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Board of Selectmen Minutes07/28/2010
Town of Buxton
Minutes for July 28, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Beverly Gammon

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Peter E. W. Burns, Robert C. Libby, and Clifford L. Emery. Dianne Senechal was absent.

Others Present:  Daniel Collomy, Olive Collomy, Jack Hanna, Michael Grovo, Lori Anthony, Steve Anthony, and Robert Elwell.

Public Hearing – Liquor License Renewal for Skip’s Bar

Public Hearing Liquor License Renewal
Selectman Harmon read the Notice of Public Hearing and the Hearing was opened at 7:03 p.m.  

Chief Michael Grovo reported that the Police Department has seen calls increase at Skip’s Lounge going back to December 2008 to present.  Of the numerous calls, thirteen have been of serious nature involving rescues, accidents involving intoxicated people, even gun shots one night which happened when the subject left the bar and crashed across the road.  Due to the increase the police are keeping an eye on it.  Chief Grovo said he has no other issues at this time such as suspending their license, but he wants to make the Board aware the calls are increasing, they are serious in nature, and the police are watching them.  

There were no other comments from the public or the Board of Selectmen, and the Hearing closed at 7:04 p.m.

Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
  • Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Selectmen Meeting Minutes July 14, 2010.  
Approved  3-0-2.  (Selectman Emery was absent last week.  Selectman Senechal is absent this week.

  • Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
No discussions on the agenda.  Chief Grovo stopped by.  The Board met with Treasurer, Debi Rix, to go over an issue and the Selectmen had normal discussions among themselves.

  • Review of Correspondence
  • Email from Jeff Austin, Maine Municipal Association—Re: Municipal Volunteer Needed for State E-9-1-1 Council.
  • Memo from Bruce Mullen, Chief Buxton Fire & Rescue—Re: Community Days 2010.
  • Email from Maine Public Health—Re: Air Quality Alert.

  • Review of Projects and Issues
Selectman Libby reported working with Sue Myers on personal property valuations and a meeting with Police Union representatives.  He said everything is going well and it is just about wrapped up.  Selectman Harmon said they have reached a tentative agreement and it is just a matter of getting that set.

Selectman Burns reported that he went to the Weymouth Park area Friday night.  He said the weather was good, and he saw quite a few people having a good time.  He participated in the parade that lasted about one and a half hours.  He said it was good to see everybody participating and all the people on the sides of the road watching.  He thanked Tasha Geaumont and May Schumacher for all the work they did to make it a great success.

Selectman Cliff Emery reported that he contacted the representative from Wells Unlimited about filling the wells for us.  He said they have capped the well that goes to the Town Office and are working on the one at Public Works and should have that one finished by the end of this week.

Selectman Harmon reported on a meeting yesterday with the Police Union.  She said they reached a tentative agreement with Police and Dispatch.  She said they just received a draft of it, and will let our attorney know if there are any changes.  It looks exactly like what they discussed.  It will go to the Union and they will have to vote on it before it can be signed.

Selectman Harmon went to the Fireworks Saturday night.  She said the weather was good except for the fog..  She heard the parade was fabulous and that Plummer’s gathered a lot of food for the Food Pantry by pushing their carts which was very nice.  She said their fund raiser was hugely successful.

May Shumacher gave her a list of parade winners.  First Place went to Bar Mills Community Church; Second Place to Plummer’s, and Third Place to Alton Gammon.   May also wanted Selectman Harmon to report the results of the Ladies’ Pan Toss.  Rebecca Loello from Gorham won with a toss of 37'7".  

Selectman Harmon said it would be nice if people had pictures to share.

  • Old Business
Sick Bank Policy—The Board is in the process of revising it.

Tax Collector’s Job Description – The Board is in the process of reviewing.

Selectman Harmon reported the water has been tested and is now acceptable to drink.  The water tastes fine and the Board hopes this is the end of our water issues.

  • New Business

  • Executive Orders
E.O.101107018—An order to approve 40 hours of Vacation Time for Michael Grovo.
Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.101107019—An order to approve an Application for Veteran Exemption [Map 4 lot 12-8].   Approved 4-0-1.

  • Executive Orders by Initiative
E.O. 101107020 – An order to approve a Class A. Liquor License for William Ham, d/b/a Skip’s.
Approved 3-1-1.

  • Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants
E.O.101107016--An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #04-11.    Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.101107017 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#04-11.     Approved 4-0-1.

  • Next Meeting of the Board
Public Hearing on the Preliminary Draft Charter, Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, August 4, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

  • Other Business

  • Public Comments and Questions
Robert Elwell asked if there is any update on the ISO Fire Rating for Buxton.  Selectman Harmon said the Fire Chief is still working on it, and still gathering information.  It has been about a month since The Board was last updated.  Mr. Elwell asked the Board to please keep the public updated.

Robert Elwell asked how long the Recreation Director has been here and said it seems like it has turned things around.  He said he was impressed with what he saw at Community Days.  He asked about the status of the legal case against the prior Recreation Director and why it is taking so long to resolve.  Selectman Emery explained that it is in the hands of Attorney General Mark Lawrence and we have to wait for the judicial system to work.  Mr. Elwell does not want to see the case dropped and encouraged the Selectmen to keep pushing.

Chief Mike Grovo followed up with a response to Robert Elwell’s questions.  He reported that the case has been to court once and they are in the process of gathering a lot of facts and figures to prove the case.  He is hoping it will be ready to go to the Grand Jury by this fall.

Chief Grovo reported on Community Days.  He said things went smoothly from beginning to end and thanked everyone who participated including Tasha and May who spent a lot of time on it.  He thanked Public Works for fixing up the old jail.  He regrets not having it completely done for this year but said they will have it next year.  

Chief Grovo apologized for interrupting the meeting last week.  He said the storm was right on top of us and we took a hit right after leaving the meeting.  We lost some radio equipment which Maine Radio is now working on.  The police had to shut down Webster Road where the tornado started and then went through Gorham.  There was a lot of damage.  They are still cleaning up and the Chief said he is thankful no one was hurt.

Steve Anthony questioned the Board about the Police Department negotiations and wanted to know if the draft agreement is available for the public to review.  Selectmen Harmon explained that the agreement is in draft form and is not available for the public to review until after the union agrees on it, and it has been signed.  Mr. Anthony wanted to know if it makes allowance to give members of the Union and Police Department a raise for this fiscal year.  Selectman Emery responded saying they cannot legally release any information on the contract until it is signed.  The negotiations have been done in Executive Session and may not be discussed until the agreement is signed and becomes public.  

Steve Anthony asked Selectman Emery if he would care to comment on how he may have voted on the order to appoint Cyrus McCall if he had been at the meeting last week.  Mr. Emery said the Board talked about it and it is going to come back to the floor.

Mr. Anthony asked if the old antenna is going to be available for sale to the public.  Selectman Harmon said the Board is not sure what they will do with it just yet.

Selectman Cliff Emery explained issues involved in the decision and why the Board feels using the tower off Route 22 and Turkey Lane, near Buxton Center, is the best and least expensive option for the Town.  A lengthy discussion followed.  Mr. Anthony asked if maintenance costs will be included.  Selectman Emery said there should be minimal maintenance unless there is some freak accident that causes damage.  He assured Mr. Anthony that some amount of money will have to be budgeted for it.  

Mr. Anthony asked if the Mill Rate has been set.  Selectman Libby said it has not.  He reported that the Homestead Exemption has decreased from $13,000 to $10,000 which has put an extra load on.  He expects the Rate to be set sometime in mid-August.

Steve Anthony shared his opinions on the suggestion to change the Recreation Director to Parks and Recreation Director.  Selectman Harmon explained this was the Director’s discussion with the Board.  She said the Board has not had an in-depth discussion about it.  Mr. Anthony said he thinks the Board may not have the authority to change the position because it was created by secret ballot.  

Selectman Cliff Emery excused himself from the meeting to attend visiting hours for Mrs. Shores.

Daniel Collomy talked about painting the light poles in the parking lot.  He also painted some of the concrete bases out back that looked bad but he ran out of paint.  He is going to volunteer his time to paint the other three.  

Robert Elwell asked if the Public Hearing on the Proposed Draft Charter will be the last one before the vote.  Dan Collomy explained the procedure.  First there is a public hearing on the preliminary draft to take public opinions and comments.  The Committee decides if they want to adopt changes or not.  They create a final plan, hold another Public Hearing, then the vote.

Robert Elwell also commented that changing Recreation Director to Parks and Recreation may create a conflict with the Director and Trustees.  Selectman Harmon said that is part of the discussion the Board will have.  Selectman Libby explained the change was requested so that everything could be done through one central person.

  • Executive Session

  • Adjournment
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m.   
Approved 3-0-2.