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Selectboard Minutes 02/20/2008
FEBRUARY 20, 2008

Selectboard Present:    Steven Neill, Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed – Highway Superintendent
                        Edward Smith – Police Chief
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Steve Neill called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Mr. Neill advised that the meeting is tape recorded and asked that anyone wishing to speak identify themselves for the record.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of the three Selectboard Public Hearings on January 14, 2008, on the Safety Public Complex, Fire Truck and Budget and Warrant Articles as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, with all in favor, the motion was approved.

Brenda Ferland moved to approve the Minutes of both the regular and Non-Public Selectboard meetings of January 16, 2008, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, with all in favor, the motion was approved.

BRENDA BURNS & SUE BASCOM – Sullivan County Nutrition – Storage Issues:  Brenda Burns, Executive Director of the Sullivan County Nutrition Program, requested permission to put a locked storage unit in the Community Room to store their paper products.  Additional storage space is needed because they were notified that they had to move some supplies from other spaces following the state inspection of the building.  Ms. Bascom felt this unit could be placed next to the chest freezer.  The Selectboard had no objections but felt the unit should be on casters for mobility, compatible for the area, able to fit through the doors, and be the same approximate width as the freezer.  

Ms. Burns advised that they would like to put a sign outside the building so more people would know where they are to take advantage of the program.  One thought was to hang it under the Library sign.  The Selectboard felt they should talk with the Library Trustees first and then come back with a Sign Permit application.

Police Department:  Chief Smith reported that they have been busy informing the Highway Department of icy roads.  He has been looking into town ordinances on where sexual offenders can reside and would like to see if Charlestown could adopt a policy.  It may eventually be legislated but it is something to take a proactive look at.  

Highway Department:  Keith Weed said they have been busy with the storms and are currently trying to peel off ice where they can and push back the snow.  Half the crew is working nights hauling snow.  The last two days they were pothole patching.  He reported on the maintenance problems with the new Ford, the Chevrolet one-ton and the Freightliner; the other two vehicles had minor problems.  They have already spent $33,885 on sand and salt out of the $55,000 budgeted for 2008; since January 1st they purchased 2,280 tons of sand and 252 tons of salt.

Keith Weed discussed the sand pile that is open to the public; the sand is constantly going out in pails.  The area is clearly marked.  Between Friday and last Monday he had to call St. Pierre, Inc. for more sand and it was gone in no time; the cost to the town was about $500.  They do realize that last Monday was quite icy.  Chief Smith did ask his crew to police the area.  The possibility of re-locating it to the Transfer Station where it could be monitored and have limited access was discussed.  The Selectboard asked Keith Weed to look around the Transfer Station to see if there is a good spot and report back to the Selectboard at their next meeting.

Keith Weed is working toward finalizing all the issues noted in the State Safety report for the buildings and is now compiling the MSDS information; he has the books and ordered the eye wash stations that should be in next week.  He still has not done the Cemetery Building but will call Vicky Sargent for the key.

Keith Weed has been getting calls about the plowing and sanding on Lamb Road from Langdon residents.  The Langdon Selectboard is concerned that they cannot get to their part of town.  Charlestown did sand the road twice that day.  Dave Edkins received a phone call about Weeks Road not being sanded because the people could not get to Roberts Road.

Brenda Ferland noted that a streetlight is out on Sullivan Street; Dave Edkins will call National Grid to make the report.   

The Selectboard commended the Highway Department for the good job they have been doing following all the storms.  They appreciate everything that is done.

There were no comments from the public.

Jon LeClair moved to enter into a Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II to discuss (a) Personnel and (c) Reputations.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion was approved.  The time was 7:38 PM.

The regular meeting resumed at 8:20 PM.

Employees’ Issue:  Brenda Ferland took care of some issues between two employees.   It was resolved in a friendly manner.

State Inspection Report:  Dave Edkins has to send a letter to the State on the status of the safety issue repairs before the end of the week.  Almost everything has been dealt with by the Department Heads except for the electrical work.  Quotes were obtained from three electricians.  To do everything would cost about $9,000.  The work on the Police Dispatch console and exit lights is about $1,000; the Selectboard approved having this work done by Judd Electric, LLC.  There are still other things that need to be done such as a seminar on bloodborne pathogens but this can be scheduled through the Local Government Center.   
Fire Station:  Steve Neill is concerned with a safety issue at the Fire Station in that they have not yet put up their “Falling Ice” signs.  A directive was issued to them three years ago following a claim.  Dave Edkins will put the request in writing and direct it to Chief Stoddard.

Milani Property:  Dave Edkins advised that the survey confirms that the town line runs partly through the house on this property.  The Town of Unity taxes a portion of it.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to tax the portion that is located in Charlestown.

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.  The Payroll, regular Vouchers, Abatements and Warrants were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The following Purchase Orders were approved and signed by the Selectboard:  1) Police – Public Safety Center, Inc. $606.81; 2) Water – Allen Engineering, Inc. $5,215.00; and 3) Fire – S.G. Reid Truck Service $797.07.

Contracts:  Steve Neill signed the contract with Lane Construction for the reclamation of Wheeler Rand Road, Scenic Hill and the Borough Roads.       
The Selectboard discussed two different contracts for maintenance of the generators.  Chief Smith noted that the generator for the Bakery and Library Buildings runs too fast based on the regular weekly run; he has had to reset it.   They discussed the necessity of having them checked twice a year.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to have Dave Edkins combine all the generators and then obtain quotes so they are all covered under one contract.

There was discussion about having the Department Heads attend these meetings or at least one a month; a written narrative to inform the Selectboard of pertinent issues within their departments could be left off with Dave Edkins or the office personnel.  

Ambulance Bill:  The Selectboard felt that they would like to try to collect an out-of-town bill; the balance is $80.00.  Dave Edkins was asked to send a note to the individual.

Abatement:  The Board of Selectmen approved an Abatement in the amount of $259.51 for the Boston and Maine Railroad due to an administrative error.  One parcel was billed twice.

Notice of Intent to Cut Wood:  The Selectboard approved and signed a Notice of Intent to Cut Wood on Pecor Road.
Safety Complex Flyer: The three department associations shared the printing cost of the Safety Complex flyers but there was a balance of $20.00 for folding; the Selectboard agreed to pay this from their printing budget.

Letters:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following letters:  1) Resident of Nichols Lane – this is a Class VI road so no maintenance can be done and no materials supplied by the town; and 3) Van Velsors – requesting a response from them about the burned building on Sullivan Street.  The Board also acknowledged a letter written by Mr. Edkins to Irving Oil regarding night time snow removal operations at their No Charlestown facility.

Auditors:  A questionnaire was received from the town’s auditors, Plodzik and Anderson, about the internal control processes being used as there are new standards.  It will be left in the file; if the Selectboard has any comments let Dave Edkins or Jessica Dennis know.    

Rural Development:  Dave Edkins received a call from Rural Development advising that there is still some grant money left from the Water and Sewer Project that needs to be spent before June.  Dave Duquette would like to purchase a grinder pump so he put together a request and submitted it to Rural Development.  They are waiting for a response; the grant balance is between $22,000 and $23,000.

NH Retirement System:  The Selectboard acknowledged receipt of information from the Local Government Center regarding litigation against the NH Retirement System.  The Selectboard agreed to join in on this and to forward the $350.00 as requested.

Local Government Center:  The LGC has regional free dinners every spring around the state.  One will be held on Monday, March 3rd in Lebanon and another one will be held on Tuesday, April 1st in Keene; they begin at 5:30 PM.  The topic will be “Pension Promises”, a discussion of the serious issues revolving around the NH Retirement System.  

Resignation:  The Selectboard acknowledged receipt of the resignation letter from Jeff Lessels as a Cemetery Trustee to be effective March 31st, 2008.  Dave Edkins will prepare an acknowledgement letter for the Selectboard’s signatures at the appropriate time.   

Northeast Resource Recovery:  The Town received their Certificate of Membership.

Charlestown Food Shelf:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Charlestown Food Shelf is being turned over to new people.  They will contact Mary Lou Huffling for their names.

Town Reports:  The new Town Reports should be available next week.

Library:  Sandy Perron gave Dave Edkins a quote for the replacement of windows in the Library from Window Master totaling $24,000 and quotes to replace the entry doors on the south side and north side of the building.  There was discussion relative to solving the problem of the space under the south side door before replacing the door.
Dogs:  A change in State law allows towns to charge $1.00 more for dog licenses; it might total $1,000 for Charlestown.  The Selectboard felt that since they are now about half through the licensing for this year they will not consider it until next year.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  They would have met last Monday night but he did not receive a notice.  

Ambulance Department – Steve Neill:  He has not received any notices about a meeting.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met twice since the last Selectboard meeting.  During last night’s meeting they granted final approval for Leonard, Sr. & Gail Poland to subdivide two existing lots to create three lots on the South Hemlock Road.  Mike Rivard, owner of the Pellerin’s Store property, wants to utilize an existing space for a hair salon.  The application was accepted as complete but he needs to bring in a revised Site Plan.  St. Pierre, Inc. requested an extension of their subdivision approval granted on March 20th, 2007; that was granted for another year.  At the previous meeting they met with two members of the Conservation Commission to discuss ideas for joint participation on some of the Natural Resource issues outlined in the Master Plan and how to get them done.     

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland: The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 11th.

Building Study Committee – Brenda Ferland:  They have not met recently.  Chief Smith said the meeting scheduled for last Monday night was cancelled.

CEDA – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that a lot of the meeting was centered around discussion with Vic St. Pierre on the CDBG grant.  They submitted it to the State but it came back because of new standards for the Public Hearings.  They also discussed the National Grid issues and electric rates.  The Selectboard felt that Senator Bob Odell should be notified when the next Public Hearing is scheduled.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  There have been no recent committee meetings.

Brenda Ferland moved to adjourn this meeting.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call vote with all in favor, the motion was approved at 9:28 PM.

Respectfully submitted,                         Approved,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

Steven A. Neill, Chair                  Brenda L. Ferland                       Jon B. LeClair

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the March 5th, 2008, Selectboard meeting.)