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Planning Board Minutes 02/19/2008
FEBRUARY 19, 2008

Members Present:        Robert Frizzell – Chair; Sharon Francis – Vice-Chair; Brenda Ferland, Ex-Officio, Kennith Champney, Gail Fellows, Ken Moore, Doug Ring

Alternates Present:     Fred Poisson, Roger Thibodeau, Linda Stewart

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES:  Robert Frizzell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  He noted that regular member Ken Moore would be a little late and alternate member Eric Lutz was absent.  


Gail Fellows moved to approve the Minutes of the February 5, 2008 meeting as printed.  Brenda Ferland seconded the motion.  With four members in favor, the motion was approved.  Kennith Champney and Doug Ring abstained as they were not present at this meeting.  

LEONARD, SR. & GAIL POLAND, cont’d – Subdivision of Two Existing Lots to Create Three Lots – 156 South Hemlock Road – Map 232, Lot 71 and Map 238, Lot 64 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Kennith Champney stepped off the Board as he was not present at the last meeting.  Mr. Frizzell asked Mr. Poisson to sit on the Board as the replacement for Mr. Champney and asked Mr. Thibodeau to sit on the Board for Ken Moore.  Surveyor Tom Dombroski represented the applicants, Leonard, Sr. & Gail Poland.  Keith Weed, the Highway Superintendent, informed Mr. Edkins that the Driveway Permit had been approved but he did not have time to submit it.  Mr. Dombroski submitted the letter from Jim McClammer, Certified Wetlands Scientist, regarding the wetlands area and a revised plan.  Mr. Thibodeau noted that the driveway location is right on the corner with the town road; in the future if someone wants to bring the road up to town standards it could be an issue.  Mr. Cobb said it is about the safest driveway on the road; one can see 180 degrees both ways.  The bridge will be 20-feet long across the wetlands area.          

Mrs. Francis moved to grant final approval for the Leonard, Sr. and Gail Poland application for the subdivision of two existing lots to create three lots at 156 South Hemlock Road.  Mrs. Fellows seconded the motion.

Mr. Frizzell noted that the Planning Board must have a copy of the Driveway Permit for the file.  Mr. Cobb said that there are no state requirements for the wetlands because they are not impacting it.  

Vote:  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.  
Mr. Champney resumed his position as a regular Board member; Mr. Poisson resumed his position as an alternate Board member.  

MICHAEL RIVARD – Utilize Existing Office Space for Hair Salon – 741 Old Claremont Road (Pellerin’s Market) – Map 106, Lot 78 – Zone E (Mixed Use):  Mr. Rivard advised that the building is now being used as the store and his office; the office space had previously been an accountant’s office, ice cream shop and a pet store.  He would now like to move his office back into the store area and rent that space as a hair salon.  Mrs. Francis asked how many parking spaces there are in the front.  Mr. Rivard said 15 in all; the salon will have three vehicles.  

Mr. Frizzell referenced the letter from the neighbor and it was reviewed.  Mr. Rivard explained that he was prepared to address the issues but did not feel they pertain to this application.  Mr. Edkins noted that this is a change of use; it is not a big change but he felt it better to bring it to the Board’s attention.  This is in Zone E where any use is permitted.  Mr. Rivard said the change will involve some different plumbing and will have to be inspected on the inside by the State prior to opening the salon.  Mrs. Stewart looked at the site and realized that all the properties are close so invading the neighbor’s privacy does not seem to pertain here.  Mr. Edkins said the neighbor’s big concerns are the fencing and the snow going over the wall.  Mr. Rivard explained that there was an existing fence there prior to his putting in the retaining wall.  He had indicated to the neighbor that he would erect another fence but due to circumstances has not yet done it.  The neighbor had lived there for several years before putting in the swimming pool so he was aware of the traffic.  The neighbor did not attend this meeting.  (Ken Moore arrived at this time.  Mr. Thibodeau resumed his alternate position.)  Mr. Rivard advised that the existing residential quarters are located at 743 Old Claremont Road (it is empty at this time) and there is a separate driveway to the house; the store and shop are located at 741 Old Claremont Road.  The store was there first.  The garage was built about three years ago and is in back of the store.  He plans to move the picnic table.  Mr. Edkins referenced a 1987 file for Pellerin’s Store; the plan was reviewed.  The hair salon will be where the first store was.  Mrs. Francis felt if there are two stylists there would be 4-to-6 vehicles parked there for the salon.  There was discussion relative to 13 parking spaces in front of the store, as shown on the plan, and 6-to-8 on the side.  Mr. Poisson has never seen a parking problem at this location.  Mrs. Ferland can sympathize with the neighbor when one sees the pictures.  Mr. Rivard explained that the snow problem was rectified; it was an operator error so he now checks periodically to make sure it isn’t going over the wall.  Mr. Rivard wants to be a good neighbor and read from his list of property improvements in terms of erosion, drainage and having demolition material removed as soon as possible during any renovations.  They receive many compliments from their customers and neighbors and will continue to operate in the same manner.  

Mr. Thibodeau felt there should be a Site Plan attached to show the various businesses and parking to-scale rather than what was presented.  Mr. Rivard felt he had submitted what was asked for, the plan came from the town’s records and it shows the property dimensions.  Mrs. Francis read from the Site Plan regulations and said they do have everything but it needs to be put together on a single plan.  Mr. Thibodeau felt it would be easy to up-date the 1987 plan.  

Mrs. Francis moved to table the application and ask the applicant to come back with a Site Plan that shows the lay out of the buildings on the lot, the dimensions, the abutters and the parking spaces for the store and employees of the hair salon.  There was no second.

Mr. Rivard stated that this is an existing building, he is not changing the footprint but would like to have this permitted with the provision that he provide an updated plan; 300 square feet of the inside of the building is all that will be changed.  To table this is not correct.  Mr. Thibodeau agreed that there isn’t a substantial change of use.  Mr. Edkins advised that it was a close call to even bring this before the Board for Site Plan Review.  Mr. Rivard indicated that he is going to have the property surveyed to straighten out any boundary issues.  A majority of the Board agreed that an update to the 1987 plan would be acceptable.  The old garage needs to come off and the new garage location put on.  Most customers are in-and-out of the store in about 5 minutes so parking should not be an issue.  Mr. Rivard said the “No Parking” sign on the opposite side of the road was missing but it has now been replaced by the Highway Department so it should eliminate any parking problem there.  

Mr. Edkins advised that this could be looked at as an Amendment to the original Site Plan application.  The Board can grant final approval subject to receipt of a revised Site Plan.

Mr. Ring moved to approve this application as complete subject to an updated Site Plan that shows all the current dimensions of the buildings and current uses, boundary lines, parking and lighting.  Mrs. Francis seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.                                    

ST. PIERRE, INC. – Request for Extension of Subdivision Approval Granted 3/20/07 – River and Chestnut Hill Roads – Map 210, Lots 23 & 24 – Zone E (Mixed Use) and Drinking Water Protection District:  Ms. Fellows stepped off the Board for this agenda item as she has for all past discussions; Mrs. Stewart was asked to sit in her place.  A request was received from Albert A. St. Pierre of St. Pierre, Inc. requesting an extension of their March 2007 approval for the Chestnut Hill Subdivision.  Mr. Edkins advised that they have indicated that four of the six conditions have been met and the other two are progressing well.  They have made every effort to move forward in a timely manner but the processing of permits and approvals can be a time consuming endeavor.  One of the hold-ups is the Subdivision Approval from the NH Department of Environmental Services; the problem is that some of the land has not been brought to final grade.  About a month ago they invited everybody involved in this project to attend a meeting to discuss their unique circumstances and working through them.  Another concern is the question of who will be responsible for maintaining the infrastructure (grass lined drainage swales, detention basins, etc.) that lie outside the public right-of-way; will it be the town or the Homeowners Association.

Mrs. Francis moved to grant an extension of the St. Pierre, Inc. Subdivision approval for property located at River and Chestnut Hill Roads for one year or until March 20, 2009.  Mrs. Stewart seconded the motion.  With seven members in favor, the motion was approved.       

Ms. Fellows resumed her position on the Board; Mrs. Stewart resumed her alternate member position.
Implementation of Master Plan Natural Resources Goals:  Mr. Edkins contacted the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission relative to implementation of the Master Plan Natural Resources Goals.  One of their representatives is available to meet with the Planning Board and Conservation Commission on Tuesday, March 18th.  The members asked Mr. Edkins to make the arrangements.

Notification:  Ms. Fellows asked if anyone inspects subdivisions and/or other projects to see how they are progressing during the course of the year.  Mr. Edkins said following approval by the Planning Board the applicants receive a “Notice of Action” letter outlining the conditions that need to be met.  He does not do a follow-up as a reminder of the expiration date.      

Enforcement Letters:  Mr. Edkins distributed copies of enforcement letters written to Mr. Frazier (relative to the firewood operation on Sullivan Street) and Irving Oil (snow removal at night and early morning hours).

Mr. Edkins was asked to check into a possible business operation on the former Bigelow property on the Old Claremont Road near the Beaudry property.

Sugar River:  Mr. Edkins received a notice from the UVLSRPC that there will be a meeting on February 27th at 6:00 PM in Claremont on the Sugar River Management Program.

Burned House / Sullivan Street:  Mr. Frizzell inquired on the status of the burned house on Sullivan Street.  Mr. Edkins said a letter went out about a month ago asking for a status report but there has been no response.  Another letter will be going out soon.

Next Meeting:  The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 7:00 PM.

There being no other business, Mr. Champney moved for adjournment.  Ms. Fellows seconded the motion, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:46 PM.

Respectfully submitted,                         Minutes Filed: 2-20-08
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the March 4, 2008, Planning Board meeting.)