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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 05/05/04
MAY 5, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent      
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of April 21, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  All in favor; so voted.

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the non-public Selectboard meeting of April 21, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  It was noted that in the proposed meeting with Mr. VanVelsor, “Bob Rivard” should be changed to “Joe Lessard”.  All in favor, so voted.

CHARLESTOWN WOMEN’S CLUB - MAIN STREET LIGHT POLES:  Matt LeBlanc distributed copies of sketches of the proposed light poles.  The original plans were to put up poles with an arm to hold flower baskets or banners but not lights, however, as the project evolved the Women’s Club was able to get a good price with lights.  By approaching businesses and trying to get them interested in the project they thought the lampposts would be a lot more attractive than the poles with an arm.  The Selectboard had written a letter to the Women’s Club expressing concern about maintaining the poles and the additional electricity costs for running the 18 poles.  Several people got involved and felt there should be more discussion before the project was abandoned.  They are looking for some assurance from the Selectboard that after this fiscal year there could be some additional funding in the budget for the lighting.  There is very poor lighting on the sidewalks on the west side of Main Street.  There would be no glare problem from the lights.  

Mr. LeBlanc proposed that the Selectboard invite the people that would have lights in front of their houses to come to the next meeting on May 19th to have an opportunity to comment on this and that after this year the Selectboard would be willing to commit to the electricity costs.  Jon LeClair was concerned that the Selectboard didn’t have any additional funding in this years budget and about the bright lights but with 90 or 100-watt incandescent lights he doesn’t see a problem.  Mr. LeBlanc felt it would be the end of this summer before everything was figured out.  Maybe this year there could be some decorations for the holidays and the lights could be shut-off for the winter; that would give the Selectboard an idea of what the cost would be for two months.  Each section would be all strung together, would be on a timer and could be shut-off at mid-night.  The Department of Transportation requires that the poles be 18 feet behind the white line.  Dig-Safe would be contacted to determine if the poles are close to any infrastructure.  Mrs. Pickul said the Women’s Club voted on wanting a guarantee from the Selectboard that next year the poles would be lit.  Steve Neill responded that they need to have the budget passed but the Selectboard extended their support for next year.  Unless the budget is defeated the money will be there.  Mrs. Pickul requested that a revised letter be written to the Women’s Club by the Selectboard advising that the Town will take responsibility for electricity for the lights in the next fiscal year.  Mrs. Pickul feels that the Women’s Club has held onto the donations for quite a while and would like to move forward with the project after the meeting on May 19th.  She doesn’t want the poles under the trees so they will be quite a distance away from the houses.  It was agreed that conduit would be used.  Mr. LeBlanc and Mr. Weed will stake out the location of the lights and Mr. Edkins will write a letter to the residents on both sides of the street before the next meeting.  

RFP OPENING - TRANSFER STATION BUILDING:  Bids for the Transfer Station building were due today by 4:00 PM.  One bid was received from Normand R. Beaudry Construction in the amount of $43,150.00.  This is over the budgeted amount by $8,150.  Mr. Edkins explained that the reason it was put out for an RFP as opposed to a straight bid is that it would give the Selectboard the opportunity to meet with the contractor to negotiate the scope and price of the project.  Steve Neill noted that this proposal is good for ten days so a meeting needs to be scheduled soon.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported that the Highway Department is grading roads and they are almost done; South Hemlock Road was graded today and the Borough Road will be done tomorrow.  Catch basins will be repaired, a header was rebuilt as it had collapsed during the winter, and guardrails on Breakneck Hill were repaired.  Last week a lot of time was spent at Patch Park getting it ready for the season.  He is looking at doing the South Hemlock Road but the anticipated cost will be $35,000 for a contractor to do it.  He asked for permission to move ahead on the crushing and is advertising for gravel bids.  To rent an excavator for one month will cost $4,200.00; cost-wise it is better for the Town to rent and do the work themselves rather than contract it out.  Mr. Weed met with a representative from Bell and Flynn Construction, which has a new process for road rebuilding; the representative will be here next week to meet with the Highway Advisory Board on Wednesday at 6:30 PM and the Selectboard was asked to attend this meeting.  Brenda Ferland reviewed the Street Sweeping memo and asked who would be responsible for traffic control.  Mr. Weed responded that flaggers are usually not involved with street sweeping.  He investigated four companies.  Steve Neill stepped off the Board at this time.

Jon LeClair moved that the Selectboard accept Keith Weed’s proposal for street sweeping this year and to accept Beaudry Enterprises bid at $139.00 a curb mile for the first operation in the spring and the Selectboard will vote on this again in the fall for the second sweeping.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  Jon LeClair and Brenda Ferland were in favor; the motion carried.

Steve Neill returned to his sear on the Board.    

The Selectboard felt that Keith Weed’s plan for crushing is good and gave him permission to proceed.  There is about 2,000 yards left from last year and he is requesting the state standard of 1-1/2 inch.  Bruce Putnam said the Highway Advisory Committee discussed this and is recommending that a higher amount be crushed, as there is a chance the Town will get a better price.  This will be advertised.

Jon LeClair moved to authorize Keith Weed to rent a rubber tire excavator to do the ditching for one month at a cost of $4,200.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  All in favor; so voted.

Keith Weed noted that plow blades are going up in June so he is trying to figure out how many will be needed.   He will be looking at the drainage issue on the Old Claremont Road and another location next week.  Steve Neill said there are several stop signs around Town that are not vertical and asked that the Highway Department make an effort to straighten them out.  Dave Edkins mentioned that conduit needs to be installed between this building and the Bakery Building to connect the computers.  Competitive Computers will be doing the wiring.  Mr. Weed felt this can be done by the Highway Department and worked into the schedule.  A lot of brush and leaves were removed from the Senior Center by the Highway Department and Steve Neill commended them for their effort.  Mr. Weed said the kids working there did a lot of work.  Dave Edkins was contacted by Bob Stone who mentioned that the boat landing is in desperate need of grading.  Cliff Stark said in the past they got permission from the Power Company who are the owners, and with the Selectboard approval, the Town graded the road but used no materials.                              

The PHS Company will hold the price on striping the roads as was done in the past.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the proposal from the PHS Company in the amount of $2,000 for striping the roads.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  All in favor; so voted.

Steve Neill said the Town skipped crack sealing last year but this year we should get some proposals for the three roads on the list (portion of the North Hemlock Road, Unity Stage Road and Sullivan Street).  Bruce Putnam said the Highway Advisory Committee also feels that those roads should be on the top of the priority list.  

Highway Advisory Committee:  Bruce Putnam advised that the Highway Advisory Committee submitted a report to the Selectboard and some recommendations were made.  Their next meeting will be next Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM to look at the new road rebuilding process.

Solid Waste Facility:  Robert Davis reported that they did the water testing and monitoring the wells and everything looks good.  Dave Edkins said the test results were sent into the State today.  It is the spring of the year and things are getting busy.  Steve Neill asked if the gate was pushed in?  Bob Davis was not aware of the incident but will check on it.

Last Saturday was Green-Up Day and Bob Davis said they were swamped.  Steve Neill noted that a lot of people worked on it and the Selectboard thanks everyone who participated.  It was a good community effort.  The VFW provided food at noontime.  
Police Department:  Chief Smith said it has been a busy week.  In addition, one of the computers is down so he will be getting something to the Selectboard as a replacement is needed.  He was able to get a loaner and is looking to get a price to supplement it with a FAX/scanner/copier combination.  The “Take Back The Night” program was held last week and was a success with about 50 participants.  The new cruiser should be in at the end of this month and Whelen Engineering will transfer the lights.  The problems with the tree company on Sullivan Street have been resolved.

Water Tubs:  Cliff Stark would like to see the Selectmen look into the possibility of moving the water tubs (old watering troughs) that are scattered around the Town into a central location so they won’t get damaged and be protected.  One is by the tennis courts, one is on Almar Street, and one on the Old Claremont Road is set in brush about one-half mile to Hidden Valley.  Steve Neill said maybe they should be marked so everyone knows where they are.  In the past, sentiment was strong about not moving the one on Almar Street.  Brenda Ferland noted that the one in North Charlestown was moved to the Farwell School property.  Jon LeClair felt that a good place would be by the old red schoolhouse.  There was a consensus to ask the Heritage Commission to look into this matter.

Sewer Problem:  Bob Bushway pointed out that his sewer problem isn’t a matter of money, it is a commitment that the former Town office made to maintain the line but this Selectboard doesn’t seem to want to honor it; he can’t tear up the road as it belongs to the Town.  Dave Edkins talked to Ron LeClair, who had a similar problem, and he advised that the final determination was that the sewer service line was the homeowner’s responsibility from the building to the main.  The Town would handle the actual tap into the main.  Dave Duquette was going to contact Mr. Bushway.  If it is determined that the water line construction was the problem then the Town would work with Mr. Bushway so he wouldn’t be responsible for the entire bill.  Steve Neill wants a copy of the last page of the Ordinance with the effective date.  Mr. Duquette and Mr. Edkins have agreed that they need to revise the Sewer and the Water Ordinances.

There were no Selectboard comments made at this meeting.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  
Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved by the Selectboard:  1) Police - Maynard Auto Supply $392.78; 2) Water/Wastewater - Brian Moriarty for meter installations $21,500; and 3) Water/Wastewater - Ti Sales $43,478.40.  The purchase orders for the Water and Wastewater Departments include installation of meter pits.

Elderly and Disabled Tax Deferral Application:  The application was signed by two members of the Selectboard.  Ms. Ferland abstained due to a potential conflict of interest.                                                         

Elderly Exemption:  The Selectboard signed two Elderly Exemption applications.

Martin Hanson:  Following a discussion, there was a consensus of the Selectboard to ask Martin Hanson to attend a meeting to discuss his request to use Patch Park for a music concert.  There are concerns about the concessions, the time, etc.  

Solid Waste Committee:  
Jon LeClair moved to appoint Kenneth Kinson to the Solid Waste Committee.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Zoning Board of Adjustment:
Jon LeClair moved to appoint Andrew Jellie to the Zoning Board of Adjustment as a regular member.  His term will expire next March because he will be filling the unexpired term of Bill Brys.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Steve Neill moved to appoint Patricia Cormack as an Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a two-year term.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.    With Steve Neill and Jon LeClair in favor, the motion carried.  Brenda Ferland abstained, as she does not know Mrs. Cormack.

Steve Neill moved to re-appoint the following Zoning Board of Adjustment Alternate Members for the terms specified:  
        Robert Frizzell - One-Year Term
        Kenneth Arkell - Two-Year Term
        Harold Ames - Three-Year Term
Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  All in favor, so voted.

Steve Neill requested an up-to-date list of names and phone numbers of the various Board and Committee members.  

Ken Champney:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Selectboard wrote a letter to Mr. Champney about the culvert that was near his property.  The engineers went back to revisit the scene.  The Town can’t lower it any more without violating the Wetlands Permit.

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that they had Green-Up Day last Saturday.  It was a good day.

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland said that CEDA will be meeting on May 17th.   

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill was unable to attend the Planning Board meeting last night but Dave Edkins provided the following report.  The Planning Board had a discussion with Jason Rasmussen of the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission about the Build-Out Study.  Basically it was about what kind of assumptions should go into the study and they should have that done in the next several weeks.  Robert Frizzell was elected as Chair and Sharon Francis was elected as the Vice-Chair.  The Board granted approval for the mini-storage buildings on Baldwin Court for Paul Nickerson as he scaled back one of the buildings.  They approved the ice cream retail stand on the side of the video store and approved three signs for Andrew Jellie who is moving into the former Zeny’s Florist location on Main Street.        

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that the Solid Waste Committee will be scheduling a meeting soon.

Dave Edkins and Pat Royce met yesterday with Competitive Computers as they are looking into establishing an Internet web site.  CEDA expressed an interest in partnering with the Town and participating in the cost.  It would be a good thing to pursue.  

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) - RSA 91-A:3 II:

Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a non-public session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a).  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:48 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                           Approved,

                                                        Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                        Brenda L. Ferland

                                                        Jon B. LeClair  

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the May 19th, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)