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Board of Selectmen Minutes 02/09/2011
Town of Buxton
Minutes for February 9, 2011 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Beverly Gammon

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Peter E. W. Burns, Clifford L. Emery, Dianne M. Senechal.  Robert C. Libby is absent.

Others Present:  Chief Mike Grovo, Dave Harmon, Dan & Olive Collomy, Steve Anthony, and Dennis Sweatt.

Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
  • Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m.

  • Pledge of Allegiance

  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Selectmen Meeting Minutes January 26, 2011.
Approved 4-0-1.  Robert C. Libby is absent this evening

Selectman Harmon noted there was no meeting on February 2, 2011.  The Selectmen closed the Town Office in the interest of safety for residents and staff during the snow storm.

  • Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
At 5:30 the Board had Tashia Geaumont come in to go over some of the budget items she had.  The Board asked questions in regards to software and increasing her hours.

At 6:00 the Board met with the Budget Committee to introduce some of their new members, to get them to have their organizational meeting, elect their Chair and Vice Chair, and to have a brief discussion about the Board’s expectations for this year.  They discussed how they want to handle incoming budgets and some of the capital items they may see coming from some of the Department Heads.

At 6:30 the Buxton-Hollis Historical Society did a presentation on the re-purposing of the Hanson School.  They are doing this again next week at 6:30 at the Hanson School.  At that time they will give people an opportunity to ask questions.  They are asking for citizen support and asking the Board to reconsider telling the school they did not want the building.  They want to save the building and use it.

  • Review of Correspondence
  • Email from Stephen E. Nichols – Re:  Community Matters More.
  • Email from Bill Southwick – Re:  Keeping Neighbors Warm Program temporarily out of funds.
  • Email from Chris Lockwood at Maine Municipal Association – Re:  MMA 75th Anniversary Photo Contest.
  • Email from Joe Young at Maine State Planning Office – Re:  Risk Map Meeting February 10, 2011.
  • Email from Melissa Brandt with York County Soil & Water Conservation District – Re:  Natural Resource Issue Meeting Update.
  • Email from Saco River Cable Committee – Re:  CALM Bill.
  • Email from Saco River Cable Committee – Re:  SRC-TV.

  • Review of Projects and Issues
Selectman Burns reported he attended the January 31 Selectmen’s Workshop.  The following day he attended the Town Lawyer’s luncheon, and on February 3 he attended the SAD 6 Budget Meeting.  The next Budget Meeting will be held on February 17.  Selectman Burns read the rules of the SAD 6 Budget Committee Meetings, and encouraged people to attend.  

Selectman Burns said the Town’s contract with MUNIS is coming due so the Board is looking at MUNIS again and also looking at what TRIO has to offer.  He attended their presentation today and was impressed with what he saw.

Selectman Emery said he has been in the office, keeping up with mail and with all that is going on.  He said the Highway Department has done an exceptional job; the roads have looked great.  He said the employees of the Town have really stepped up and he is proud of them.

Selectman Senechal said she heard from a resident who said West Buxton has been cleaned up exceptionally well.

Selectman Senechal reported she and several of the Selectmen attended the recent meeting put on by the Comprehensive Plan Committee.  She also attended the Selectmen’s Workshop on January 31.  She said the Board discussed a lot of items as they are preparing for the next budget session.

Selectman Harmon reported on the Beginning with Habitat presentation, the Selectmen’s Workshop, and items the Board discussed.  She said the Board talked about closing the office on February 2nd.  It was a difficult decision but it was made in consideration of the best interests of the public and our employees.

Selectman Harmon has been in the office working on budgets, and trying to get things going.  She talked about MUNIS, and the TRIO software demonstration.  John Myers and Debi Rix, our Treasurer, will do a comparison for the Board to look at, and a presentation to the Board to let them know what the options are.

  • Old Business

  • New Business

  • Executive Orders
E.O. 101102004 – An order approving 8 hours personal time for Bruce E. Mullen.
Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.101102005 – An order approving Tashia Geaumont’s attendance at the MRPA Workshop.
Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.101102006 – An order approving an Application for a Veteran Exemption for [Map 2 Lot 89A-2].
Approved 4-0-1.

  • Executive Orders by Initiative

  • Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants
E.O.101102001 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #32-11.
Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.101102002 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.101102003 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant #32A-11.
Approved 4-0-1.

  • Next Meeting of the Board
Planning Board Meeting Monday, February 14, 2011, at 7:00 p.m.

Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, February 16, 2011, at 7:00 p.m.

  • Other Business
Selectman Harmon commented on the Historical Society presentation.  She said there is no land that comes with the Hanson building because that acreage was needed to build the new school.  She said another condition the Planning Board put on the District was that they, the applicant, have to come back to the Planning Board to present any future uses of that building.  

Selectman Emery added comments and the Board discussed owning the building without land, use limitations and restrictions that go with that, and who should make the decision.

  • Public Comments and Questions
Dennis Sweatt talked about his concerns with the Hanson school building.  He said it is a sick building and, questioned the value of a building with no land.  He is also concerned about fund raising to earn money at a time when everyone is having a tough time, mold in the building and lead paint problems that are costly to take care of.
Mr. Sweatt asked the Selectmen about a machine so residents could pay their taxes with credit cards.  Selectman Harmon said the Town already has the machine through InforME and the State.  People can pay taxes and register motor vehicles using a credit card.  There is an additional fee for using it.
Chief Mike Grovo shared information about the Police Department.  He has hired one new dispatcher, two reserve dispatchers, and James Bradbury who is a full time Patrol Officer hired to replace officers we lost within the past two years.  
Chief Grovo reported that progress is being made on the Hannaford armed robbery. Officer Vaughn Staples arrested four juveniles who were involved in the burglary at Living Waters Christian Church last Thanksgiving. They have been charged with felony convictions and other misdemeanor offenses.

Chief Grovo reported that the department handled 1,150 complaints in January and 269 complaints last week.
Selectman Harmon asked Chief Grovo if the Police Department has had calls from elderly folks needing help clearing snow.  He said he has found that people do not want to ask.  He said people in this town have pride which is an honorable thing to have but when it becomes a necessity, they should ask for help.

  • Executive Session  

  • Adjournment
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting at 8:35 p.m.  Approved 4-0-1.