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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11/19/08
Town of Buxton
Minutes for November 19, 2008 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Dianne Senechal

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Clifford L. Emery, Robert C. Libby, Daniel T. Collomy and Linda W. Pulsoni.

Others Present:  Dennis Sweatt, Keith Emery, Steve & Lori Anthony, Carol Sanborn, May Schumcher, Larry Miller, Patrick Bonsant, Robert Elwell, Rob Hunt, Peter Pinkham & John Dunnell

Public Hearing – 7:00 p.m.

Liquor License renewal for Kevin and Sundae Fallen, The Roost, Inc. DBA Personal Touch Catering

Selectman Harmon read the Notice of Public Hearing and opened the Public Hearing at 7:05 p.m.  There were no comments from the public or the Selectmen and the Meeting closed at 7:06 p.m.

Meeting Agenda

  • Call to Order.
The Meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.

2.      Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes.

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes November 12, 2008.  Approved 4-1-0.  (Selectman Emery was absent for the 11/12/08 Meeting)

  • Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. – Fred Farnham – Into Executive Session 5:38 p.m. and out at 5:58 p.m. per 1MRSA 6(A).

  • Review of Correspondence.
  • Email from Al Brockman, resident  – Re:  Town Manager
  • Email from Patrick Bonsant, Saco River Cable Manager – Re:  Installation of shielded cable
  • Email from Michael Edgecomb, Saco River Cable Committee – Re:  Franchise Agreement Expiration
  • Letter from Kelly Weymouth, resident – Re:  On going problems with SAD#6 project employees.
  • Review of Projects and Issues.
Selectmen Libby, Collomy and Pulsoni indicated it had been a quiet week for them.

Selectman Emery reported that he handled the Cable Franchise issue and an oil billing issue with Dodge Oil.

Selectman Harmon reported the CMP set the poles this week for power to the new Town Garage.  Electricity is coming tomorrow (Thursday).  Lucas Tree has been trimming the branches for the hook up tomorrow.

Selectman Harmon also stated that CMP has crews cutting branches back for the winter over the power lines beside the road and would like to remind everyone to be careful.  

Selectman Harmon also stated that notice has been given by Time Warner that there will be an increase in rates.

  • Old Business.
Selectman Harmon provided the figures for the salaries for the Police Department.  Salaries and benefits for the Police Department totals $128,607.  Warrant article money amount equals $806,578.  The benefits and salaries equal $128,607 for a total expenditure of $935,185 for the Police Department, Dispatch and Animal Control.

7.      New Business.
Applications for the Toy Box are available starting November 18.  Applications are being accepted on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

8.      Executive Orders.

E.O.080911013 – An order to approve Tashia Geaumont’s attendance to a SMART (Southern Maine Area Recreation) workshop.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.080911014 – An order to approve the ‘Carry Forward’ amount of $1,568,684.32 as shown in the Carry-Forwards FY 2008 list dated 11/19/08.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.080911015 – An order to approve 8 hours of vacation time be carried forward for Keith Emery.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.080911016 – An order to appoint Daryen Granata to the position of Reserve Police Officer effective until cancelled.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.080911017 – An order to appoint Daryen Granata to the position of Reserve Constable effective until cancelled.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.080911018 – An order to appoint Troy W. Chenard to the position of Reserve Police Officer effective until cancelled.  Approved 4-1-0 (Selectmen Harmon, Libby, Collomy & Pulsoni voted ‘yes’; selectman Emery voted ‘no’)

E.O.080911019 – An order to appoint Troy W. Chenard to the position of Reserve Constable effective until cancelled.  Approved 4-1-0 (Selectmen Harmon, Libby, Collomy & Pulsoni voted ‘yes’; selectman Emery voted ‘no’)

E.O.080911020 – An order to appoint Brad Chicoine to the position of Reserve Police Officer effective until cancelled.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.080911021 – An order to appoint Brad Chicoine to the position of Reserve Constable effective until cancelled.  Approved 5-0.

9.      Executive Orders by Initiative.

E.O.080911022 – An order to approve a liquor license renewal for Kevin and Sundae Fallen, doing business as the Roost.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.080911022 – An order to approve 24 hours of unpaid leave for Bruce Mullen.  Approved

10.     Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants.

E.O.080911011 -- An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #21-09.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.080911012 -- An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#21-09.  Approved 5-0.

  • Next Meeting of the Board.
Planning Board Meeting Monday, November 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

  • Other Business.
There will be a free Thanksgiving Dinner served at the Pythian Sisters Hall in Buxton Center on Thanksgiving Day from noon to 3:00 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.

The Town Office will be open on November 26th from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
There will be no Selectmen’s Meeting on Wednesday, November 26th or evening hours.  

The Town is looking for a new Editor for the Buxton News.  If you are interested in this position, please call the Town Office and leave your name and phone number.

  • Public Comments and Questions.
Dennis Sweatt asked why there was no light at the Korean War monument to light it up at night as it is a very pretty monument.  Selectman Libby responded that it is in the plans and they were waiting for the landscaping to be done.

Dennis stated that 7 weeks ago the Police Department was in excess of $800,000.  It was noted that the Police Department increased $78,000 last year; Dispatch increased by $54,000 and Animal Control increased by $1,000.  Dennis feels that nothing budget wise is ever turned down for the Police Department.  Dennis felt that the Town of Buxton pays a county tax and has York County Sheriff and the State Police and we pay for those services and the existing Department does not stop crime.

Dennis read a paragraph from the Gazette where Selectman Collomy stated that a Town Manager would cost $100,000 - $125,000 and the individual would need an assistant.  Dennis questioned the information as the Selectmen had stated at a prior meeting there would be no car and no assistant.  Selectman Collomy stated that he had been talking with three other towns about the size of Buxton about a Town Manager and they all had an assistant.  Dennis stated that the Selectmen needed to get the specifics about the Town Manager and all be on the same page when they are speaking to people around Town.

Dennis questioned the approval of the Liquor License for the Roost.  There was no discussion and he felt the Board had treated the application different than others that had come before the Town for renewal.  Dennis stated that in the past the Selectman had gathered stats on the other establishments and nothing was stated about the Roost.  It was stated by one of the Selectmen that the Roost was a BYOB and the patrons were not served by an individual who could monitor the amount of liquor.

Dennis felt that the Board should say the Pledge of Allegiance and he was disappointed in the response from the Board when questioned by the Chair about saying the Pledge prior to the Meeting.  Dennis felt that the Board should say the Pledge out of respect for our fallen soldiers.  Selectman Libby stated that the Board has not had a chance to discuss the issue yet.  Selectman Pulsoni was in favor of saying the Pledge of Allegiance.  Selectman Harmon stated that she had questioned the procedure several years ago.

Robert Elwell asked who had told Selectman Emery he had to say the Pledge of Allegiance as he had merely asked the prior meeting if they had seen the article about the Pledge of Allegiance at the Buxton Schools.

Robert asked about the Town Manager position.  The procedure going forward for a Town Manager was explained to Robert Elwell.  In June six members will be elected to fill the position of Charter Review Commission.  Three members will be appointed by the Selectmen.  One Selectman will serve on the Commission.  After the recommended changes have been made they will have to go to the public for public hearings and voted on by secret ballot by the people for acceptance or rejection.  Between now and June the Selectmen will get a job description together and costs associated with the position.

Robert asked about the Rescue Subscriptions and if the Program was making money.  He said that it was his understanding that after the Program had been operation for a couple of years the Selectmen would review it and maybe the cost would be reduced.  Also could the Town send out applications for renewals instead of post cards?

Robert asked about the 4-1 vote on the executive order for Troy Chinard for a Reserve Officer.  Selectman Emery responded that there were some outstanding issues and he was not sure they had been resolved.  Robert also wanted to know the status of the hiring of a Police Chief.  The Selectmen are waiting for the results of a polygraph.

Robert asked about the 80 million reduction in the State Budget and how that may affect Buxton.  Is Buxton going to think about a reduction in spending next year?  It was noted that when the State does not follow through on the school spending as promised it affects the municipalities as the school will not receive the funding expected.

Robert also stated that he felt Sarah Nash had done a wonderful job preparing the Buxton News.  The Selectmen agreed that Sarah had gone above and beyond her duties keeping up with the News.  The Town is looking for a new editor for the Buxton News.

Larry Miller said that he had printed the 32 page curtailment chart that had been prepared by the Governor and his staff.  He noted there was a 31 million reduction in the Health and Human Services Department and 28 million in the school funding.  11 million would affect the community colleges.  He felt education was being hit very hard by the reductions.  Larry stated that looking forward it looks a though the State will be flat funding the school with no increase in dollars.  He also stated that the Hollis Budget Committee had sent a letter to the School District asking for a flat budget for next year.

Larry announced that next Monday night at 7:00 p.m. at the Middle School the public can give input about the upcoming budget.

Larry questioned the ‘Carry Forwards’ that were handled during the Selectmen’s Meeting.  Larry had concerns about the amount that was left after the bond for the new Town Garage.  Approximately $175,000 was carried forward and Larry wanted to know why.  Selectman Harmon presented several instances where and why the money was being carried forward.  Larry wanted to know how much money was allowed to lapse and go into the general fund.  Larry indicated that he felt there was no discipline in the amount of money that was carried forward.

Larry asked about the progress on the Audit for the last fiscal year.  Selectman Harmon stated that the Auditors were coming in on Thursday.

Larry asked if the Buxton News could be put on the Town’s website.  It will be added.

Larry Miller stated that he felt the Board of Selectmen should act as a Board and not individually.  He cited the recent news articles.  He also said that the Board should not influence the public when they are speaking to reporters and they should not try to defeat the process in the media.

Larry also felt that last week inappropriate language was used at the Meeting and it should not be allowed at a public meeting.  He felt that kids should be encouraged to watch meetings and better language should be used.  He was disappointed that the Chair did no restrain the speakers at the podium for the use of their language.  Selectman Harmon stated that it is hard to cut some one off at it is a general forum for the public to express their views at the meeting.  There are many times when she has to use restraint.

May Schumacher said that she would like to have the Pledge of Allegiance said and that is why she brought her son to the meeting?  She supports the Wreaths Across America and read a letter about the program.  The wreath ceremony will take place on Saturday, December 13 at noon.  There are 430 Veterans in So. Buxton Cemetery and 130 wreaths were placed last year.  The cut off date the purchase a wreath is next Wednesday, November 26.

Keith Emery asked about the name of the soldier to be placed on the Town sign.  He said he was at Aubuchon Hardware and they want the name to also welcome the person home.  Selectman Harmon stated she had the name and it will be placed on the sign.

Keith asked who Dan Collomy had spoken with about the Town Manager position and he hope that he had gone to MMA to give information.  Keith also stated that the Board should all get on the same page.

Keith reminded every one that he wished people that walked their dogs would pick up after their dogs beside the road.

Robert Elwell stated that he felt the Budget Committee does a good job and the Selectmen do a good job with the budget, but he would like to see both sides get together and come up with one figure on the Warrant.  He wants agreement rather than three different costs.

Carol Sanborn congratulated Selectman Pulsoni for agreeing to say the Pledge of Allegiance.  Carol said she never once used the word patriotism or that the Board was not patriotic if they did not say the pledge.  She feels it is out of respect for the flag and the freedoms we have.  She stated she was sorry that when she was on the Board they did not say the Pledge of Allegiance.  Selectman Libby stated that he feels the Town has placed flags throughout the Town and people have to be careful before attacking people personally.

Larry Miller responded to Robert Elwell in that the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee do work together and the law requires the Budget Committee and the Board to show figures separately.  One cannot control the other and it is sometimes useful to have a difference.

Peter Pinkham stated that he did not realize what he had said last week and apologized.  In regard to the Rescue Subscription reminders, there are some elderly people in Town that cannot get to the Town office to sign up.  Could the forms be on line or sent.

Steve Anthony stated that he was not pleased with the Town Manager situation.  In the past if a petition did not have enough signatures, it was a no.  He felt the Board had moved forward with something the majority did not want.  Selectman Emery stated that all five members of the Board agreed to put the Town Manager question before the voters.

Steve stated that in the past the Board had changed the Charter and wanted to know why that could not be done now and do away with the Charter Commission.  Selectman Collomy stated that the Selectmen could suggest amendments, but could not change the Charter.  Again six individuals must be elected and three will be appointed.

Steve Anthony stated that several days during the installation of the Town Garage roof the insulation was exposed and moisture was absorbed under the roof.  He stated mold would appear.  Steve would like to have the job super check into the insulation issue and assure the community that we have not allowed mold to happen.

Steve questioned Selectman Emery’s approval of the liquor license for the Roost.  Selectman Emery stated that no one had brought any incidents forward that there were any issues at the Roost.

Rob Hunt the new legislator representing part of the Town of Buxton introduced himself.  He stated that he realizes that the budget issues he is facing this term are going to be tough.  Rob can be reached by email at

  • Executive Session.

  • Adjournment.
Motion made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting at 9:10 p.m.  Approved 5-0.