

Police Department:  Chief Smith turned in the Warrant for the dogs; it is done for another year.  Chief Smith submitted a letter regarding an anonymous donation by a citizen who would like a bike patrol in Town.  Chief Smith had advised the citizen that there was not a bike patrol because the department did not have a safe enough bike to put an officer on.  This citizen, who would like to remain anonymous, would like to donate $1,500 for the bike and equipment.  

Jon LeClair moved to allow Chief Smith through the Police Officers Association to accept this anonymous donation of $1,500 to purchase a bike and related equipment.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.

A letter was received from the Department of Transportation (DOT) concerning the Route 12/Chestnut Flat Road intersection near Windy Acres.  The issue was raised by the Windy Acres Coop.  They feel that there have been a number of accidents and Chief Smith reviewed them with the DOT.  Following a study, the DOT is recommending a left hand turn lane going southbound and a blinking light but would like the Town to pay for the electricity.  The Selectboard agreed that there are no funds in the budget this year for additional electric costs and there is a question of new poles.  Dave Edkins will obtain additional information and request copies of past correspondence regarding this matter.     

Chief Smith advised that a citizen on Taylor Hill is concerned with speeding and requested that the speed limit be lowered.  The Police Department has been running radar but had not written any tickets for speeding; maybe their mere presence is helping.  They will continue to monitor especially from 6-to-7 AM and 3-to-4 PM.  Steve Neill asked Chief Smith to keep the Selectboard advised.

Fireworks:  Frank Delorier asked if the Selectboard had a chance to make any progress on a Fireworks Policy.  Steve Neill advised that they are working on a draft and there will be a Public Hearing but it is still a work-in-progress.

Skateboard Park:  Luke Franco, accompanied by Steven Langford, asked about having a skateboard park in Town as a number other area towns have.  A lot of people do not like skateboards on the sidewalks.  They asked what they could do to try to have one.  Dave Edkins talked to them a few times about the possibility of having a park.  They have not been able to contact Bill MacDonald of the Recreation Department but Police Chief Smith noted that Bill MacDonald plans to bring this up at the next Recreation Department meeting.  Dave Edkins will let Mr. Franco and Mr. Langford know when the next Recreation Department meeting will be held.  The students are willing to try fundraisers to be used for funding toward the park.

Municipal Association:  Brenda Ferland mentioned the 2005 legislative proposals from the NH Municipal Association.  David Edkins received a copy and reviewed them.  He felt the Town would have to watch the exemption on the Landfill Closure for towns with under 5,000 population; in a couple of years we may be over that figure.  

Brenda Ferland asked if David Edkins would attend the conference?  He will attend if the Selectboard wishes him to do so; they prefer elected representatives but staff can attend if elected officials are not available.  

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Vouchers were signed.  

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved two purchase orders as follows:  1) Water and Wastewater Departments - Ti-Sales in the amount of $407.67; and 2) Water Department - Hurlburt Electric in the amount of $690.00.

Notice of Intent to Wood Cut:  The Selectboard approved a Notice of Intent to Wood Cut on Terrace Road in Crown Point Heights.

Change In Current Use:  The Selectboard approved a Change In Current Use as 1.69 acres was disqualified but it still leaves 81.3 acres in Current Use.

Conservation Commission:  An appointment document was received from the Conservation Commission to appoint Laura Lee Judd as a member.  David Edkins advised that the intent was to appoint Ms. Judd as an Alternate but the document did not indicate this.  The Selectboard will sign the corrected document.

Dog Mailing Lists:  Deb Clark, Town Clerk, is requesting that the Selectboard authorize a $10.00 fee for a list of dog owners and their mailing addresses.  Brenda Ferland does not have a problem with charging a fee but is the fee enough?  A voter checklist is $25.00.  

Brenda Ferland moved to charge $25.00 for a copy of the list of dog owners and their mailing addresses.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  All in favor, so voted.

MEDICAL BUILDING TRUSTEES:  A note was received from Bob Metcalf submitting his resignation from the Medical Building Trustees because he is moving out of state.

A letter was received from Ken Place regarding the resignation of Bob Metcalf.  They are looking to fill the vacancy and made a recommendation.  Steve Neill felt the vacancy should be publicized first to see if there is anyone else interested in making application.  

Brenda Ferland moved to appoint John Murray to fill the vacancy of Bob Metcalf with the understanding that the appointment runs until the next election in March.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  B. Ferland and J. LeClair were in favor, the motion passed.  Steve Neill abstained.  
Fred Poisson:  Steve Neill read the copy of the letter from Fred Poisson to the Charlestown Planning Board regarding their Notice of Enforcement Action -Used Car Sales Lot - 24 Sullivan Street.  Brenda Ferland asked how many shrubs should be there?  Dave Edkins responded that the shrubs were to be every ten feet so there should be about five or six shrubs rather than two mentioned in the letter.  The number of cars is now within the limits set by the Site Plan approval.  Dave Edkins talked with the Town attorney this afternoon about enforcement strategy and will bring this issue before the Planning Board next Tuesday.   
Brenda Ferland read the letter from Fred Poisson regarding a water and sewer bill.  Dave Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent, checked the meter and it is accurate and working.  It seems that the likely cause of a high reading was loss of water through either a leak or constantly running plumbing fixture.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard that their original position not to abate the bill stands firm, as the Town incurs costs to generate the water regardless of how it is lost.   

Highway Advisory Board:  Jon LeClair read the memo from the Highway Advisory Board advising that it is their unanimous conclusion that any road to be accepted for Town maintenance should have a right-of-way of at least 50’.  It should apply to newly created roads and Class 6 roads being brought up to Town specs for the Town to take over in the future.  Tom Minickiello felt that the Highway Advisory Board had thoroughly discussed this; Keith Weed was in attendance but Frank McKane was absent.  Dave Edkins noted that this is in reference to the Great Country Road, an existing Class 6 road, which the Town does not maintain.  Steve Neill said the question is this is an existing road.  Vic St. Pierre is looking for an answer on if he improves the road up to Town specs will the Town accept it allowing his proposed subdivision to be approved.  The section of road in question is about 140 feet +/- in length, it is flat and there is an ample ditch; two cars can pass each other now.  Steve Neill questioned if the Selectboard rejects his and Vic St. Pierre challenges us where will the Town be?  Dave Edkins will check with the Town attorney.  Steve Neill mentioned that the Town spent money to improve the water line and the subdivision will create tax dollars from property taxes.  Dave Duquette has evaluated the plans; one concern is the number of hydrants in the development but it will have to be worked out with Vic St. Pierre.  Dave Edkins felt it might not be unreasonable to ask Vic St. Pierre to supply a surveyed plan of the right-of-way of the road because the submitted plan doesn’t clearly show the right-of-way width.  Jon LeClair agreed that he would like to see a clearly defined right-of-way.                      

Ambulance Service:  Jerry Beaudry is anxious for the Selectboard to consider the proposed revised ambulance rates.  Jon LeClair said the Selectboard usually looks at rates once a year so feels this should wait until next April.  There was discussion regarding the paramedic intercepts and the fact that the other ambulance services are billed for their service but not the patient.  Wear-and-tear on the ambulances and equipment for out-of-town services is a concern.  Dave Edkins pointed out that this is a kind of mutual aid situation.  The Selectboard took issue on the color of paint used on the ambulance building.  Steve Neill said several residents have expressed their displeasure.        

A notice was received that Raymond S. Burton, Executive Councilor, will be in Charlestown at the Heritage Restaurant from 7:00-8:15 A.M. for breakfast.  The notice has been posted.     

Quotes were received from Green Mountain Glass on the repair of windows in this building.  The Selectboard is not ready to take action on this matter now as there are other building issues that also need to be addressed.  The quotes will be kept in the file.

A copy of the letter back to the State on the handicapped issues for the polling places was in the “Read” file.

A copy of a letter from Primex regarding the safety of the stairs to the Police Department was reviewed.  

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that the Conservation Commission will be meeting later this month.

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland said CEDA has not yet met this month.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill advised that the Planning Board will not meet until next Tuesday.  Brenda Ferland will be Steve Neill’s alternate for the Old No. 4 Rod, Gun and Snowmobile Club item on the agenda.

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said there have been no meetings but they are attempting to schedule one soon.

Heritage Commission - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that there have not been any meetings recently.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) - RSA 91-A:3 II

Jon LeClair moved to enter into a Non-Public Session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a).  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:26 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                                   Approved,

                                                                Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

(Note: These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the September 15th, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)