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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/30/10
Town of Buxton
Minutes for June 30, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Beverly Gammon

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Robert C. Libby, Clifford L. Emery and Dianne Senechal.  Peter E. W. Burns was absent.

Others Present:  Michael Grovo, Daniel Collomy, Olive Collomy, Peter Pinkham, Christina Senechal, and Keith Emery

Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
  • Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

  • Pledge of Allegiance

  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 23, 2010.  Approved 3-1-1 (Selectman Burns was absent)

  • Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
At 5:15 the Selectmen met with Greg Heffernan.  They were in Executive Session from 5:20 p.m. through 5:50 p.m. pursuant to 1 MRSA, 4056A, regarding a personnel issue.

At approximately 6:00 p.m. the Selectmen met with a resident regarding a property tax issue.

Patrick Bonsant from Saco River Cable TV came in to take a photo of the Board but was unable to do so because they were not all present.  He has a grant from Narragansett Number One Foundation to document the history of Buxton so he took the opportunity to chat with the Selectmen to find out who knows the most about the history of the Town.

  • Review of Correspondence
  • Email from Tony Vigue, Saco River Cable Committee—Re: Cable Franchise Agreement  Ascertainment Report & Vision Plan
  • Email from the Maine Commission for Community Service—Re: Service Project in honor of the 9/11 Day of Service & Remembrance.
  • Email from Denise Koireg, Maine Municipal Association—Re: 2010 Maine Town & City Clerks’ Association Award
  • Email from Grant Writing USA—Re: Grant Writing Workshop
  • Email from Laura Veilleux, Maine Municipal Association—Re: Legislative Policy Committee ballots.
  • Email from Laura Veilleux, Maine Municipal Association—Re: Governor’s Order for flags to be flown at half-staff, July 2, 2010.
  • Email from Ellen Heath, Maine Department Health & Human Services—Re: General Assistance Program Hotline not available Monday, July 5, 2010.
  • Email from a Buxton resident—Re: Comments about the Town Web Site.

  • Review of Projects and Issues
Selectman Libby reported he has been busy reviewing an unusual amount of correspondence.  He has also been working on the Police contract.

Selectman Emery said after discussions last week, he met with Doug Wright from Wells Unlimited.  The water problem worsened and the decision was made to go ahead and splice into the Public Works well.  He said the ditch has been dug and as soon as the parts arrive they will connect the line.  He is confident this will be finished in the next couple days and will supply the Transfer Station and the Town Office with pure drinking water.

Selectman Senechal reported she met with the Fire Chief this past week to learn more about how the department works.  The Chief is working on three grants for Thermal Imaging Cameras.  The one they have now is about ten years old.  The cameras cost $10,000-$12,000 each.  The Chief told her the Association plans on doing a fund raiser at Buxton Community Days.

Selectman Senechal will do a walk through the EMA building next week.

She said that Buxton will host General Assistance Training July 12, 2010.  Surrounding towns have been invited and it looks like we will have a record-breaking turnout with 15-20 people.  Jean Harmon and Dianne Senechal plan to attend as well.  Selectman Senechal said this is the first time the Town has a fully trained General Assistance Appeals Officer.

Selectman Harmon reported that she was notified the water coming out of the faucets at the Town Office had turned to a brown color.  Tapping into the Public Works well had been discussed as an option.  The Town Office uses the most water because it has the largest number of employees present during the day, so it was necessary to make a decision to fix the problem as quickly as possible.  If tapping into the Public Works well does not solve the problem, it may be necessary to drill a new well but she reported the Selectmen are confident that what they have done will work, and will supply enough water for the Transfer Station, Town Office and the Public Works buildings.

Selectman Harmon also reported that negotiations are ongoing with the Police Union.  They met today to go over the contract.  It has not been settled yet but they are hopeful it will be settled soon.

  • Old Business
Sick Bank Policy – A work in progress.  The Board will workshop at the beginning of July.

Water quality issues—The Selectmen hope to report next week that what they have done has been successful.

  • New Business
Selectman Harmon said the Buxton Charter Commission has given the Selectmen their preliminary report ahead of the July 15 schedule.  They are planning to put this on the ballot in November.  More information will be coming on that.  Tonight, the Board discussed granting an extension of time to give them time to complete all of the requirements.

Selectman Senechal said the Charter Commission is proposing a Public Hearing Thursday, July 29, 2010.  She said it will be posted shortly at the normal sites.  There will be a preliminary Charter available at libraries, and other buildings around Town.  Copies will also be available at the Town Office.

  • Executive Orders
E.O.091006030 – An order to appoint Susan L. Myers to the position of Tax Collector at a rate of $17.03 per hour, effective July 1, 2010.   
Approved 4-0-1.
E.O.091006031—An order to approve 32 hours vacation time to be in the form of pay for Tasha Geaumont.
Approved 4-0-1.
E.O.091006032—An order to allow Tasha Geaumont to carry forward 12 hours of vacation time to be used before October 14, 2010.
Approved 4-0-1.
E.O.091006033—An order to approve 32 hours of vacation time for Fred Farnham.
Approved 4-0-1.
E.O.091006034—An order to approve Beverly Gammon’s attendance at the MMA Health Trust Administrative Workshop.
Approved 4-0-1

Selectman Emery asked a question about the order to allow 32 hours vacation time in the form of pay for an employee.  He asked if that creates 53 weeks.  Selectman Harmon said it does and noted that this has been allowed for other employees.  Selectman Emery asked if this was the intent of the policy.  He said the Personnel Policy does allow it but he is concerned that money may not have been budgeted for the extra week of pay.  The Selectmen agreed they should discuss the policy some more.

  • Executive Orders by Initiative
E.O.091006035—An order to grant an extension of time to the Buxton Charter Commission until June 15, 2011 to meet the requirements of 30-A, MRSA, Section 2103.
Approved 4-0-1.

  • Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants
E.O.091006028 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #53-10.  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.091006029 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#53-10.  Approved 4-0-1.

  • Next Meeting of the Board
Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

  • Other Business
A reminder that State Offices will be closed Friday, July 2, 2010 for5 a shut down day and Monday, July 5, 2010 to observe the 4th of July holiday.

The Buxton Town Office will be closed Monday, July 5, 2010, and the Transfer Station will be closed Tuesday, July 6, 2010 in observance of the July 4th holiday.

  • Public Comments and Questions
Olive Collomy said the baseball game between Skip’s and Buxton Tavern earned $221.  Another game is scheduled for July 11, 2010.  The rain date is July 18.  Sign up is at 10:00 a.m. and the game starts at 11:00 a.m. in Groveville.

She asked who updates the information and notices on the Cable Channel and Selectman Harmon said Saco River Cable is responsible for that.

Olive Collomy said the Car Wash raised approximately $142 for the Food Co-op.

She closed by saying she hopes people will get a copy and study the proposed new Charter.

Police Chief Grovo reported there were no issues or problems when the Outlaws recently came to Town.  He said there was conversation before they came and everything went as planed.

The Chief also reported he is working on Grants.  He has a $3000 Grant now and has submitted a Grant for $2015 for two new Tasers for the patrol.  That Grant should be going in next week.  If anyone has questions, they can contact him.

  • Executive Session

  • Adjournment
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m.
Approved 4-0-1.