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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 05/19/04
MAY 19, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Wastewater Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Solid Waste Superintendent

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of May 5, 2004, as printed with the following correction:  Page 1 -Women’s Club- change Matt “Leblanc” to Matt “Blanc”.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the first Non-public Selectboard meeting of May 5, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the second Non-public Selectboard meeting of May 5, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Selectboard Workshop meeting of May 11, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

Steve Neill reported that during the Workshop meeting on May 11th the Selectboard met with Beaudry Construction regarding their low bid for the new building at the transfer station.  The bid was approximately $8,000 over budget but they were able to make negotiate adjustments that brought that bid down to $34,506.00.  The Selectboard signed the purchase order and gave Beaudry a deposit so work will begin in about a month.

CHARLESTOWN WOMEN’S CLUB - Public Comment on Lighting of Proposed Lamp Posts:  Matt Blanc asked for public comment from people who were not at the last meeting.  Tom Minickiello asked how many poles would there be?  Matt Blanc said they started with 20 but there will now be 18 or 19 with lights.  Tom Minickiello asked how much will the electricity cost?  Matt Blanc said about 50 cents a day per lamp or about $3,500/year.  Tom Minickiello said the Town already appropriates about $22,000/year for lights; it will be a burden for some people that are struggling to pay their taxes now.  He isn’t saying it is right or wrong but some people cannot afford a tax increase.  

Brenda Ferland asked how long have the locator stakes been in place?  Matt Blanc responded since last Monday and the locations are still subject to approval by Keith Weed and Dave Duquette; they are also subject to Dig Safe notification.  Brenda Ferland asked if people with stakes in front of their houses had commented?  Matt Blanc said it is all positive comments, they are happy to have the lights.  Dave Edkins has had no feedback resulting from the letters sent to the residential property owners on May 13th.  Mrs. Pickul noted that the stakes were put up last year before they got the approval and the locations haven’t changed.  Tom Minickiello asked who would be liable to replace any of the lights if they are damaged through vandalism?  Dave Edkins said the Town would take ownership.  The money to light them will come out of the Street Lighting budget but maintenance will probably be done by the Highway Department.  Dave Duquette has no problem with the lights but we have to watch out for service lines when the conduit is put in.  Cliff Stark feels that the posts with lights will look very nice and be an addition to the Town.  Brenda Ferland said it is a good thing for Charlestown, as the lights won’t cost that much and offer comfort at night.  Matt Blanc noted that the poles have a commercial base but he will have to find out what the coatings are.  At the last meeting Mrs. Pickul asked for a letter from the Board saying that the Town would take ownership responsibility next year.  The Women’s Club will pay for the lighting this year during the holiday season.  Steve Neill confirmed that the Town would revise their original letter.  Mrs. Pickul asked if the Selectboard support and give their approval to this project and the Selectboard responded “yes”.                         

LIBRARY RAMP:  Sandra Perron, Librarian, and Joan Ilves and Kate Brenton, Trustees of the Library, were present.  Steve Neill explained that the Town is in need of running a conduit between the Library and Bakery buildings so they can get the computer systems linked together.  The ramp on the north side of the Library is in deplorable condition and it is a little bit of an issue in getting the conduit in.  The Selectboard is recommending that the ramp be removed because it is a hazard and there are drainage issues but they would like to hear from the Library Trustees.  Mrs. Ilves said they are in agreement that it needs to be replaced and re-designed and they have some ideas so it can be directed toward a handicapped parking space.  The ramp is used for not only handicapped people but also mothers with strollers.  Steve Neill said it is the Board’s intent to remove but not replace the ramp.  Mrs. Perron said the summer reading program draws about 35 children and 15 adults plus a young man attends in a wheelchair.  The Library serves many persons in age groups of under five and over sixty-five.  If there was a fire, power outage or an incident with that many people in the library and no ramp how would they get the young man out, as the elevator might not work under the circumstances.  All the other entrances have stairs.  What would the Fire Department and Police Department want to see done, as they also would deal with emergencies.  Dave Duquette suggested building a temporary pressure-treated ramp for fire, emergency use only.  Dave Edkins responded it would cost a lot as it would have to meet ADA standards and pressure-treated wood is not permitted now.  Originally the Town went with the lift, as it was cheaper than a new ramp.  Mrs. Perron asked if the elevator has back-up power?  Dave Edkins does not believe it does but will check on that.  Cliff Stark noted that from a fire point of view the Town might have to put in a back-up generator; there are grants available.  Kate Brenton asked, if the renovations to the Bakery Building will include some kind of handicapped access and would there be a cost savings to do two ramps?  The ramp is useful to them now even in the condition it is in; it serves a safety function.  Dave Edkins said the Town hasn’t done any serious design work yet.  Tom Minickiello felt that when it was chosen to put in the elevator for $17,000 the ramp was going to be taken out because of the drainage problem.  Dave Edkins confirmed that was the intent.  Dave Duquette said the crew put in about 20 hours a month taking care of the ice, etc. because of the way the ramp tips and the water runs toward the basement windows.  Steve Neill felt we could get an interpretation/opinion on safety from the Building Inspector and send a copy to the Library.  Dave Edkins believes that if the elevator is upstairs it will descend by itself even in the event of an emergency.  The Police Department is in this building and could respond rapidly in the event of an emergency.  Mrs. Perron’s concern extends to possible litigation; they want to be sure they haven’t overlooked anything, and have covered all the bases.  If there was a fire in the corridor because of the gas in the kitchen one can’t get out of the bottom floor.  Steve Neill commented that there are many different ways of firemen getting people out to evacuate buildings.  We will explore a back-up system for the elevator to improve the situation.

Jon LeClair moved to remove the ramp.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.                              

MARTIN HANSON - Patch Park Music Concert:  Martin Hanson is requesting use of Patch Park for a free music concert on Saturday, June 19th from 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM.  Steve Neill advised that the Selectboard has concerns about the hours, as this is a residential neighborhood. In addition the Town is not allowed by a court order to allow anyone to run concessions and make profit under the terms of how the property was donated to the Town.  Mr. Hanson said that any concessions would just pay for the promotion and other expenses but not to make a profit.  There has been an interest from some local bands to participate.  They would face toward the river so it won’t be too loud for the neighbors.  Chief Smith noted that historically in the neighborhood the residents begin to place complaints as early as 9:00 PM.  The park normally locks up at 9:00 PM.  The other concern is parking; it should be controlled prior to the concert and after it closes.  Mr. Hanson isn’t expecting a huge crowd.  Steve Neill feels that if a limit is put on the number of vehicles in Patch Park the others will want to park on the streets and then there isn’t enough room for emergency vehicles.  Maybe two or three members of the Police Department should be hired to be in charge of the parking.  Brenda Ferland is concerned with the vendors; people bring in food and drink-who will clean up the park?  The Selectboard expect that the park will be left in the same condition as the users found it and that includes the grass area.  Mr. Hanson indicated that he can appreciate this and expects a respectable group.  Dave Edkins discussed this with Bill MacDonald, Recreation Director, and he expressed an interest in possibly working on a joint arrangement on the concession stand with Mr. Hanson.  Mr. Hanson was agreeable to this and will contact Mr. MacDonald.  They need to find out how much electricity is available and check into bathroom facilities.  Steve Neill felt that the Selectboard might consider changing the hours from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM.   After Mr. Hanson has contacted Mr. MacDonald to work out some arrangements and reported back to Dave Edkins, Dave Edkins will poll the Selectboard for a decision so Mr. Hanson can begin to promote the event and book bands.                    

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the line painters are in Town and they should be done on Friday.  Street sweeping has fallen behind, as the machine still isn’t fixed.  The whole crew is working on the ditch project on the South Hemlock Road.  Jon LeClair was contacted by Joan Clark regarding the ditch near her driveway on south Hemlock Road; Keith Weed will stop by to talk to her about this.  Steve Neill noted that the curbing by the side of the Town property near the Police Department looks good and is an improvement; it will keep vehicles off the lawn.

Gravel Crushing:  One bid was received from S. M. Recycling of Milford, NH on the crushing.  It was for 8,500 tons of 1-1/2” crushed gravel - $4.00/ton = $34,000.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to give the paperwork to Keith Weed and to take this under advisement.  Bruce Putnam requested that the Highway Advisory Committee be allowed to discuss this with Keith Weed before a decision is made; the Selectboard agreed.

Tom Minickiello asked what is happening on the Old Claremont Road.  Dave Edkins responded that the Town is holding retainage from SCI for work that still needs to be done.  A month ago the Selectboard met with Provan and Lorber.  Most of the people at Provan and Lorber that worked with us on this project have left to start a new firm so we are dealing with new people.  He placed another call to them today.            

Water and Wastewater Department:  David Duquette advised that the crew has been replacing fire hydrants and four more were ordered - one for the Old Claremont Road, one for East Street, one on West Street, and one by the old Town Hall.  They did a sewer main repair on Willard Street and repaired the leak in Ken Champney’s yard that turned out to be the service line.  There is another leak on CEDA Park Road that needs to be repaired.  They will replace 280 meters this year and put in 20 meter pits in Hidden Acres.  

Dave Duquette asked the Selectboard if they would consider revamping the summer hours for the Highway, Water and Sewer Departments to 6:00 AM to 2:30 PM.  Keith Weed said all the Highway Department employees are in favor.  Dave Duquette said they have plenty of light and there is plenty of prep work for the guys to set up for the projects without being on the road at 6:00 AM.  This would be a trial basis for this year.  Jon LeClair doesn’t have much of a problem but hopes that we don’t lose productive hours waiting for the work hours to begin.  Dave Edkins noted that many private contractors begin at 6:00 AM in the summer.  Brenda Ferland suggested giving it a try.  Steve Neill recommended trying it for a month starting Monday and asking the Department Heads to report back at the next meeting.  If there are complaints, the Selectboard will revisit the decision.

Last week Dave Edkins had a request from a property owner that had a leak in her basement and this week he had a similar request.  The policy of this Board has been to not abate any of the water charges but there was some thought given to abating some of the sewer charges.  The water did go through the meters and there is no question about that but often it did not go into the sewer system.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to stay consistent and stick to the policies.  

Brenda Ferland suggested that Dave Duquette just do spot checking on the office list of 50 or so discrepancies of high usage where new meters were put in.   
Solid Waste Facility:  Bob Davis reported that the water line and hydrant should be on line on Monday so that when the building construction starts it will be there.  The truck should be back on Friday morning.  They are starting to get the new wall laid out for the demolition boxes.  The contract with the Mt. Carberry Landfill is still pending; Dave Edkins checks on this on a regular basis.  He will also contact Lebanon, NH.  Hazardous Waste days will start in July and the dates will be published in the Our Town paper.  Beaudry Enterprises mowed today for about 2-1/2 hours and did everything but the slopes.  Steve Neill noted that they may have to use other equipment for the slopes or they will adjust the bill.       

Police Department:  Chief Ed Smith advised that the new cruiser is in a few days ahead of time.  The lights will be changed over from the old cruiser.  Chief Smith will be on vacation for one week beginning May 31st.  Sargent Webb will be in command during his absence.  Jon LeClair noted that the Memorial Day remembrance will be observed on Monday, May 31st; North Charlestown at 8:00 AM and in the Village at 9:45 AM.  

Brenda Ferland advised that the Department of Transportation has noted that the accidents at the intersection of Route 12 with Unity Stage Road have nothing to do with the road.  Brenda Ferland’s observations are speeding and people not paying attention going into the trailer park.      

Highway Advisory Committee:  Bruce Putnam reported that members of the Highway Advisory Committee met with Keith Weed last week to observe the demonstration on the South Hemlock Road.   

PUBLIC COMMENT:  There was no public comment at this meeting.

SELECTBOARD COMMENT:  The Selectboard made no comments at this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Accounts Payable check vouchers were approved and signed by the Selectboard.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following purchase orders:  1) Water Department -Rick’s Electric $546.21- the Town should be reimbursed by insurance since this was the result of a motor vehicle accident; 2) Transfer Station -E. Brian’s Appliances $451.00- remove freon from refrigerators and air conditioners; 3) Town Office and Garage - Twin Valley Heating $364.20- heating; 4) Fire Department -Bergeron Protective Clothing $498.00; 5) Fire Department -Bergeron Protective Clothing $1,273.93; 6) Water -Hurlburt Electric $512.95 for emergency electrical repairs; 7) Transfer Station -Eastern Analytical $1,788.50 for testing; 8) Transfer Station -Laber Manufacturing $318.90; and 9) Water & Wastewater -Allen Engineering $732.00 - Chlorine.  

Abatements:  The Selectboard approved two Tax Abatements for the following amounts:  $353.60 and $30.60 plus interest.  They also granted:  1) A Water Abatement for an error in the amount of $18.50; 2) An property tax abatement due to an adjustment on the measurements of a porch; and 3) A property tax abatement regarding depreciation for an incomplete construction.  The Selectboard signed a letter of denial of an Abatement of Property Taxes.  The Selectboard also denied an Abatement regarding a Current Use adjustment.  

The Selectboard signed a State form that had previously been signed on the wrong form.

The Selectboard approved and signed a letter to US Gen of New England regarding the Property Tax Appeal.

Exemptions:  The Selectboard granted two Elderly Exemptions and a Veteran’s Tax Credit.  They denied two Elderly Exemptions, as they did not meet the requirements.

Notice of Intent to Excavate Gravel:  The Selectboard approved Notices of Intent to Excavate Gravel for the Charlestown Economic Development Association (CEDA) and for St. Pierre, Inc. at both Chestnut Hill Road and Jeffrey Road.      

Notice of Intent to Cut:  The Selectboard approved two Notices of Intent to Cut on Route 12 and on Route 12 to the Meany Road.

Current Use:  The Selectboard approved a Current Use application to add 4.4 acres to an existing parcel in current use.

Peddlers License:  The Selectboard approved a Peddlers License for a hot dog cart that will expire on April 1, 2005.

License to Serve Alcoholic Beverages:  The Selectboard approved a License to Serve Alcoholic Beverages on June 6th in Patch Park.

Community Goals Workshop:  A notice was received regarding the Community Goals Workshop to be held on June 12th, 2004, from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM by the Planning Board with assistance from the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission.  Beverages and lunch will be provided.  This is in connection with the Master Plan.  Dave Edkins sent notices to various groups in Town and it is open to the public.

Hazardous Waste Collection:  A notice regarding Hazardous Waste Collection Days in Keene was received and the information will be published in the Our Town paper.   

Department of Transportation:  A notice was received from the State of New Hampshire DOT relative to a Regional Safety Conference on May 27th at 2:00 PM at the Sugar River Savings Bank in Newport.  Police Chief Ed Smith will attend.

Department of Environmental Services:  A notice was received from the DES that Ray-Tech Leasing (former foundry building) on the Springfield Road has been accepted into the Brownfields Program to get the site cleaned-up.  

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair said the Conservation Commission has not met since the last report.

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that CEDA met last Monday night.  They had Robert Weaver come in to talk about grant funding and what they could use for funds for in promoting the Gristmill Industrial Park.  Tim St. Pierre talked about the gravel pit operation; this is their fourth season.  They have re-graded the road to the first gate.  Dave Edkins brought their attention to the Community Goals Workshop and encouraged the members to participate.  He also talked about setting up a web site; CEDA is interested in sharing funds on this.  The next meeting will be at the Grist Mill site so they can take a look at the logging operation.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill advised that the Planning Board met last night.  They approved a revised Sign Permit for the Charlestown Animal Hospital on North Main Street and the Town’s Transfer Station office/scale house and bathroom building.  The Board accepted a voluntary merger on the Old Claremont Road.  An application for an In-home Day Care Center on the Acworth Road was tabled until the next meeting.  They approved as an amendment to the original plan for cell tower changes for Verizon Wireless in the Ponderosa Park.  The Major and Minor Site Plan checklists were reviewed.

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that the Solid Waste Committee expects to meet in a couple of weeks.

Heritage Commission - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that the first meeting of the Heritage Commission will be held on June 2nd at 4:00 PM.  

Town Web Site:  Dave Edkins and Pat Royce met with Competitive Computers and got a quote from them for a Town Web Site.  They also talked to Virtual Town Hall in Portland, Maine, who are highly recommended and specialize in assisting towns to set up web sites.  To get started it will cost about $2,200 and that includes the first year of service.  The following year will be about $995.  CEDA is willing to put some funds toward the project for some space and there are computer line items in Planning and the Administrative Assistant budgets so approximately one-half of $800 could be used.  He is anxious to get the project started and asked the Selectboard if some funds could be used from their budget line.  While the Selectboard feels it is a worthwhile project for the Town they were reluctant to use their budget line except for emergencies.  There was a consensus to have Dave Edkins contact each department to see if they have some computer funds that they can contribute toward a web site.  Dave Edkins envisions that this will be a Town web site where each department would have a place to put their information.  Steve Neill indicated that after this year the Town could create a line in the budget to support this.        


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a non-public session to discuss personnel matters and the acquisition of property pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) (d).  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:32 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                           Approved,

Steven A. Neill, Chair                  Brenda L. Ferland                       Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the June 2nd, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)