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Planning Board Minutes 03/30/04
MARCH 30, 2004

Members Present:        Sharon Francis – Vice Chair; Steven Neill, Ex-Officio, Gail Fellows, Robert Frizzell, Fred Poisson, David Sussman

Alternates Present:     Roger Thibodeau

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

Others Present: Vicky Boundy, Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES – Vice Chair Sharon Francis called the special meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.  She noted the absence of regular member Robert Beaudry and called upon alternate member Roger Thibodeau to sit in for Mr. Beaudry.  

MASTER PLAN AND VISIONING WORKSHOP PROCESS:  Vicky Boundy, Representative of the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission (UVLSRPC), welcomed everyone.  She distributed and reviewed a “Charlestown Community Visioning Workshop Draft Outline”.  David Edkins has a summary of the Vital Communities Workshop that was conducted in the 1996 and will provide a copy to Ms. Boundy.  Mrs. Francis said there was good public participation at this workshop – maybe 150 people.  Ms. Boundy explained that the purpose of this workshop is to set goals that reflect the vision of residents to be used in developing the Master Plan; a way to make people aware that this process is beginning and get broad public input as a foundation for the Master Plan.  It is anticipated that there will be four random groups to work on eight chapters so each group will have two chapters.  Each group will have a facilitator and the UVLSRPC will have their full staff present to assist.         

There was a consensus to set Saturday, June 12th, 2004, as the date for the Community Visioning Workshop that will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 2:30 p.m.  Ms. Boundy will re-work the agenda to shorten the lunchtime to one-half hour.  It is expected that those in attendance will talk over lunch.  This will allow for the group to break into their smaller groups and possibly re-develop or “polish” their plans based on input following the summary presentation for each group.  

The location will be the Middle School as it is a central location where there is sufficient room for everyone to meet in the gym and use separate rooms for break out sessions.  Dave Edkins will check on its availability for that date.
Before the event the UVLSRPC will have completed the Housing and Population chapters.  The Natural Resources maps are also ready.  Ms. Boundy will have some graphs and statistics that can be posted.  She will have some format of what the trends will be.  Visual items are always useful.  Ms. Boundy will put together a flyer for distribution that will be available a few weeks ahead of time or May 24th.  Mr. Edkins thought the new aerial maps might be available for the workshop.        

Mrs. Francis asked what the status of the Build-out analysis is?  Ms. Boundy responded that during their meeting on April 20th the Board would be asked to develop some assumptions for the Build out study and a few weeks after that the UVLSRPC staff should be able to complete the analysis.  The Land Use Map has been completed.  

One of the Tasks of the Planning Board is to develop a comprehensive contact list, including town boards, local groups, and agencies.  The Planning Board compiled the following list:  the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Selectboard, Town staff, Rotary Club, CEDA, Conservation Commission, Historical Society, Finance Committee, Recreation Committee, Highway Advisory Board, Heritage Commission, VFW, Lions Club, Putnam Farms, John Olson/Whelen, Senior Citizens, Women’s Club, Old Fort No. 4, Snowmobile Club, Windy Acres, former Carter’s Park, and Cardinal Haven.  Getting the schools involved was discussed.  Ms. Boundy has seen creative ideas come out of the schools in other parts of the country.  It was noted that teachers might make excellent facilitators and an effort will be made to encourage some of them to participate.  UVLSRPC will work with the various local facilitators prior to the workshop.  The Planning Board members will put together a list of a few people they feel would make good facilitators and then make a decision on who is chosen.  It was agreed to place news releases prior to the event and then publish the summary in the Eagle Times and Our Town newspapers.               

Mr. Poisson will speak to Desi’s in North Charlestown about providing lunch and what their suggestions might be.  Coffee, muffins and/or donuts, water, soft drinks, cookies and other desserts will be available.  

Mrs. Francis felt that CEDA should be invited to attend the next meeting of the Planning Board on April 20th so they will be in on the “ground floor”.  Ms. Boundy will draft the letter to be sent to the organizations noted above; Mr. Edkins will take care of the mailing.  She will also begin a list of leading questions that might be helpful during the workshop.  Ken McWilliams will be the contact person at UVLSRPC while Ms. Boundy is on family leave.  Additional comments/ suggestions should be directed to Mr. Edkins who will forward them to Ms. Boundy.  

Ms. Boundy will put together the summary of the workshop, post it in public places and open it up for more input.  

STEVEN J. SNELLING / LAURA A. SNELLING:  Dave Edkins advised that this is a Notice of Voluntary Merger of two properties on Unity Stage Road.  Timing is important, as April 1st is the deadline to have the merger reflected in 2004 tax bills.  

Mrs. Francis moved to approve the Voluntary Merger of two lots, Tax Map 6 – Lots 43 and 44 for Steven J. Snelling and Laura A. Snelling.  Mr. Thibodeau seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion carried.  


Mr. Thibodeau moved to enter into a non-public session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (e).  Mr. Poisson seconded the motion, and on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:35 P.M.  

MORNINGSIDE FLIGHT PARK:  The Planning Board discussed the pending litigation regarding the appeal of Harvey Hill and others concerning the Morningside Flight Park.

FRED POISSON:  Fred Poisson advised the Board that his legal issues with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services have been settled.

There being no other business, Mr. Frizzell moved to adjourn.  Ms. Fellows seconded the motion and with seven members in favor, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                              Minutes Filed 3-31-04

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the April 6, 2004, meeting.)