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Planning Board Minutes 05/04/04
MAY 4, 2004

Members Present:        Sharon Francis – Vice Chair, Robert Beaudry, Gail Fellows,
Robert Frizzell, Fred Poisson, David Sussman

Alternates Present:     Roger Thibodeau

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES – Vice-Chair Sharon Francis called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  She noted the absence of Steve Neill but advised that only another Selectboard member can be called on to sit in his ex-officio Selectboard seat.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2004-2005:  Mr. Neill asked Mr. Edkins to convey the fact that, even though he would not be present at the meeting, he felt the Planning Board should move forward with the election of officers.

Chair:  Gail Fellows moved to nominate Robert Frizzell as the Chair.  David Sussman seconded the motion.  Fred Poisson moved to cease nominations.  Gail Fellows seconded the motion.  Robert Frizzell abstained from voting.  With five members in favor, Mr. Frizzell was elected Chair.

Vice Chair:  Gail Fellows moved to nominate Sharon Francis as the Vice-Chair.  David Sussman seconded the motion.  Sharon Francis abstained from voting.  With five members in favor, Mrs. Francis was elected Vice Chair.  

Mr. Frizzell would like to have a checklist for the Board to use in reviewing major Site Plan applications.  The Board should vote for completeness before the application is opened up to the public for their comments.  Mr. Edkins explained that there is a minor Site Plan checklist but if the Board goes through the list of regulations for major applications – A through Z and GG approximately 30+ items - it will be extensive.  Mr. Beaudry recommended that Mr. Edkins review the applications as he has in the past; if there are missing pieces bring it to the applicant’s attention and make the Board aware of the shortcomings.  Mr. Frizzell said let’s try it and see what happens.


Sharon Francis moved to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2004, meeting as printed.  David Sussman seconded the motion.  Gail Fellows and Robert Beaudry abstained, as they were absent on April 20.  With four members in favor, the minutes were approved.

MASTER PLAN BUILD-OUT STUDY ASSUMPTIONS – Jason Rasmussen – Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission:  Jason Rasmussen from the UVLSRPC was present to discuss some of the assumptions before finalizing the Build-Out Analysis prior to the Community Goals Workshop.  He distributed copies of two worksheets.  Two maps were on display – Existing Land Use and the eight Zoning Districts.  The percentages of residential vs. non-residential and developed vs. undeveloped land were explored.  Mr. Edkins noted that Zone G-2 in North Charlestown is missing.  Some zones do not have very much undeveloped land and are already close to being fully built-out.    

Mr. Edkins asked if this information would be available for the Community Goals Workshop on June 12th.  Mr. Rasmussen advised that they would run the analysis and have the information and maps ready so it can be posted in Town prior to the workshop.  Mr. Edkins asked how many of the UVLSRPC staff will be attending the workshop and how many local facilitators will be needed, maybe 6 to 10?  Mr. Rasmussen felt there would be 3 to 4 UVLSRPC staff members and it is hard to guess how many people will be attending but they want to keep the groups small so extra facilitators will be needed.  Mr. Poisson noted that the total acreage in the calculations is shy; Mr. Rasmussen will take another look at that.             

PAUL NICKERSON, cont’d – Warehouse & Assembly Work in Existing Industrial Building and Add Two Self Storage Buildings (30x X 80’ and 30’ X 100’) – 31 Baldwin Court – Map 28, Lot 31 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Randy Rhoades of M & W Soils Engineering, Inc. represented Mr. Nickerson.  He distributed revised site plan drawings and stated that Mr. Nickerson has agreed to scale back one of the self-storage buildings by eight (8) feet. This allows the paved drive to meet the 10-foot setback requirement and provides for a larger turn-around radius in the southwest corner.  The iron pins have all been set at the property corners.  Mr. Nickerson will have a bollard on each side of the driveway with a locking chain that they will open each morning and lock each night.  The Nickerson’s have decided against trees in the front; Mrs. Nickerson explained that the building has been there for 20+ years and there never were any trees.  This only affects the Lockhart’s and they are okay with it.  Mr. Edkins had a call from the Lockhart’s and confirmed that they are satisfied with the plan.  Mrs. Nickerson will still have shrubs and gardens.  Christine Perkins has no problems with looking at the front of the building.  Mrs. Nickerson spoke with Mrs. Brunelle and she did not express any concerns.  

Mr. Poisson moved to grant final approval of the Nickerson Site application.  Mrs. Fellows seconded the motion.  With six members in favor, the motion carried.    

JOHN PELLERIN, cont’d – Retail Ice Cream Shop in Existing Building – 62 Main Street – Map 28, Lot 69 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Mr. Pellerin provided revised Site Plan sketches that included placement of the outside tables.  A Statement to the Planning Board outlining Rubbish Removal, impact to the Sewer and Water Department and Lighting was enclosed in the packets.    

Mrs. Francis moved to grant final approval to John Pellerin for a retail ice cream shop in an existing building as proposed.  Mr. Sussman seconded the motion.  With six members in favor, the motion carried.

FRED ST. PIERRE:  Fred St. Pierre of Ox Brook Road advised that right now he is making a place to harvest his wood and get it back away from the road.  He tried to make contact with the Conservation Commission but was unable to do so but he doesn’t have plans for a gravel pit as of right now.  Mr. Edkins cautioned him about erosion controls and the nearness to the brook.  Mr. Frizzell said the Planning Board would become involved if and when he becomes a commercial gravel pit operation.  Mr. St. Pierre is selling and harvesting his own wood only.       

ANDREW JELLIE (ANDREW JELLIE AGENCY):  Sign Permit Application:  Mr. Jellie is moving his insurance office from the building next to Rick’s Electric to 59 Main Street where Zeny’s Florist was.  He would like to take down all existing signs that are at 59 Main Street and move the two signs that he has now to the new location.  The new maroon awning will match the building.  Ann’s Upholstery will have a little directional sign so it doesn’t need a permit.  Sketches of the signs and awning were distributed.  Mrs. Fellows noted that Mr. Jellie has two signs now but one of them is on the side of the building; is it necessary to have both on the front of the building?  Mr. Jellie responded that he works for two different companies and Farm Family Insurance wants their name displayed.  Mrs. Francis said the regulations say one sign on the building; it is visual over-kill.  Mr. Poisson feels the picture looks attractive.  Mr. Edkins noted that this is now Zone E where Mr. Jellie is allowed 50 square feet but he has limited the signage to 25 square feet.  Mrs. Francis asked if he could do a small sign about the size of Ann’s Upholstery but put it between the two sets of windows and remove the “Andrew J. Jellie”.  Mr. Jellie said it could be done but did not feel it would be practical for his business plus it would be hard to see by people coming from the north because of the tree.  Mr. Frizzell noted that there is no freestanding sign.

Mr. Poisson moved to accept this Sign Permit as presented.  Mr. Beaudry seconded the motion.  With four members in favor and one opposed (Mrs. Francis), the motion carried.          


Mr. Sussman moved to nominate Linda Stewart as an Alternate to the Planning Board for a one-year term.  Mrs. Fellows seconded the motion.  With six members in favor, the motion carried.

Mr. Beaudry moved to nominate Eric Lutz as an Alternate to the Planning Board.  Mrs. Francis seconded the motion.  Mr. Edkins will research the term of office.  With six members in favor, the motion carried.

SALT SHED ROAD:  Mrs. Fellows advised that on the Salt Shed Road there are three trailer truck boxes and a “flow-boy” trailer apparently being stored along the side of the road.  

COLLECTION OF VEHICLES:  Mrs. Fellows advised that Mr. Westine is adding to his collection.  Mr. Edkins was there on April 14th and Mr. Westine subsequently received a letter from the Town attorney and a visit from the Building Inspector.  He knows that he has to clean up the property.

SULLIVAN AND EAST STREETS:  Mrs. Francis asked about the activity on Sullivan and East Streets.  The school children have to walk around the truck.  Mr. Edkins noted that parking and the dumping of chips are concerns.  The Selectboard has asked the Police Department to discuss this with the G&S Tree Service.   

ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT:  Mrs. Fellows asked about the ZBA meeting last week.  Mr. Edkins reported that a Variance was granted for a two-car garage on the corner of Summer and East Streets as there was no other place to put it and a Variance was granted for Mrs. Cormack’s directional signs.  

COMMUNITY GOALS WORKSHOP:  Mrs. Francis mentioned that the Planning Board has a big event on June 12th.  A letter will need to be written inviting the large groups in Town.  Mr. Edkins will place articles in the Eagle Times and the Our Town newspapers and there will be posters and flyers.  Mr. Poisson will make arrangements for lunch.  Mrs. Francis has two people interested in being facilitators and Vicky Boundy has suggested having a brief training and orientation meeting on Thursday, June 10th with all facilitators.  The UVLSRPC will conduct the meeting.

Mr. Edkins reviewed the following correspondence for the Planning Board:

·       Copies of the Notice of Decisions for Variances granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment for Hunter Grillone to construct a new two car garage at 88 Summer Street and for Patricia Cormack d/b/a Party Time to permit placement of 3 directional signs higher than 5 feet off the ground at 3848 Claremont Road.

·       The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission will be holding a public meeting on the NH State Trails Plan on May 6th, 2004, at 6:30 P.M. at the Lebanon Senior Center.

·       A copy of the Spring 2004 Newsletter of the NH DES Drinking Water Source Protection Program “The Source”.

·       A Hearing on the Town’s Motion to Dismiss is scheduled for June 9, 2004, at 1:30 P.M. in the Sullivan Superior Court regarding the Harvey D. Hill/Morningside appeal.

·       A copy of a letter dated April 27, 2004, from Attorney Adele M. Fulton to Barry Westine regarding the condition of his property.

·       Joyce Higgins, Barbara Jones and Roger Thibodeau will be attending the Office of Energy and Planning’s Spring Planning and Zoning Conference on Saturday, May 8th, 2004, at the Center of New Hampshire in Manchester, NH.

There being no other business, Ms. Fellows moved for adjournment.  Mrs. Francis seconded the motion and with six members in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:34 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                              Minutes Filed 5-7-04

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the May 18, 2004, meeting.)