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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/06/2011

Town of Buxton
Minutes for July 6, 2011 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Beverly Gammon

Members Present:  Peter E. W. Burns, Robert C. Libby, Jean C. Harmon, Clifford L. Emery, Dianne M. Senechal.

Others Present:  Mike Grovo, Jack Hanna

Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
  • Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.

  • Pledge of Allegiance

  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 29, 2011.
Approved 3-0-2.  Robert C. Libby and Jean C. Harmon were absent last week.

  • Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
At 1:30 this afternoon the Selectmen met with people from Maine D. O. T. regarding the Urban Compact Areas.  This concerned Route 4A from Rote 202 to the bridge and Route 112 from the light at Route 202 to 4A.  The State will turn 1.76 miles of roadway over to the Town.  This will not happen until next year.  In the meantime our Public Works Director will meet with D.O.T. and they will check the roads and discuss what improvements may need to be made between now and then.

The Selectmen took the opportunity to talk about the sidewalk on 4A.  They were told they can do something on their own or there is a new program starting that might allow the Town to enter into a joint venture with the State where the Town would pay a portion of the cost.  The Board will look into it.
At 6:00 Chief Grovo met with the Board to discuss some different items.

At 6:21 the Board went into Executive Session pursuant to M.R.S.A. 405(b)(f) to discuss confidential records.  They came out of the Executive Session at 6:40 p.m.

The Selectmen had some discussion about a new Warrant numbering issue that they are working their way through since going to the new TRIO software.

  • Review of Correspondence
  • Email from Laura Veilleux at Maine Municipal – Re:  A message from Governor LePage ordering Flags to be flown at Half-Staff on July 9th.

  • Review of Projects and Issues
Selectman Libby said he enjoyed the nice, long weekend.
Selectman Harmon attended the Recount vote last Tuesday and met with D.O.T. this afternoon.  She said the Selectmen expressed their concerns and told D.O.T. that they would like to have had a “heads up” on the resurfacing that was just done.  
Selectman Harmon said we are live with Trio, our new software.  There are some glitches that the Board hopes to get resolved.  There are two Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrant numbers because we ended one fiscal year and started a new one.  The Board hopes that everything will be going smoothly within the next month.
Last week Selectman Emery spent time down on the Urban Compact Area to get a look at the road.  He wrote a letter outlining issues for the Board to discuss with D.O.T. because he was unable to attend the meeting.
Selectman Emery represented the Town in an Appeals Board decision on a variance for the addition to Berry Library.  He thought the meeting went well and the Appeals Board did grant the 10 foot variance.  He said the Board is grateful for that.

Selectman Senechal attended the D.O.T. meeting.  She said the Selectmen took the opportunity to discuss the rebuild of Route 112.  Ernie Martin is the Project Manager that held the Public Hearing here in February.  They will be doing a little bit of work this fall, sending the job out for bid in August, and awarding the bid in September.  The actual rebuild will start as soon as weather allows in 2012.

  • Old Business

  • New Business

  • Executive Orders
E.O.111207003 – An order to approve John Myers’ attendance at the 2011 Election Conference.  Approved 5-0.

EO.111207004 – An order to allow Scott Camire to carry forward 40 hours of vacation time to be used before October 1, 2011.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.111207005 – An order to allow Tashia Pinkham to carry forward 21 hours of vacation time to be used before October 14, 2011.  Approved 5-0.

Following the vote, there was a brief discussion among the Selectmen regarding the carry forward.  They plan to discuss adjusting the policy concerning this at their next Workshop.  

E.O.111207006 – An order to approve 32 hours of pay in lieu of vacation time for Tashia Pinkham.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.111207007 – An order to approve 8 hours of vacation time for John Myers.  
Approved 5-0.

E.O.111207008 – An order to approve 8 hours personal time for John Myers.
Approved 5-0.

  • Executive Orders by Initiative
E.O.111207009 – An order to approve the hire of Anne T. Robishaw to the position of Administrative Assistant, effective July 6, 2011, at a rate of pay of $14.00 per hour.
Approved 5-0.

  • Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants
E.O.111207001– An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #4, and Warrant #5.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.111207002 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#0001, and Warrant #0002.  Approved 5-0.

  • Next Meeting of the Board
Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

The Selectmen will meet for a Workshop on Tuesday, July 19 at 5:30 p.m.

  • Other Business
Starting the week of July 17, 2011, there will be a change in the trash pickup schedule.  Monday’s curbside trash pickup will be changed to Tuesdays.  Those who would normally put their trash out for pickup on Monday, July 18th, will put it out on Tuesday the 19th and every Tuesday thereafter.  Please call the Transfer Station at 929-3913 if you have any questions.

The Selectmen talked about a few problems with roadside trash pickup Tuesday.  They reminded everyone that trash can b put out after 6:00 the night before but no earlier than 6:00 and asked everyone to be patient for the first couple of weeks while the crew gets used to the new route.

Selectman Burns said this is the time of year when road projects are getting done.  He urged people to be careful, watch for areas that are clearly marked with florescent orange, and signs asking drivers to slow down for speed.

  • Public Comments and Questions
Chief Mike Grovo shared information on a Scam involving Area Codes 809, 284, and 876.  He encouraged people not to call those area codes.  They are located in the Dominican Republic and if you call these area codes, you will be charged $2,425.00 per minute.  Please contact the Police Department for additional information.
Chief Grovo talked about the “Buxton Bear” making his way around Town getting into bird feeders and looking for food.  If this happens, the Wardens recommend you do not put the feeders out again because the bear will return.  Do not approach him but call the Police or the Game Wardens in Gray.  The Chief also mentioned receiving calls about baby raccoons.  He said don’t try to catch them.
Chief Grovo gave some statistics on calls to Dispatch.  There were 46 calls about animals in May, and 62 in the first three weeks of June.  He spoke briefly about the Grant for the OUI patrol that gives the police extra hours for patrol.  He said that different areas and days will be targeted.  
Selectman Harmon thanked the Narragansett Number One Foundation for the significant number of Grants received for the Town.  Pleasant Point received another $10,000 Grant for the second phase of their Archaeological Dig and we have received Gants for Keep the Heat On, Buxton Toy Box, shelving units for our safe, and others totaling close to $40,000 for the Town.

  • Executive Session  

  • Adjournment
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting at 7:39 p.m.
Approved 5-0