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Planning Board Minutes 09/23/04
SEPTEMBER 23, 2004

Members Present:        Robert Frizzell – Chair; Steven Neill, Ex-Officio, David Sussman, Roger Thibodeau

Alternates Present:     Linda Stewart, Eric Lutz

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator

Others Present: Tara Bamford, Executive Director
Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission
CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES:  Chairman Robert Frizzell called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and welcomed Ms. Bamford.

MASTER PLAN - Ms. Bamford distributed copies of the draft Build-Out Analysis and the displayed the accompanying map.  She reviewed the analysis in depth, noting its conclusion that under the current land use regulations the Town could anticipate a population of over 20,000 persons at full build-out.  This is roughly equivalent to the current population of Keene.

She reviewed the methodology and assumptions that were used in conducting the analysis noting that alternate scenarios could be developed if different assumptions are considered.  It was agreed that the document would remain in draft form through the end of December for comments.  If the Board wishes to consider other scenarios, these should be determined by the end of October.  

The Board and Ms. Bamford entered into a wide ranging discussion of some the techniques that might be considered in strengthening Charlestown’s land use regulations, including performance standards, lot size averaging, regulation of mobile home parks, etc.  There was a consensus that the Town should strive for a balanced land use pattern and develop a regulatory scheme that encourages a good balance of uses.

It was generally agreed that a Community Survey should be the next step in the process and the UVLSRPC will work with the Town is developing the survey as soon as the Year Two contract is finalized.  It was agreed that future contracts would base payment on the completion of specific tasks rather than hourly charges.  The Board also agreed that additional workshop sessions dedicated exclusively to the Master Plan would be valuable in keeping the project on track.  The Board thanked Ms. Bamford for her efforts on the Build Out Analysis.

PERSONNEL – Mr. Edkins advised the Board that he would be out of the office for several weeks beginning on October 8 due to a medical condition.
REGULATORY ISSUES – Mr. Edkins updated the Board on the Beaudry/Whelen fill issue.  He noted that the fill material has been tested based on parameters provided by the DES and was found to be virtually contaminant free, with only slight concentrations of several metals, well below the DES standards.  On this basis it appears that there has been no violation of local regulations however there is still a possible issue with regard to state solid regulations.  A DES official was in Town this morning looking into this matter.

ADJOURNMNEMT - There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 8:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                         Minutes filed 9/27/04
David M. Edkins,
Planning & Zoning Administrator  

(Note: These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the October 5, 2004, meeting.)