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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 04/21/04
APRIL 21, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Jon LeClair, Brenda Ferland

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent                                                   Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Keith Weed, Superintendent of Highway Department

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of April 7, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland. All in favor, so voted.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the non-public Selectboard meeting of April 7, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  All in favor, so voted.

Steve Neill stepped off the Selectboard for this agenda item.  Jon LeClair announced that the Town received two bids for lawn mowing/grounds maintenance.

Jon LeClair moved to reject the second bid proposal because they did not attend the mandatory pre-bid meeting.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  With J. LeClair and B. Ferland in favor, the motion carried.

Jon LeClair announced that the one bid was received from Beaudry Enterprise and he read the proposal.  Brenda Ferland asked how these figures compared to last years.  Dave Edkins did not have the exact figures but indicated that they increased a little to account for labor, gas, etc.

Jon LeClair moved to accept the Beaudry Enterprise proposal for lawn mowing/grounds maintenance and brush hogging for this year.  Seconded by Brenda Ferland.  With J. LeClair and B. Ferland in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill stepped back onto the Board as the Chair.

Solid Waste Department:  Robert Davis reported that they are doing their normal spring routine.  The new building has gone out for bid.  He still has not heard from representatives on the disposal two contracts.  Brenda Ferland asked if he was able to fill the part-time position?  Mr. Davis replied that he had filled the position.  Mr. Edkins advised that the Town received a letter from the Department of Environmental Services advising that they are re-evaluating their
criteria and requirements for dealing with the towns that were exempt from closure requirements last year.  The Town’s project engineer advised that the Town write back to confirm the fact that the State is not going to expect the Town’s report by the July 1st deadline.  Robert Davis did the tests on the monitoring wells on April 8th; another one will have to be done in June.

Police Department:  Police Chief Smith reported that he had purchased numerous items at the Nason’s sale.  He feels the Town saved a little over $1,000 by going to the sale.  The “Take Back the Night” program will be held next Thursday night.  The Police Department is waiting for their new cruiser.  Next Saturday he will begin testing for the full time positions.  

Highway Department:  Steve Neill introduced and welcomed Keith Weed as the new Superintendent of the Highway Department.  Mr. Weed reported that everything seems to be going along well.  The Highway Department is through the mud season and are doing spring maintenance including sweeping some of the secondary streets and grading the roads.  He called the Highway Advisory Committee about the new equipment.  The Highway crew, Dave Edkins and Dave Duquette have been very helpful and have been answering his questions.  Jon LeClair has heard only positive things.

Robert Bushway:  Mr. Bushway resides on Lovers Lane and advised that there is a sewer problem on the edge or in the road; it appears to be a broken service pipe.  At the time he installed the sewer line he was told that he had to pay for it and go to the main but when it was under the street the Town owned and maintained it.  Now the Sewer Department is telling him that he has to dig to the main that is on the opposite side of the street from his house.  Dave Edkins talked with Dave Duquette and it is his belief that the entire sewer service line from the building to the sewer main is the owner’s responsibility.  He referred to and read a portion of the Sewer Ordinance.  There are no “curb stops” for the sewer line only with the water line.  Mr. Bushway believes that the cause is that after he put in the sewer line, the Town put in the water main under it and it is in that area where the problem is.  There are two water mains that go under his sewer line and they may have moved it.  The sewer line works but he can’t get a snake through it and it runs very slowly; there is so much water in there that the camera couldn’t document anything.  Jon LeClair asked Dave Edkins to talk to Ron LeClair as he had a similar problem and see how that was handled.  Mr. Bushway would like the Town to dig it up and take care of it; there was a problem with the full compaction of the water line, it stirred up his line and caused it to break.  Steve Neill recommended that some research be done and they will get back to Mr. Bushway as soon as possible.  If there was a problem with the installation of the water line there may be some middle ground that can be reached.  The Town will fix it but everyone will have to come to an understanding ahead of time.

William Brys:  On behalf of the Board of Selectmen either a letter or a sympathy card will be sent to Mr. Brys’ daughter extending their appreciation for his service to the community.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll and Accounts Payable check vouchers were signed.

Purchase Orders:  The following purchase orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard: 1) Ambulance - Merriam Graves $320.00, Annual Lease; 2) Transfer Station - BSE $724.22 to repair the bailer; 3) Highway - Black Top, Inc. $396.06 for cold patch; 4) Water / Wastewater - Competitive Computers, Inc. $1,404.00; 5) Water / Wastewater - Cole-Parmer $565.00 for Clay Brook Pump Station; and 6) Water /Wastewater - Russell Resource, Inc. $1,522.00.                

Certification of Yield Taxes Assessed:  The Selectboard signed the Certification of Yield Taxes Assessed for the period April 1, 2003, to March 31, 2004.

Warrants for Timber Taxes:  The Selectboard approved and signed several Warrants for Timber Taxes.

Warrant for Yield Taxes:  The Selectboard approved and signed one Warrant for Yield Taxes.

Warrant for the Collection of Excavation Fees:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Warrant for the Collection of Excavation Fees in the amount of $2,849.93.

Elderly Exemptions: An Elderly Exemption was granted by the Selectboard.

Zoning Board of Adjustment:  The Selectboard reappointed Barbara Jones and Eric Lindblade to the Zoning Board of Adjustment as their terms expire this year.  A replacement for Bill Brys will be needed.  The Alternates will need to be reappointed.  

Conservation Commission:  The Conservation Commission recommended that James Fowler and Gary Bascom be reappointed for three-year term.  The Selectboard approved this request.  

Heritage Commission and/or Planning Board:  Dave Edkins reported that Eric Lutz and Linda Stewart have expressed an interest in serving on either the Heritage Commission or as Planning Board alternates.  

Heritage Commission:  Dave Edkins pointed out that, under State law, one member of the Commission must be a member of the governing body.  Brenda Ferland volunteered to be the ex-officio member.  The Selectboard discussed having three to seven members but decided upon three members.  Brenda Ferland will talk to Joyce Higgins and schedule the first meeting; all meeting notices will be posted.

Brenda Ferland moved to appoint Joyce Higgins to a three-year term, Martha Mortenson to a one-year term, Eric Lutz to a two-year term and Brenda Ferland, ex-officio is subject to a one-year term, as members of the new Heritage Commission.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  All in favor, so voted.
Hawker’s and Peddler’s License:  Michael Pickering has applied for a Peddler’s License to have a mobile food unit on the corner of Main and Sullivan Streets.  The Permit will expire on April 1, 2005.  The Selectboard approved and signed the License.  Brenda Ferland requested that Mr. Rivard check on this food operation once it is opened.
Sullivan County CEDS Committee Meeting:  Dave Edkins advised that the first Public Meeting on the Sullivan County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is Thursday, April 29th in Newport, NH and he plans to attend.  George Grabe will represent CEDA.  Dr. Grabe asked Dave Edkins to contribute a list of what kind of needs would Charlestown like to see included, etc.  There is potentially a lot of grant money available and some might be available for municipal facilities.  The Selectboard approved having Dave Edkins attend.

Recreation Committee:  Dave Edkins contacted the legal staff at the New Hampshire Municipal Association and they encourage the towns to have background checks especially when dealing with kids.  Primex also encourages towns to do this kind of thing but suggested that Dave Edkins contact the school as they require such checks for all their employees and volunteers.  The fee runs between $23-$45.  It is lower for volunteers and the Town would be allowed to charge the volunteers those fees.  Police Chief Smith is willing to do the fingerprinting and sending the forms in.  If a decision is made to do it, let’s do a thorough search.  A head count would be needed.  Steve Neill noted that the Town doesn’t have any money in the budget for these background checks so we should contact the Recreation Department Committee and let them know what advice was obtained.  Dave Edkins will contact Bill MacDonald.

Ken Champney:  Steve Neill noted that Mr. Champney attended the last meeting regarding the culvert and ponding on his property.  He felt that the information and numbers should be provided, in writing, to Mr. Champney.       

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that the Conservation Commission met last Monday night.  The Halls Pond Timber sale totaled $28,271.70 in income.  They received a bill from Peter Rhoades for labor and materials in the amount of $2,037.00.   On Wednesday, April 28th at 5:30 PM the Conservation Commission is going to meet at the Fire Department to inspect the logging conditions on the Halls Pond lot.  Green-Up Day is Saturday, May 1st commencing at 8:00 AM at the Fire Station.  They asked for use of the one-ton Town truck again this year; traditionally the Board approved this request.  The Whelen Engineering Dredge and Fill Permit was discussed and the Conservation Commission will write a letter to the State advising of their approval.       

CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland did not receive a notice of the meeting.  Dave Edkins was invited to attend the meeting last Monday night to address several town issues.  CEDA is still looking to the Town to support their claim against SCI on the Water and Sewer Project and the expenses they incurred defending the wetlands violation allegations that were unfounded.  The figure is about $2,000.  They talked about partnering a web site with the Town as they want to promote the Gristmill site.  Dave Edkins thinks this would be worthwhile.  The Master Plan is being worked on by the Planning Board.  Last year CEDA offered to provide financial support for some parts of the plan; the Planning Board has scheduled a Community Goals Workshop for Saturday, June 12th.   Jack Dugan, Monadnock Region Economic Development Agency, made a presentation on the services they could offer in terms of assisting to market the Gristmill operation, etc.  Bob Weaver, Western Region Development Corporation, also attended.      

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill attended the Planning Board meeting last night.  They were short members but did constitute a quorum.  The election of officers was not done yet.  The Board accepted as complete the Paul Nickerson application for a warehouse and assembly work in an existing industrial building and the addition of two self-storage buildings on Baldwin Court and tabled it until the next meeting.  An application for a retail ice cream stand was tabled until the next meeting as Mr. Pellerin was not in attendance.  They approved a boundary lot adjustment between previously subdivided lots on the Old Springfield and Hammond Roads for Joseph and Patricia Pickul and JETTCO Group.     

Steve Neill advised that the Zoning Board of Adjustment has scheduled a meeting on Wednesday, April 28th at 7:00 PM.  There are two applications:  1) A Variance for a sign at the Party Time store on Route 12 in North Charlestown, and 2) For a garage less than 10-feet from the property line on Summer Street.

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair asked Bob Davis to schedule a meeting within the next couple of weeks.

State Auction:  Dave Edkins advised that a notice was received of the State auction.  Does the Town have anything they want to put into it?

Health Trust Meeting:  There will be a Health Trust meeting for all employees on what is driving up the costs and how to use their insurance more wisely.  This will run past the normal workday by about one-half hour.  The Selectboard approved paying over-time for the employees to attend this important meeting.

Water Issues:  Dave Edkins said the two annual Consumer Confidence Reports are in the file for the Selectboard to review.  Regarding a property owner’s letter relative to the tenants allowing the pipes to freeze, the Selectboard advised that their position hasn’t changed.

Green-Up Day:  Green-Up Day is Saturday, May 1st.  Cliff Stark will be the driver of the Town’s truck but if he is unable to do so he will find someone else to take care of it and will coordinate it with Keith Weed.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION (if necessary) - RSA 91-A:3 II:

Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a non-public session to discuss Personnel matters, reputations and property acquisition pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) (c) and (e).  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:21 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                         Approved,
Regina Borden        

                                                                Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the May 5th, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)