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Planning Board Minutes 5/18/04
MAY 18, 2004

Members Present:        Robert Frizzell – Chair; Sharon Francis – Vice-Chair; Steven Neill – Ex-Officio; Gail Fellows, Fred Poisson, David Sussman

Alternates Present:     Linda Stewart, Roger Thibodeau

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES – Chair Robert Frizzell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  He noted the absence of regular members Robert Beaudry and Fred Poisson and called upon Roger Thibodeau to sit in for Robert Beaudry and Linda Stewart to sit in for Fred Poisson.   


Sharon Francis moved to approve the minutes of the May 4, 2004, meeting as printed.  Gail Fellows seconded the motion.  With five members in favor, the minutes were approved. Steve Neill abstained as he was not present and Linda Stewart was not a member on May 4, 2004.    

CELLCO PARTNERSHIP d/b/a VERIZON WIRELESS – Installation of 12 Panel Antenna Array on Existing Monopole Tower and Construct 11’-5” X 30’ Equipment Shelter – 60 Ponderosa Park – Map 22, Lot 30 – Zone E (Mixed Use) and Drinking Water Protection District:  Thomas W. Hildreth, local Attorney for Verizon Wireless, and Chuck Webberly and Todd While, from Verizon Wireless, were present.  Attorney Hildreth explained that this is an equipment change at the facility that now exists at the Ponderosa Park.  The tower was first approved for Devon Mobile Communications (which no longer in business) in November 2001. Subsequent to that approval, Sub-Carrier Communications became the owner in December 2002.  In September 2003, Verizon Wireless acquired the assets, lease and FCC license rights from the bankruptcy estate of Devon Mobile Communications.  Verizon is now in the process of upgrading many of the former Devon sites to become part of the Verizon Wireless network in Sullivan and Grafton Counties as well as other sites.  In September 2003, this Board approved increasing the height of the tower from 70 feet to 90 feet plus the 6-foot lightning rod.  

Verizon now plans to install the additional height, remove the Devon antennas at 70 feet and install a twelve (12) panel array of Verizon antennas at the top.  They are the same dimensions and style as the Devon equipment but there will be four on each panel.  At the base there is a small area of existing Devon Communications equipment that will be removed and replaced with a larger 11-1/2’ x 30’ shelter to support the Verizon equipment on the tower.  The compound footprint does not change and the fence will remain as is.  Mr. Frizzell asked if this tower was ever in use?  Attorney Hildreth is not sure how much Devon used it; they built a number of sites but he can’t say what their on-air use was.  Mr. Edkins understands they were never activated.  Mrs. Francis asked whom will Verizon be reaching with this antenna.  Attorney Hildreth said that besides Charlestown they are hoping to reach travelers on Routes 5 and 12 and Interstate 91.  Attorney Hildreth felt when this tower goes on-line it should pick-up some of the low elevations.  There is no neighboring site so this is somewhat of an island but eventually it will become integrated with other sites.  Ms. Fellows asked if the bond will carry-over?  Mr. Edkins responded that when SubCarrier Communications got approval to extend to 90 feet their bond was presented and is current and active.  SubCarrier is still the owner of the tower and Verizon is leasing the site.  Mr. Edkins noted that the Ordinance only allows them to extend 10 feet above the tree line.  The building itself would ordinarily not be subject to our Site Plan review regulations as this is an accessory structure less than 500 square feet.

Mrs. Francis moved to approve the application of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless as an amendment to the previous Site Plan approvals and that the bond continues.  Ms. Fellows seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion carried.

Fred Poisson arrived at the meeting and Linda Stewart returned to her status as an Alternate member.

Introduction:  Steve Neill introduced Keith Weed who is the new Superintendent for the Charlestown Highway Department.

BONNIE L. RUMRILL – In-Home Day Care for up to 9 Children – 1440 Acworth Road – Map 35, Lot 26-4 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Bonnie Rumrill wants to open up a day-care for up to nine children in her home at 1440 Acworth Road.  Mr. Frizzell went through the Minor Site Plan Checklist.  Mrs. Rumrill would like to change the sketch to indicate that the play-yard will be located on the backside of the property rather than the front because of the drainage.  Mr. Thibodeau noted that the sketch is not drawn to scale.  Mr. Frizzell said this is a 5-1/2 acre lot.  Mr. Poisson felt they don’t need a survey map but it would helpful to have the Town tax map to show the lot lines, boundaries, driveway, well area, where the house is, etc.  Mrs. Francis requested to know who the abutters are for the neighboring houses.  There are three outside lights and one motion light; these will also be indicated on the map.  Mr. Edkins noted that this is a home occupation application.  A snow storage plan is not applicable.  Mrs. Rumrill goes to the Solid Waste Facility twice a week.  The driveway goes from the road to the house.  The septic system was designed for a four-bedroom house but the house has three.  Proposed hours of operation are 6:00 am to 5:30 pm.  Mrs. Rumrill will be allowed to have two children under the age of two and school age children; some will be part-time.  It was noted that the Building Inspector, Health Inspector and Fire Marshall would be doing inspections.  Mrs. Francis asked if there would be a fence for the outside play area?  Mrs. Rumrill responded that a fence has already been purchased for security reasons – the ditch, dogs, etc.  There will not be a sign at this time.   

Mr. Poisson moved to table this application until the next meeting so that a complete plan can be presented to the Board.  Mrs. Francis seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion carried.                         

RICHARD & MARY WATKINS – Voluntary Merger of Existing Lots – 604 Old Claremont Road – Map 13, Lots 23-2 & 30 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Mr. and Mrs. Watkins were not present.  Mr. Edkins reported that this is a voluntary merger of two adjacent lots.  The Watkins own a residence adjacent to a parcel where the CEDA Road used to intersect with the Old Claremont Road before it was discontinued.  The underlying land, Lot No. 30, reverted back to the previous owner of record, Normand Beaudry, but it was so small as to be unusable by itself so he conveyed it to the Watkins.  The Watkins received a separate tax bill for the small lot.

Mrs. Francis moved to approve this voluntary merger of the two existing lots as requested.  Mr. Poisson seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion carried.  

TOWN OF CHARLESTOWN – Notice of Governmental Land Use (RSA 674:54-II) – New Office/Scale House at Charlestown Transfer Station – Map 24, Lot 1 – Zone E (Mixed Use):
Mr. Neill read the letter, dated May 13, 2004, from Mr. Edkins to the Planning Board regarding the new office/scale house at the Charlestown Transfer Station.  A Site Plan was provided for the Board’s review.  It will have no impact.  Matt Blanc designed the building but Norm Beaudry was the low bidder and will be doing the work.  Mr. Edkins noted that the roof will be rotated 90 degrees so that the gable ends will be on the east and west elevations.     

Mrs. Fellows moved to waive the optional public hearing and to approve the new office/scale house at the Charlestown Transfer Station as presented.  Mrs. Francis seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion carried.        

CHARLESTOWN ANIMAL HOSPITAL – Revised Sign Permit – 23 Main Street – Map 31, Lot 4 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Dr. Claire Lindo and Reza Marukelli are requesting a revised Sign Permit for the Charlestown Animal Hospital.  The other sign was to be slate but this sign will be wood; basically it is the same color.  A sketch of the new sign was enclosed in the packets.

Mrs. Francis moved to approve the revised Sign Permit.  Mr. Neill seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion carried.     

Minor and Major Site Plan Review Checklists:  Mr. Edkins distributed copies of a proposed Major Site Plan Review Checklist.  The Minor Site Plan Review Checklist is out of the regulations.  

The Major Site Plan Review Checklist is down to the essentials; he may add, in parenthesis, a reference to the regulations after each item.  At the top was added, “Will This Development Have a Regional Impact?”  Mr. Sussman asked if it is understood that Mr. Edkins will do a preliminary survey or assessment so that when the Board receives this it will already have his appraisal of each item according to the criteria and that is what the Board will review?  By the time it comes to the Board it should have been screened.  Ms. Fellows said the applicants have to fill out these checklists so when they are brought back to Mr. Edkins he can review it with the applicant.  Mr. Edkins noted that this would be a joint effort.  He can advise on whether it should be minor or major but that is ultimately the Board’s decision.  Mr. Poisson feels that the Board members have to screen the applications after Mr. Edkins’ review and decide what questions the Board will ask the applicant so the process won’t be dragged out for months.  Mr. Edkins feels that the application forms need to be redesigned and redone and some of these items can be answered in the new application form.  The Board might want to give some thought to re-evaluating the criteria between a minor and a major application.  Mr. Neill questioned Nos. 11 and 32 – Mr. Edkins felt that No. 11 is as shown on the plan so maybe No. 32 could be eliminated.  Mr. Edkins advised that the State statutes spell out the time limits.  Acceptance of an application is not approval – the Board can still deliberate.  Until an application is determined to be complete it should not be opened up to the public for comments.                                  

Mr. Edkins reviewed the following correspondence for the Planning Board:

Bomar, Inc:  Mr. Edkins read the letter received from Joyce Davidson regarding Bomar, Inc. and the agreed to start-up time of 6:00 A.M.  Ms. Davidson advised that they now start at 4:00 A.M. and she would like to see the agreed start-up time adhered to.  Rick St. Pierre, speaking on behalf of Bomar, Inc. said in the summer they like to start at 5:00 A.M. to avoid the summer heat.  The employees were supposed to be quiet when they came in but the President of the Company has agreed to go back to 6:00 A.M.  He asked for a little leeway so if there is an emergency situation they can go in at 5:00 A.M.  Mr. Edkins went through the files and minutes and did not see any discussion or conditions on the starting time.  Mr. St. Pierre will talk to Joyce Davidson but felt it would be a nice gesture to have Mr. Edkins write to her to advise that he was at this meeting.

Charlestown Community Goals Workshop:  Mr. Edkins distributed a copy of the letters that were mailed to the community groups for the Workshop on June 12th; a list of the groups that it was or will be sent to was included on the back.  Vicky Boundy sent a revised agenda for the Workshop.  Mr. Edkins feels that a few more facilitators might be needed but we still do not know how many people will attend.        

·       The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission is doing a presentation on Small Shared Septic Systems on May 19, 2004, from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. at the Trumbull Hall, First Baptist Church in Etna, NH.

·       A copy of the Spring 2004 River Byway News newsletter was received.   

There being no other business, Mr. Poisson moved for adjournment.  Ms. Fellows seconded the motion and with seven members in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:24 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                              Minutes Filed 5-21-04

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the June 1, 2004, meeting.)