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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/16/2010
Town of Buxton
Minutes for June 16, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Beverly Gammon

Members Present: Jean C. Harmon, Robert C. Libby, Peter E. W. Burns. Dianne M. Senechal, Clifford L. Emery.

Others present:  Daniel Collomy, Olive Collomy, Hiram Davis, Dennis Santolucito, and Dennis Sweatt.

Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
  • Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m.

The first order of business was to elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board.

Jean C. Harmon was nominated for Chairman of the Board.  Approved 4-1

Peter E. W. Burns was nominated for Vice Chairman.  Approved 4-1

  • Pledge of Allegiance

  • Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 9, 2010.

There was discussion about who should vote to approve the minutes from the June 9, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting.  

A majority vote from the members was taken and the Minutes were approved 2-2-1

  • Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
Selectman Harmon said a resident came in to discuss the zoning map changes and the fact that they were not approved at Town Meeting. Selectman Emery said he talked with the resident and he asked if they would be interested in having an informational meeting with the gentleman from DEP.  Cliff sent the resident to Fred Farnham to see if he can set up a meeting to explain what the “no” vote would mean to people situated in those areas.  He said if residents have other pertinent questions, they can ask at the meeting.
Selectman Harmon said the Board discussed the Tax Collector position.  It was voted to change the position from an elected position to an appointed position.  The Tax Collector and Town Clerk approached her to sit down and discuss the position.  A meeting will be scheduled with them next week.  Jean said there is a job description that was originally put in place when the Tax Collector petitioned it.  She said the Board does not feel that any changes need to be made but they do want to meet and go over it.

  • Review of Correspondence

  • Memo from John Sylvester, Chairman of the Twelve Town Group-Re: Meeting for June 21, 2010, 6:30 p.m., at Waterboro Town Hall.  Peter Burns and Cliff Emery will attend the meeting.
  • Letter from Michael Robinson, Chairman of the Pleasant Point Park Committee to the Narragansett Number One Foundation-Re: grant. Chairman Harmon said the Town is very fortunate to have received several grants from the Foundation including one for Keep the Heat On, Berry Library, Buxton Food Pantry, Community Days for fireworks, and others.  She thanked the Foundation for their generosity,
  • Thank You note from Chad Poitras and everyone at Dennett, Craig, and Pate Funeral Home- Re: assistance with traffic control for a large funeral on June 11, 2010.
  • E mails from Tony Vigue, Saco River Cable Committee-Re: ongoing correspondence on the Franchise Agreement.  Selectman Burns said the next meeting will be on June 28 or 29.  He will keep the Board updated.
  • Letter from Fred Farnham, Code Enforcement Officer to Terry Bogden, FEMA-Re: new Flood Maps for Bonny Eagle Pond.  Fred is working with FEMA to make sure the changes accurately depict the actual conditions.
  • Email from an official at Maine Municipal Association-Re: The Elected Officials Workshop on June 17, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Express in Saco.  Peter Burns and Dianne Senechal will attend.
  • Email from Maine Commission for Community Service-Re: search for volunteer with emergency management expertise.
  • Email from John Myers, Town Clerk-Re: changes in property tax due dates.  The first half will be due October 20 with interest starting on November 1.  The second half is due on April 20 with interest starting on May 1.
  • Email from Congresswoman Chellie Pingree-Re: getting capital to Maine’s small businesses
  • Email from Representative Rob Hunt-Re: Question #1.  The voters repeal tax reform law.
  • Review of Projects and Issues
Selectman Libby said he thinks the Town Meeting went well.  He said every budget article passed as written. He hopes it shows confidence in the Select Board that they are doing the right thing.
Peter Burns said he was pleased with the vote.  He said there were 1957 people who voted and Town Meeting was well attended.  He estimated between 80-100 people there at any given time.  Mr. Burns reported he has been working on some revisions in the Franchise Agreement with Saco River Cable Committee.
Selectman Emery said he thought Town Meeting was well attended.  He said it was a good demonstration of how Town Government works and showed that if you show up with enough voice, you can get things done.
Selectman Diane Senechal thanked people who supported her.  She said is going to be at the Town Office by 10:30 every day.  She said has been training the new Selectmen’s Assistant and is pleased with how it is going.
Selectman Senechal reported she has been looking into Energy Grants that may be available.  She talked with people from surrounding towns and has been in contact with a certified engineer in energy efficiency.  She said in the first round of grants 1.2 million dollars was made available, and 4.8 million in the second round.  She believes the engineer may do a free energy audit of all Town buildings.  She said this is very preliminary and she should have more information next week.  
Selectman Senechal said she is going to attend the workshop Wednesday, and attended the Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting last week.  The committee encourages people to attend their meetings if there is anything they are interested in.
Chairman Jean Harmon congratulated all Bonny Eagle High School graduates and reported that the graduation ceremony and Project Graduation went well.
Selectman Harmon said there are still issues with water quality at the Town Office.  The new filtration system took care of the arsenic but there is a high sodium content that makes the water taste very salty.  A camera was lowered into the well to look for cracks.  There were none so the explanation is that this is a natural occurrence.  They are exploring other options such as a reverse osmosis system, drilling a new well, or piping into the Public Works well.

  • Old Business
Antenna at Buxton Center ----No update.
Sick Bank Policy----The Board will have to workshop.
Water quality issues----Previously discussed.

  • New Business

  • Executive Orders
E.O.091006018—an order to approve 48 hours Vacation Leave for John Myers.
Approved  5-0.

E.O.091006019 –An order to approve Debi Rix’s attendance to a Payroll and 1099 Rules Workshop.  
Approved  5-0.

E.O.091006020 -- An order to approve an Application from Local Taxation for the Widow of a Deceased Veteran for [Map2, Lot 97].
Approved  5-0.

E.O.091006021—An order to approve the purchase of a Horizontal Baler, American Baler Model PW-3560 in the amount of $56,255.
Approved 5-0.

  • Executive Orders by Initiative

  • Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants
E.O.091006016 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #51-10.
Approved  5-0

E.O.091006017 – An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
 Approved  5-0

  • Next Meeting of the Board
Charter Commission Meeting Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
Elected Officials Workshop Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 4:30 p.m.
Twelve Town Meeting June 21, 2010, 6:30 p.m., in Waterboro
Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
Saco River Franchise Committee Meeting June 28 or 29 at 7:00 p.m. in Hollis.

  • Other Business
Selectman Senechal said Tasha Geaumont reported the “pavilion” at Town Farm Park has been completed at a significant savings for the town.  It is ready to be used now.  A wheelchair ramp will be installed.

Selectman Senechal also reported that John Myers saved the town a significant amount of money.  He purchased 10 new voting booths for $20. each on E Bay.  She said that by taking the time to go on line and search these out, John saved the town $2200.00.  Dianne said this is just another example of employees working and caring for the town.

        Public Comments and Questions
Dennis Sweatt commented that the town has to follow the State’s rules to give someone
a variance.  He asked who we should go to to make a change.  Selectman Emery said this is part of the State Statutes.  He suggested calling either the town’s attorney or officials at Maine Municipal Association which he said would not cost the town anything.

Mr. Sweatt commented on the town’s dispatch and police.  He said Windham, Falmouth and Yarmouth have gone to a central dispatch and he wants someone to give him the true amount that those towns have saved.  He said Bethel and Standish have gone to county police.  They have one officer 24/7 and he also wants to know what those towns have saved by doing that.

Mr. Sweatt shared his thoughts on the Town Meeting.  He was not happy with the 31% voter turnout.  He feels it should be 80-90 percent.  Mr. Sweatt asked questions about the water issues.  He said the town should look first at tapping into the well at the town garage if the water is good.  Cliff Emery said they had the same issue there and had to drill more than one well to get good water.  Selectman Harmon said the water at the town office has always been good.  It had not been tested in a while. When it was tested they found unacceptable arsenic levels. The new filtration system took care of the arsenic but the sodium level is still two times higher than the acceptable limit.

Denis Sweatt asked about the life of the baler that is being replaced.  Cliff Emery said it is over 15 years old, and has weakened and bulging side walls.  He said it has served the town very well but has just worn out.

Mr. Sweatt spoke about the issue of a Town Manager and said he would like to see the town continue with the Board of Selectmen as it has in the past.

Dennis Santolucito congratulated the new selectmen.  He said the election was fun, and there was high energy in the voter turnout.

Olive Collomy spoke about the senior dining every Wednesday at noon in Groveville.  She said it opens at 10:00 a.m. and people get together to play cards and chat.  The meal is $4.00, and they usually have entertainment on the first and third Wednesday of each month.  She said the food co-op is still Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Hiram Davis reflected on the Town Meeting.  He felt it really showed people how Town Government really works.  He talked about the amount of time and work it takes to get to Town Meeting each year.  He said John Myers, Town Clerk, does a tremendous amount of work and he listed many others who worked so hard to get things ready and conduct the meeting that day.  Mr. Davis expressed appreciation for all the volunteers and he wanted the Selectmen to know how much Police Chief Grovo did to help at Town Meeting.  Chief Grovo intended to go home at noon but volunteered to stay and work on his own time long after he should have gone home.

Chairman Harmon agreed and said most people do not realize how much it takes and how many people volunteer to make the Town Meeting come together.

  • Executive Session

  • Adjournment
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 p.m.  
Approved  5-0