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Planning Board Minutes 01/15/2008
JANUARY 15, 2008

Members Present:        Robert Frizzell – Chair; Sharon Francis – Vice-Chair; Brenda Ferland, Ex-Officio, Gail Fellows, Doug Ring

Alternates Present:     Fred Poisson, Linda Stewart

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES:  Robert Frizzell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  He noted the absence of regular members Kennith Champney and Ken Moore and alternate members Eric Lutz, Linda Stewart and Roger Thibodeau.  He called upon alternate member Fred Poisson to sit in for Kennith Champney.  

Mrs. Francis moved to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2007 meeting as printed.  Mrs. Ferland seconded the motion.  With four members in favor, the motion was approved. Ms. Fellows and Mr. Ring abstained as they were not present at the December 18 meeting.

ROBERT & JANE BEAUDRY, Cont’d. – Two (2) Lot Subdivision – 905 North Hemlock Road – Map 229, Lot 10 – Zone D (Watershed Protection):  Travis Royce from Landmark Land Services, LLC represented the applicants.  Mr. Edkins noted that the applicants have now signed the application; previously Robert Beaudry’s brother had signed the application.  The Highway Superintendent approved the Driveway Permit.

Linda Stewart arrived at this time and was asked to sit in for Ken Moore.

Mrs. Francis moved to grant final approval to Robert and Jane Beaudry’s application for a two-lot subdivision on the North Hemlock Road.  Fred Poisson seconded the motion and, with seven members in favor, the motion was approved.  

Master Plan Implementation:  Mrs. Francis distributed copies of her Master Plan Recommendations on Natural Resources.  She chose this chapter first because the Town survey results indicated a high degree of support for Natural Resources protection and saving the heritage of the Town and water resources.  A copy of this document is attached for the record.  The Planning Board discussed the following subjects in more detail:

·       Forests – Management Practices:  Who is going to do it and what are the best management practices.  How and where will the material be distributed?
·       Forests – Maintain street trees in town:  The Tree Committee is doing a good job; maybe the Planning Board should write a letter of support and appreciation to them.

·       Agriculture:  Should this be discussed with agricultural landowners by inviting them to a meeting.  After that meeting the Board could discuss whether or not to draft an agricultural overlay zone.  
·       Open Space and Scenic Resources:  The Board should meet with the Conservation Commission to do some fact finding.  Mr. Frizzell noted that the 10% Change Tax that goes to the Conservation Commission would otherwise go toward property taxes.  Last years Town Report indicates that the Conservation Commission did not receive a substantial amount of money from the Change Tax.  Mrs. Stewart is aware of two landowners that did not pay a Change Tax and asked when it is assessed.  Mr. Frizzell explained the process used.  Mr. Edkins noted that it is usually picked-up when a Building Permit is issued for land that is in Current Use or if the property is sub-divided off and no longer eligible for Current Use; it is done through the Selectboard Office.           
·       Open Space and Scenic Resources:  How will parcels of land be identified to protect because of important cultural, ecological, historical, scenic or recreational value.  Mr. Frizzell feels this is the time to do this because they do not know what the future holds.  Mrs. Francis said everything she reads points to growth in this area.  It was suggested that the Historical Society and Conservation Commission be invited to attend a meeting to work toward developing an inventory.  
·       Open Space & Scenic Resources:  Inventory town’s scenic views.  Mrs. Francis suggested seeking assistance from the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission (UVLSRPC) to work toward protecting and evaluating the scenic views such as the road between North Walpole and Charlestown (it is incredible) especially with the view of Mt. Ascutney and Great Meadow.  Mr. Frizzell said if the wires by Putnam’s Farm did not criss-cross the road it would improve the view.  Various country views in town were noted.  Once spectacular views are gone, they are gone.  
·       Open Space & Scenic Resources:  Maintain, expand town trail system.  There was discussion about meeting with the Conservation Commission.  There would be a need for volunteers; a suggestion was made to contact SCA.    
Ms. Fellows left the meeting at this time.
·       Wildlife & Rare Plants:  Develop a natural resources inventory to identify habitats and travel corridors.  Mrs. Francis added a study of wetlands and vernal pools. Survey and map invasive plants.  A good project for volunteers.  
·       Wildlife & Rare Plants – Find photo identification of invasive species common in Charlestown.  Mrs. Francis noted that DES has done this; she passed around a booklet that is available.  If the town had something like this to put on the bulletin boards and distribute it would be helpful.  Mr. Frizzell explained that he raises his own straw to avoid the seeds that are in regular straw when bought.   
·       Water Quality - Create a Steep Slopes District.  It was suggested that Mr. Edkins ask the UVLSRPC for model language.  Create 100’ setback along the Connecticut and Little Sugar Rivers.  Mrs. Francis suggested waiting for the new regulations that DES is working on.  Update Subdivision and Site Plan ordinances to adequately address stormwater management, erosion and sediment control.  Mrs. Francis noted that a lot is being done for this.  DES will be asked for their most recent guidance.  Mr. Edkins is beginning to get information on the updates.
·       Water Quality – Require erosion and sediment control plans for logging and land clearing operations.  Mrs. Francis said the BMPs or Best Management Practices are on their way.  Update guidelines for Watershed Zone; it would be a way to up-date town ordinances.    
·       Wetlands – Conduct inventory of wetlands and vernal pools.  Incorporate wetlands information into site plan and subdivision ordinances to consider landscape context.
·       Floodplains – Modify ordinance to discourage development in 100-year flood plan.  Mr. Edkins explained that there are several major discrepancies between the FEMA floodplain maps and the town maps.  He talked to the UVLSRPC about it.  There will be issues if the Planning Board starts to regulate those areas.    
·       Groundwater– Minimize impermeable surfaces and provide on-site stormwater treatment in new developments. Avoid contamination of wellhead areas.  Revise site plan and subdivision regulations to prohibit discharge of toxic or hazardous substances.  
·       Best Management Practices – Road salting and snow dumping.  Mr. Edkins explained that the town is now using a different product to melt the sidewalks to help preserve the trees but it is more expensive.  Erosion controls for road maintenance.  Mrs. Francis said there is a lot of material available; she would like to be sure the Highway Department had the most up-to-date information on road maintenance.
Mrs. Francis asked the Board to review this.  Because there are several items that could be started with the Conservation Commission, there was a consensus of the Planning Board to have Mr. Edkins invite them to attend a Joint Meeting on February 5th.  Mr. Edkins noted that the UVLSRPC does not charge for material in their possession but when asked to develop something new there would be a charge for that service.        

Mr. Edkins received the following correspondence:
·       The Spring Planning and Zoning Conference will be held on Saturday, April 26th, 2008.

Terms of Office:  The Planning Board terms of office for Gail Fellows (one year) and Bob Frizzell and Kennith Champney (three years) will expire this year.  The dates for filing are from Wednesday, January 23rd through Friday, February 1st, 2008.

Enforcement Issues:  The Board discussed the Kurt Frazier matter of processing and selling wood.  There was a consensus to have Mr. Edkins write Mr. Frazier a letter advising that the Planning Board feels he is in violation and ask him to submit a Site Plan Review application.    
Next Meeting:  The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at 7:00 PM.

There being no other business, Mr. Poisson moved for adjournment.  Mrs. Ferland seconded the motion, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM.

Respectfully submitted,                         Minutes Filed: 1-18-08
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the February 5th, 2008, Planning Board meeting.)