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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/07/08
Town of Buxton
Minutes for May 7, 2008 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Dianne Senechal

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Clifford L. Emery, Daniel T. Collomy and Linda W. Pulsoni.

Others Present:  Olive Collomy, L. Miller, Dennis Santolucito, Keith Emery, Dennis Sweatt, Peter Pinkham, Chris Waterman and Dave Harmon.

Business Meeting Agenda

1.      Call to Order.

The Meeting was called to order at 7:22 p.m.

2.      Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes.

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes April 30, 2008.  Approved 4-0-1.

3.      Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m. – Bill Hoffman – discuss Public Works Garage

6:00 p.m. – Ron Smith – discuss accounting issues.  Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. 405 (6) (A) to discuss a personnel issue 6:22 – 7:04 p.m.

4.      Review of Correspondence.

·       Email from Patrick A. Bonsant, Manager – Saco River Community Television – Re:  April News from the Community Television
·       Email from Student Kimberly Dubois – Re:  Raising money to send local WW II veterans to Washington D C to see the WWII Memorial
·       Two Legislative Updates from Representative Don Morean – Re:  State legislative issues
·       Email from Kate Dufour, Maine Municipal – Re:  LD2080 An Act to Better Coordinate and Reduce the Cost of the Delivery of State and County Correctional Services
·       Letter from Michele Merwin – Re:  Community Food Co-Op

5.      Review of Projects and Issues.

Selectman Collomy reported that all of the restrooms in the Administration area have had the floors tiled.  Tiling is now being done in the Police Station.

Selectman Emery stated that he is looking at Town buildings which may need some interior painting.  He also has had some Cable TV issues that he handled this week.

Selectman Harmon reported that there will be a public hearing on the Standish boat launch site on May 15 at 6:00 p.m.

6.      Old Business.


7.      New Business.

8.      Executive Orders.

E.O.070805003 – An order to approve 24 hours of vacation time for Greg Heffernan.  
Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.070805004 – An order to approve an Application for Veteran Exemption for
[Map 2, Lot 69B].  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.070805005 – An order to approve an Application for Veteran Exemption for
[Map 15, Lot 16].  Approved 4-0-1.

9.      Executive Orders by Initiative.

E.O.070805006 – An order to accept the resignation of Brian Gains as a member of the Budget Committee effectively immediately.  Approved 4-0-1.

10.     Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants.

E.O.070805001 -- An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #45-08.  Approved 4-0-1.

E.O.070805002 -- An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#45-08.  Approved 4-0-1.

11.     Next Meeting of the Board.

Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
MSAD #6 budget meeting May 8th at the Middle School at 7:00 p.m.
Planning Board Meeting Monday, May 12, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

12.     Other Business.

Reminder that Tuesday, May 13 is voting day for the school budget.  The polls open at 6:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m.

Selectmen Harmon and Emery read the non-budgetary articles that are on the 2008 – 2009 Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting.

13.     Public Comments and Questions.

Larry Miller thanked the Selectmen for allowing him to sit in on a portion of the Meeting with the Town’s Auditor, Ron Smith.  Larry stated that it was his understanding that the Recreation Accounting is not yet finished and he has been informed that it is a work in progress.  Larry said that he looks at accounts to see if they tell a story.  It is his understanding that dollar adjustments will be made and that they amounts are not yet accurate and would be interested in final results.  Larry wanted to know the answer to three questions:

1)      If there has been a date set for the final answer for accounting accuracy;
2)      How the function is being managed;
3)      How are fees going to be collected

Selectman Harmon stated that a date for getting the accounting done was not discussed.  She assured Larry that the Selectmen want the matter resolved as quickly as possible.  Selectman Harmon said that the Auditors will be working with Chris and another meeting will be set up.  A letter from the Town Treasurer has gone out to start the collection process.

Dennis Sweatt wanted to know if the Recreation Director worked 5 days per week.  He stated that he could come to the office three weeks in a row and never find the Recreation Director.

Dennis voiced his concern over the amount of the bids and if the Selectmen were going to ask the residents for more money to build the public works garage.  The Selectmen said “no”.  Dennis stated that the last meeting he attended Deluca and Hoffman said the bids were 20% less than the price of the building.  Dennis said the cost has jumped from 1.8 to 2.1 million.

Dennis asked the status of a Town Manager position and if a petition was turned in.  The Selectmen said no papers had been turned in.

Dennis questioned the budget and if the Budget Committee had agreed with the Selectmen on the various budgets.  There were areas that differed in some of the budgets.  For example, the increase for employee salaries, dental insurance and a vehicle for the Fire Chief were some areas of difference.  .

Dennis also wanted to know if a question could be placed on the ballot that would require a certain percentage of voters to vote on an article if the item had a benchmark of maybe $500,000 in cost.

Keith Emery asked if the work done by the Auditors on the Recreation Department was under contract or was it an hourly fee.  The Selectmen stated that it may be partly under contract and some hourly costs.

Larry Miller asked if the work that was being done now for Recreation should have been done during the audit.  Larry pointed out the differences between the Selectmen and the Budget Committee on the Warrant Articles.

Selectman Harmon mentioned earlier in the Meeting that the Selectmen may be meeting Monday in Executive Session.  Larry questioned what the subject of the Meeting would be on Monday and was told that it would be a personnel matter.

Larry Miller asked if the Meeting with the lowest bidders on the Public Works Garage would be open to the public to attend or would it be limited to the Selectmen and the Building Committee.  It may be a closed door meeting as it would be discussing negotiations and contractual.

Dennis Sweatt wanted to attend the Meeting with the contractors and did not want the Meeting on Thursday night.

Dennis Santolucito wanted to know if the Town had a plan to address the needs of the residents for the next heating season as the price of heating fuel would be much higher.

Dianne Senechal, Welfare Director stated that the Town had spent approximately $21,000 through Keep the Heat On and had increased the Welfare Budget by 40% for next year.  Additionally, Buxton could participate in Neighbors Helping Neighbors if there was a further need to assist residents with heating needs.  

14.     Adjournment.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting at 8:30 p.m.  Approved 4-0-1.