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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 04/07/04
APRIL 7, 2004

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Bill MacDonald, Recreation Director
                        Jerry Beaudry, Ambulance Director

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Mr. Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  


Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of March 17, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  With two members in favor the motion carried.  Brenda Ferland abstained, as she was not present at the March 17 meeting.

Jon LeClair moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-public Selectboard meeting of March 17, 2004, as printed.  Seconded by Steve Neill.  With two members in favor the motion carried.  Brenda Ferland abstained, as she was not present at the March 17 meeting.

Recreation Department:  Bill MacDonald reported that the Recreation Department is starting to get Patch Park back into shape after the winter season.  The softball and baseball season are beginning.  Some of the trees by the water and picnic area got ripped out.  He asked that the Town take care of them.  The stairs going down into the water took a beating.  Green-up day for Patch Park is this Saturday for all the fields.  The tennis court net at Swan Common needs to be put back but will require some repairs.    

The Recreation Committee met last night.  Doing background checks on coaches was discussed, as they want to protect the children.  Mr. Greenleaf attended this meeting and volunteered to do this free.  Mr. MacDonald asked for the Board’s thoughts on this?  Steve Neill felt there was no set policy on this.  Brenda Ferland asked what the school does for their background checks.  Chief Smith can fingerprint the volunteers but to do a background check in Concord costs about $45.00 and is usually paid by the volunteer.  The Selectboard feel this is a good idea and that Mr. Greenleaf is generous to offer to do this at no charge.  Mr. MacDonald advised that a waiver would be presented to the coaches to be signed so that everybody is aware that this is being done.  Chief Smith suggested that Mr. MacDonald check with Claremont or Springfield to see what they are doing.  Dave Edkins will check with the Town attorney or the NH Municipal Association.  Mr. Greenleaf explained that what he is offering is limited, as it covers Sullivan County only.  Brenda Ferland felt if the Selectboard approves doing background checks, the Town should have a written policy.

Mr. MacDonald had raised the issue of a dock at Patch Park last year.  Brenda Ferland contacted the DES and they were going to mail an application to the Town.  Dave Edkins will try to get an application on-line.  Mr. MacDonald said the river is being used more and more.  A dock would allow people to come in, picnic and utilize the park.  It will be a seasonal dock but not a boat landing.  

The required Conservation Fund signs have arrived and will be put up this weekend.  The northeast side of the fence at Swan Common was struck by a vehicle.  Mr. MacDonald will check on repairs.  There will be a handicapped accessible portable toilet at Patch Park in the location that was previously discussed.  

POLICE DEPARTMENT PROMOTIONS:  Police Chief Smith announced that it is with sincere pleasure that he promotes Aaron Reichert to Corporal and Robert Kelsey to Officer First Class.  He and the Selectboard congratulated them both.  Photographs were taken.    

Police Department:  Chief Smith reported that the LETN satellite was installed today and the wires are in with a cable long enough to run off the TV in the Community Room.  It will be used according to their protocol.  

The Women’s Supportive Services “Take Back the Night” program has chosen the Town of Charlestown for their candle light vigil this year.  This consists of a short march down Main Street and their quilt will be on display.  They would like a central, safe place to meet with access to electricity.  It will be held at the end of this month.  Chief Smith thought the Bakery Building parking lot would be a good meeting place.  Chief Smith will take care of the arrangements.

The Selectboard reviewed the document for purchasing surplus items.  Chief Smith is applying for both federal and state items.  Other Town employees who will be authorized to do purchasing will be added to the list.

Chief Smith advised that the grant has been submitted through Highway Safety for a speed awareness monitor and trailer; it is a 50-50 grant.  If the grant is obtained, the Town’s share will be raised through private donations.

Chief Smith advised that on April 16th there would be a large close-out sale at Nason’s in Concord.  This will be a liquidation sale with up to 80% off on uniforms and other supplies.  He would like to go with a blank purchase order to take advantage of the sale.  There is $3,400 available in the  “uniforms” budget line item.

Brenda Ferland moved to issue Chief Smith a blank purchase order to Nason’s for an amount up to $1,500.00 to purchase uniforms and other items.  Seconded by Jon LeClair.  All in favor, so voted.     

Steve Neill noted the parking issues on Sullivan Street and Main Street.  Cliff Stark suggested the use of barricades for the Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday.  Paris Avenue will be closed off for this event.  The Selectboard approved this request.  

Ambulance Service:  Jerry Beaudry spoke to Dale Girard about adjusting the ambulance rates to reflect changes in Medicare rates.  This might be a good time to readjust the base rates for some of the various services; he will get the paperwork to the Selectboard before the next meeting.  The hearing will not be scheduled for at least two meetings to allow time for a review.  Otherwise everything is going very well in the Ambulance Department although it is really busy.  The ambulance service is in line for the state grant for portable radios, etc.  Mr. Beaudry noted that there has been a recent resignation from the Ambulance Service that he wishes to discuss with the Board in nonpublic session.  Brenda Ferland had a document from Health and Human Services regarding an individual about whom they are seeking information on ambulance runs and inquired who authorizes the releases.  The document was given to Jerry Beaudry as Director of the ambulance service.  Steve Neill noted that the Selectboard had not received any status reports for several weeks.  Mr. Beaudry will take care of this; the report should be similar to those provided by Reuben Ouellette; to include a summary of calls, date, time, location, names of responders and where the patient was transported to.

Ken Champney asked what the Town would do about the ponding on his property, as it wasn’t there until the new culvert went in.  Is there a solution for this?  There used to be a small stream but the new culvert isn’t deep enough to pass the water.  Steve Neill advised that they would revisit the issue with the engineer.  Ken Champney will pay for somebody to dredge it if the Town obtains the permit.  The Selectboard and Dave Edkins plan to meet with Provan & Lorber soon and will see what can be done.

Ken Champney noted that there is a water leak in back of his house that has been there for quite a while; the water keeps bubbling up.  It has to be from the main line as there are no springs there.  Dave Edkins will make Dave Duquette aware of this tomorrow morning so it can be checked.

SELECTBOARD COMMENT:  There was no Selectboard comment.                
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION - Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.:  The Payroll was signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved the following purchase orders: 1) Water and Wastewater Departments - Northern Tool - $339.20; 2) Office - Print Graphics of Maine - $397.75; 3) Ambulance Service - S.G. Reed Truck Service  - $480.08; 4) Fire Department - Ossippee Mountain - $550.10; 5) Bakery Building and Town Hall - Twin Valley Heating - $760.35; 6) Police - Gateway Motors for a new cruiser - $15,999.36; 7) Water and Wastewater - QC Services - $465.00; and 8) Police - Asetec Tire and Auto - $420.21.

Abatements:  Due to the change of amounts voted on at Town Meeting, the Selectboard approved and signed up-to-date documents for Elderly and Veteran Exemptions.  A list of Abatement recommendations put together by Pat Royce and the MRI appraisers was reviewed and approved by the Selectboard.

Notices of Intent to Excavate:  Notices of Intent to Excavate were approved by the Selectboard for Normand Beaudry and for Peach Blow Farm on the Old Claremont Road.  

Notices of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber:  Notices of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber were approved by the Selectboard for Landmark Land Sales on Meany Road and for Victor St. Pierre on Great Country Road.

Current Use Land Change:  A Current Use Land Change was approved on the South Hemlock Road.

Licenses to Operate a Junk Yard:  Steve Neill and Jon LeClair signed Licenses to Operate Junk Yards for Melvin & Kenneth Wilson, Kevin Blaine and Mark Boyer.

License to Operate a Private Non-Commercial Junk Yard:  Steve Neill and Jon LeClair signed a License to Operate a Private Non-Commercial Junk Yard for Stanley and Denise Partridge.

Dave Edkins noted that the above licenses are all annual renewals of existing permits.

Request for Proposals:  A Request for Proposals for Mowing and Grounds Maintenance is being published and posted.  A mandatory pre-bid meeting to include an inspection tour of the subject properties is scheduled for Friday, April 16, 2004, at 1:00 PM in the Public Works Department office.  Dave Edkins also mailed copies to last year’s bidders.
Notice of Intent to Use Herbicides:  A notice of Intent to Use Herbicides by Granite State Electric was received.

Aerial Photography:  The aerial photography project for the GIS tax mapping should be started soon.

Provan & Lorber:  A letter was received from Provan & Lorber advising that several key people have left.  Dave Edkins will talk to them about the changes.

Conservation Commission - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that there have been no meetings since the last Selectboard meeting.   
CEDA - Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that there have been no meetings so far this month.

Planning Board - Steve Neill:  Steve Neill advised that the Planning Board met last night.  They still have not had an election of officers because they are waiting for all members to be present.  There was a presentation on the Sullivan County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) by Walter Harrington and Robert MacNeil.  The Planning Board approved a change of copy Sign Permit on an existing sign for the Party Store in North Charlestown and approved a Sign Permit for the Charlestown Animal Hospital on North Main Street.  Paul Nickerson’s application for a warehouse and assembly work in an existing industrial building and two self-storage buildings on Baldwin Court was tabled until the next meeting.  The Board accepted as complete an application from John Pellerin to run a retail ice cream store on Main Street (north end of the video store).

Solid Waste Committee - Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that they have not met recently.  They need one or two more members.

Dave Edkins had a non-public issue to address with the Selectboard.


Jon LeClair moved to enter into a non-public session to discuss personnel matters and reputations pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) & (c).  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:08 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden                                   Approved,

                                                                Steven A. Neill, Chair

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the April 21st, 2004, Selectboard meeting.)